I can't help myself...

Is this from the same mind that wrote the book where the US and CS join together to fight Britain? 'Cos some of the things seem pretty similar in terms of thought.
Is this from the same mind that wrote the book where the US and CS join together to fight Britain? 'Cos some of the things seem pretty similar in terms of thought.

Hey, at least Stars and Stripes Forever didn't have Minnesota uniting with some of uber Scandinavia that manages to conquer Canada.....:rolleyes:
There's only one feasible explanation for this: this is a brilliant comedy gem, a comedy of errors. I do not believe that any human being is capable of writing a timeline this BAD.
Sometimes mankind comes up with something that makes God, the number serial killer in all of history, cry.

Then there are times that God is seriously considering having another flood just to clean house.

Occasionally God just says "Fuck it." And decides to leave humanity to their own devices for a few years (examples include: The Destruction of Atlantis, The Dark Ages, Hitler's Rise to Power, and Flashpants)

Further still God has once or twice decided to wipe everything out on the entire planet, first it was the Wood Nymphs from Planet 9 and then the Dinosaurs.

But then God looks upon the verdant green world he created for his most beloved children, humanity, and find something so sick, twisted, and vile that even Satan-nay-even Karl Rove would not take it down into the deep dank depths of Hell, a.k.a. Baltimore.

When God finds that he is at least comforted that it cannot be as profoundly idiotic as this piece of crap.


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Race riots in SWEDEN?:confused: How? Who? (brunettes vs. blonds?)

Somebody need to tell this guy not to put Magic Mushrooms on his pizza.
"Chechenya" ?! :mad: :eek: (Kind of like "Nagorno Mikzitzstan", a parody nickname I use for any obscure Caucasus or central Asian post-soviet republics... :p) And somebody obviously didn't have any f***ing idea, that the Danube doesn't even reach Ukraine, not to mention Russia or bloody old Chechniya ! :mad: Fails geography forever (but not only that)...

The 1999 events - oh dear. Space Station I ? WTF ?! (The ISS was, of course, already in orbit). Moon base ?!!! :eek: This is bukkake to no end ! :(

And I won't even dare to comment on the "Earth events" section. Interpol uniting all similiar organisations - sure, and pigs fly... :rolleyes:

I'm saving this masterpiece of unintended hilarity for my "Alternate History" folder in Favorites. :)
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... but I just can't stop laughing. You have to check this out. I found it a while back, and realized that I might as well post a link to it in here because this is such an amazing example.

I believe this was originally supposed to be Future History, but it's clearly Alternate History by now (divergence point 1998). In a nutshell, there's lot's of inconsistencies, plotholes and typos in that timeline. The list of what's done wrong there is probably endless. It's hilarious and definitely an example of how to NOT do it... :eek:


See for yourself. :D
Was everyone that naive in the 90's? Dear Lord...
Bank foreclosing on a country?

Ah, the good old days back before Iceland imploded. :(

Waterpower has always been the basis of the energy production of Québec, and now after the Hudson dam was built (2005-2033) it can be utilized even better.

You f***er! You stole that from Peter Watts! :mad:

...And frankly N'Am-Pac was about a hundred times more realistic than any country here.
Man, that is so WTF:

The victory of the Communist Party of Moon. The government of the moon= is formed of the Communist Party, Liberal Party and the minority parties.

The summer Olympics in Togo are interrupted because of a nuclear bomb that explodes on the stadium. 38 terrorist groups claim responsibility. The real one behind the bomb isn't still caught.

And how's this, before the Enron debacle:

The first gigantic scandal of the millennium is revealed: the money that Necrosoft paid disappeared into the pockets of different people of the World Government. The credibility of the World Government drops. The megacorps use the chaotic situation to their advantage and infiltrate the World Government with their own men.