for all time

  1. For All Time (dystopian timeline from 2001)

    There have been a few threads discussing this old classic by Chester A. Arthur/gentboss, but they haven't really been all that long-lived and have mostly just discussed one aspect of the timeline or another, aside from this one from 2018 by the original author. I thought I'd try something that...
  2. Gnomepilled

    Dystopian rfk presidency

    People always make RFK's presidency this fairly utopian thing. This is most likely because he is liked by conservatives and liberals alike. However, what if his presidency went to shit? I am trying to think of a 60s For all time.
  3. Where can I find the rest of For All Time?

    Yo! Been a fan of alternate history for a long time, and I have recently found out about FaTL.. it is so intruguing to me, but I am unable to find the full story on the internet. The archive ends in 1978, and I want more. So the question must be asked: is the rest of the story still out there...
  4. 19th century "For All Time"?

    For All Time has been a classic dystopian alternate history tale for almost two decades by now. However, I don't think I've ever seen an attempt at transplanting the basic idea to different time periods, aside from the future, that is. Every now and then, I've been thinking myself what would be...
  5. For All Time AMA

    Hey all. Having just sent my first actual book proposal off to an actual publisher, I started thinking more about the first thing I wrote that anyone ever wanted to read. If you have questions about the TL where Henry Wallace did a bad thing on the 20th century, now's the time to ask them...