Impact of a black socialist revolution in the US?

During the first red scare in the US, the fears over socialism were not just put on the anarchists and eastern European immigrants but blacks as well. There were several black socialist organizations following the first world war period and many of the black nationalist groups had very socialist leanings.

What would have been the impact if support for socialism had grown even more popular among the black population resulting in black socialist revolutions springing up?
It's gonna be Jim Crow on steroids. Wilson's segragation of the military and civil service is not only maintained, but expanded, and you'll probably see efforts to minimize the number of African Americans allowed to carry guns. Maybe not outright racial purges, but loyalty oaths along the lines of "Have you ever been in the same room as someone who once called white people 'crackers'?"
"The strong impact of church and religion in the Negro community should not be forgotten. This is, however, only one trait of Negro conservatism. Negroes who care so much for society as to have any general political opinions at all are intent upon 'respectability' in a middle class sense. Communism is definitely not respectable in America generally or among Negroes specifically. The unpopularity of Communism in America—often reaching the pitch of actual persecution of the Communist party and its adherents—must, furthermore, be uninviting to a group like the American Negroes who know so well that they are unpopular already. As one Negro explained, 'It is bad enough being black without being black and red.' James Weldon Johnson makes this point:

"'In the situation as it now exists, it would be positively foolhardy for us, as a group, to take up the cause of Communistic revolution and thereby bring upon ourselves all of the antagonisms that are directed against it in addition to those we already have to bear. It seems to me that the wholesale allegiance of the Negro to Communistic revolution would be second in futility only to his individual resort to physical force.'

"and again:

"'... there is no apparent possibility that a sufficient number of Negro Americans can be won over to give the party the desired strength; and if the entire mass were won over, the increased proscriptions against Negroes would outweigh any advantages that might be gained. Every Negro's dark face would be his party badge, and would leave him an open and often solitary prey to the pack whenever the hunt might be on. And the sign of the times is that the hunt is not yet to be abandoned.'

"The strong 'horse sense' of this argument does not need logical demonstration. It is a foregone conclusion to even the most politically ill-equipped American Negro. Deep in the Negro mind is also a suspicion against the social evangelism of his white Communist friends. 'Even after a revolution the country will be full of crackers' is a reflection I have often met when discussing Communism in the Negro community..." Gunner Myrdal, An American Dilemma: The Negro Problem and Modern Democracy, Volume 1, p. 509.

"To many white people in America, apparently, it seems natural that they [African Americans] should turn Communist. This is, however, largely only a testimony of their own bad social conscience and of their ignorance of the Negro community."

(One might add that the Communist Party got the most African American support precisely when it was most reformist, most "respectable" and least revolutionary--in the Popular Front period of the 1930's and then again in 1941-45. Even then of course only a very small number of African Americans were party members but there was some support for the party's united-front activities.)
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