For All Time (dystopian timeline from 2001)

On that note, especially with how Chiang's OTL regime had Project National Glory and all that, how would you rate the feasibility of a KMT "homecoming" after the Sino-Soviet War in For All Time, then?
It could probably make some headway but I'm not sure what I could offer for developing the lore of the core of China. In my head canon all the parts annexed by the Soviets if they're not their own independent countries are part of a neighbor or doing their own thing, so that really leaves the most heavily damaged from Soviet nuclear attacks the middle and eastern and southern portions of China so assuming that they will not make a fuss over the radiation the path to conquest should be as simple as offering humanitarian aid.
It could probably make some headway but I'm not sure what I could offer for developing the lore of the core of China. In my head canon all the parts annexed by the Soviets if they're not their own independent countries are part of a neighbor or doing their own thing, so that really leaves the most heavily damaged from Soviet nuclear attacks the middle and eastern and southern portions of China so assuming that they will not make a fuss over the radiation the path to conquest should be as simple as offering humanitarian aid.
My personal idea is that they'd be recognized by the US and non-communist Europe and Latin America as China's legitimate government and control some coastal provinces but their control over the interior and the North is nominal at best with most of said regions run by warlords of both the PLA remnant variety and "peasant rebels with strange ideas" variety who are either fighting against the KMT "reclamation" or at best pay lip service to the KMT if it means more food/humanitarian aid.
Also, considering Valery Sablin is a nuclear submarine captain ITTL, I wonder if he ITTL was able to set up a regime which sought to revive the ideals of Lenin that he believed had been corrupted after his death with the nukes his submarine had as the weapons to keep his neo-Leninist regime afloat. After all, as TNO demonstrates, the more dystopian a TL, the better Sablin's prospects are. :p
A brief look into Scandinavia. This one has a plot of sorts, though I ultimately didn't want to do anything that wild, in case someone else wants to write their own thing in the same continuity. Also, it really should go without saying, but I share exactly none of the opinions being expressed here.

April-May 1981

It is becoming abundantly clear that the situation in the Soviet Union is not going to stabilize in the foreseeable future. "Every strongman for himself" is the name of the game in large parts of the once-mighty country.

In April, there is a brief flurry of communiques between the northwestern parts of Russia and the Nordic Council headquarters in Uppsala.

The Finns know what they want; they've wanted it since 1945, in fact. Still, just walking into Karelia is way, way too risky. The Council ultimately offers the Petrozavodsk-Murmansk faction a deal: Finland gets her 1939 borders back(*), and the Russians receive ammunition and non-military vehicles, as well as Norwegian fuel. The local Russian leader actually seems quite sane, so Chairman OLOF PALME does not feel _too_ bad about it.

Air Force General YURI GAGARIN knows he is making a dangerous gamble. However, he is very close to the bottom of the current ranking of relative power in Russia, so he needs all the help he can get. Still, handing back territory the motherland fought so hard for in 1939-45, to the social-fascists in Helsinki... he's now in the unenviable position of desperately needing a Short Victorious War, lest his relative popularity crater.

-On May 11th, the Finnish flag (as well as the Nordic Council flag) flies at Vyborg Castle, for the first time since 1945. The honor of actually hoisting the flag goes to TONY HALME, an 18-year-old private from Helsinki; he was chosen randomly among the ranks of the 2nd Rifle Company, led by Captain PEKKA SIITOIN.

A reporter asks Halme the age-old question, "How do you feel?" Halme replies with the quip,

"A good start, but I think we should finish what we started – and if the child rapist murderer Chikatilo is still alive when we find him, I say we rip off his nuts and nail them up his asshole with a wooden stake."(**)

Captain Siitoin nods approvingly, with no one paying particular attention to him at the moment. Perhaps there is more to this private than his peers...

-Two weeks later, a shady-looking man inspects a relatively well-maintained SKS semi-automatic rifle at a black market arms vendor in Vyborg; some of the local Soviet troops went AWOL in the hopes of starting new lives in the Nordics. _Yes, this will do nicely,_ he thinks, and promptly pays for the item.

