How ASB is this TL

I was reading in a form when i came across this TL and i realized it was ASB but i didn't how it is. So how ASB is it?
In the Spanish Civil War, the Nationalists lose due to increased international support on the Republican’s side.

After the Third Republic of France is conquered and Vichy France created, German amphibious assaults on Spain lead to the conquering of Spain, and additionally the securing of North Africa and the Mediterranean under the Axis, making a British or American landing impossible. Additionally Germany conquers the Middle East despite the absolute risk of jihad. The Battle of Britain remains as is, and Britain remains almost isolated.

Hitler also funds Fascists in South America while allying with the Japanese. Fascist governments form in various nations in South America.

On December 7th, 1941 Southern American fascist armies, trained by Nazi troops, invade the Panama Canal. Mexico then becomes a bloody front as its neighbors are conquered.
At the same time, Japan attacks the Pacific fleet while occupying Hawaii. Wake Island, Guam, Puerto Rico, and other U.S. holdings are taken over quickly as FDR calls for a draft while quickly joining the Allies. California is embargoed by Japanese fleets. Japan decides it can hold pressure, and makes many fronts, decimating the Chinese Red Army and also conquering India decisively, while convincing fascist Afghanistan to join the Axis.
Instead of preparing for an Army landing in Algiers, America is forced to prepare for combat in South America.

In 1943, however, Admiral Yamamoto leads a coup, deciding Japan is chewing more than it can handle. Thus Japan is engulfed in Civil War, the Imperials fighting the Patriots. Allied forces take advantage of this opportunity immediately.

Stalin’s Great Purge never happens, as Stalin decides to fund nuclear research based off Einstein, who moves to USSR instead of America because it turns out he is communist. Stalin plans on making an intense weapon.
The non-aggression pact holds with Germany as the Nazi-occupied Polish front stays quiet.
However, since many “enemies of the state” weren’t killed by the NKVD, the 2nd Russian Revolution occurs in 1939. Led by powerful Leninists, Marxists, and Trotskyites, and aided by the common people, angry at the government’s control of agriculture, the opposition takes Leningrad as it capitol. Stalin decides to warn the rebels of his special atomic project, but his threats go unheeded.
In June 1944, the world in flames is for a moment stunned as Leningrad is nuked along with hundreds of thousands of people.
Germany, seeing radiation sickness among its people, threatens retaliation in July 1944. Stalin wonders what to do with his other bomb while Leningrad burns.
Now the moment that the POD began in Spain, butterflies should have effected WW2. That being said, its possible that the Germans get as lucky as they did and Vichy France happens again. And the Spain capture sounds a bit farfetched as well, considering how hard they fought the German and Italian supported Nationalists, one would think they would up a fight. But up to that point, its just a lazily written TL. When the author flippantly has the Germans conquer the Fucking Middle East, the entire Middle East, it turned ASB.
Ok, so this selection says that the Eastern Front doesn't exist. That's impossible. Many people before myself have stated why the Nazis eventually had to fight the Soviets in different threads, so I will not do so. But yeah, that alone makes the whole thing absurdly ASB; and that's not accounting the other stuff.
And another thing, IMPERIALS ARE PATRIOTS! There was no segment of Japanese society and politics, excluding the Communists, who didn't love the emperor. If Yamato was even connected to a coup against the Emperor, then he would probably commit Seppuku. A civil war between the Army and the Navy is possible, but still unlikely.
Ok, so this selection says that the Eastern Front doesn't exist. That's impossible. Many people before myself have stated why the Nazis eventually had to fight the Soviets in different threads, so I will not do so. But yeah, that alone makes the whole thing absurdly ASB; and that's not accounting the other stuff.

Especially when Stalin has the bomb, how has he not invaded yet?!

Also, South America vs the USA is such a curbstomp that it's not even funny.
This makes Sealion look probable to succeed.

So yeah, really ASB.

Kramer Associates taking over the world in 'For Want of a Nail', would have made more sense.

A successful, thriving Alaska, and a kingdom in Canada wouldn't be as ASB.

Hell, if I took my own TL, Stars & Stripes, and made it to where the U.S.A. annexed all of the Americas, South Africa, Australia, the Phillipines, Ireland, and the Moon, it might just make more sense than a successful Nazi Sealion. :D
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