Starting the long trek back to Sweden driving his Volvo, with the gun carefully hidden under the back seats, JOHN AUSONIUS ponders if the gun needs any modifications. Ultimately he decides against it; he was pretty good with just iron sights in Thailand.

As for what he intends to use it for... well, some people in the Nordic Council leadership _really_ could do with a serving of 7.62mm; people like Hammarskjöld, Palme and Ahtisaari. And with a Russian gun, it might appear as if a Russian refugee did it!

* FaT explicitly states that the Finnish border is "further east" than OTL, but what little is seen of Finland on the canon maps does not seem to differ from OTL. Petsamo/Pechenga maybe?
** Halme did indeed say something similar as an MP in the early 2000's, though about paedophiles in general.
Also, considering Valery Sablin is a nuclear submarine captain ITTL, I wonder if he ITTL was able to set up a regime which sought to revive the ideals of Lenin that he believed had been corrupted after his death with the nukes his submarine had as the weapons to keep his neo-Leninist regime afloat. After all, as TNO demonstrates, the more dystopian a TL, the better Sablin's prospects are. :p
I've only heard about TNO second-hand from this board but what I've read suggests a few of that setting's Russian factions would fit right in with the rest of the FATverse...
The FAT sequel has Bin Laden of all people running a kebab shop in NYC. With a more insular US would foreign restaurants (even in NYC) generate enough demand?
Also the non-Israeli Middle East, post-communist (?) Burma and *Indonesia need some coverage.
I’m not sure that any form of religious practice would survive in post-Communist states at all
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The FAT sequel has Bin Laden of all people running a kebab shop in NYC. With a more insular US would foreign restaurants (even in NYC) generate enough demand?
Also the non-Israeli Middle East, post-communist (?) Burma and *Indonesia need some coverage.
I’m not sure that any form of religious practice would survive in post-Communist states at all
On that note, what could be interesting could be the Israelis propping up armed enclaves of Middle Eastern Christians like the Maronites and Assyrians (alas, the Copts are all underwater due to Chikatilo) to provide a buffer for them. Also, for the post-Soviet warlord mess, I wouldn’t be surprised if there are some warlords who take “this whole communism thing isn’t working out” to its logical conclusion and invite a Romanov princeling back.
An update on the Indonesian/Southeast Asia mess would be helpful - especially on the internal situation in the People’s Republic of Java
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The FAT sequel has Bin Laden of all people running a kebab shop in NYC. With a more insular US would foreign restaurants (even in NYC) generate enough demand?
Also the non-Israeli Middle East, post-communist (?) Burma and *Indonesia need some coverage.
I’m not sure that any form of religious practice would survive in post-Communist states at all
There was a San Fran Armenian restaurant operating since the 1930s-1980s IOTL
I never knew there was continuation of For All Time. I first read in around 2012 or 2013. I didn't realize it was written in 2001, months before 9/11.

It's just as dystopian as Drakka Verse.

Hard to believe this timeline in 22 years old.
I never knew there was continuation of For All Time. I first read in around 2012 or 2013. I didn't realize it was written in 2001, months before 9/11.

It's just as dystopian as Drakka Verse.

Hard to believe this timeline in 22 years old.
It was a fan sequel, not really canon (same with the maps @B_Munro made even though they are great).
Say can anybody mention the utopian ww2 timeline that for all time acts as a contrast too, cause I heard cody from alternatehistoryhub mention it. But I don't what it's name is.
Also, considering Valery Sablin is a nuclear submarine captain ITTL, I wonder if he ITTL was able to set up a regime which sought to revive the ideals of Lenin that he believed had been corrupted after his death with the nukes his submarine had as the weapons to keep his neo-Leninist regime afloat. After all, as TNO demonstrates, the more dystopian a TL, the better Sablin's prospects are. :p
This actually sounds just about right for FaT, though I personally have no creative ideas for the former USSR.
Say can anybody mention the utopian ww2 timeline that for all time acts as a contrast too, cause I heard cody from alternatehistoryhub mention it. But I don't what its name is.
I remember hearing about this as well a long time ago, so colour me interested as well.