Fictional inventory of modern airforces


Apologies beforehand for the USAF aircraft numbers, they're a 'rough' guesstimation based on Dunnigan's "How To Make War"

1970 to 1980

1,200 x GD F-11's ultimately built across the decade to equip a 1/3 of the USAF's front line force.
2,400 x F-4 Phantom's built to re-equip the rest of the USAF's front line force plus the USAF/ANF & USAF/R especially replacing the 'Century' series of aircraft
F-15 & F-16 development continued
The Tanker/Transport fleet is increased from 1,370 to 1,440.
The fleet is then broken down to 480 tankers, 480 heavy lift transports and 480 light/medium transports
480 x C-5 Galaxy's are built across the decade
480 C-141 Starlifters are built instead of the original 270

1980 to 1990

1,200 x McDonnell F-15's built across the decade to replace half of the USAF, USAF/ANG & USAF/R F-4 Phantom fleet
1,200 x GD F-16's built built across the decade to replace the other half of the USAF, USAF/ANG & USAF/R F-4 Phantom fleet
240 x B-1B Lancers built to replace aging B-52's as originally planned in the 70's when it was the B-1A
480 x McD KC-10's are built to replace the entire KC-135 fleet
16 x 747's are built to replace the USAF's 16 @Looking Glass' aircraft.

1990 to 2000

1,080 x McD F-15E's are built to replace the 90% of the GD F-111 fleet
120 x Lockheed F-117's are built to replace 10% of the GD F-111 fleet
480 x McD C-17's built to replace the fleet of C-141 Starlifters
36 x Boeing E-777's AWE's are built to replace the USAF's fleet of E-3 Sentry's
120 x Northrop B-2 Spirit built to replace the remainder of the B-52 force

2000 to 2010

1,200 F-22 Raptors are built to replace all of the USAF, USAF/ANG and USAF/R McD F-15C fleet
480 x Boeing KC-777 are built to replace the KC-10 fleet
F-35/F-36 program continues as in OTL to replace the entire F-16 fleet

Regards filers
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The wallet, it burnsss!!!1

Also... F-22 replacing ground attack aicraft?...

Sorry . . . it's a typo.

Corrected to F-15 C's

As for the wallet . . . well the poster didn't specify a maximum spending limit

So "what the hell", I'm spending like a kid in a toy shop!

Sorry . . . it's a typo.

Corrected to F-15 C's

As for the wallet . . . well the poster didn't specify a maximum spending limit

So "what the hell", I'm spending like a kid in a toy shop!

Pretty much. :)

F-15C instead of F-22 would lower costs, but do I understand correctly that this would remove both the F-16 and A-10? If so, it would rip apart the USAF's ground attack capabilities.. as in, it would loose most of them.
Frankly very advanced F15 are more likely than several wings of F22 as is postulated here. Sort of like an American Su-35.
4.5++ gen fighter.
Frankly very advanced F15 are more likely than several wings of F22 as is postulated here. Sort of like an American Su-35.
4.5++ gen fighter.

Like the modern version the USAF seems to be about to buy. But these don't really fit into ground support; they are for air-air or, in the case of the F-15E, long range strike.
When I first read about this, back then, I actually couldn't believe it; had to find multiple sources. I figured it was too stupid and arrogant to come from anyone in any serious business area...

HAL's ( and Indian procurement and domestic defense industries in general) incompetence seems like something out of bad Pakistani propaganda.

The Tejas had its first flight delayed what 15 or 20 years?
The best part was when after two decades of development the Indian navy refused to take the carrier version. Because after more then twenty years of R&D the carrier version couldn't operate from a carrier.
It's another batch of constraints that is really hard to add after the fact, which is why the concepts of Sea Gripen and Sea Typhoon are laughable jokes at best. Plus, they lack experience in that field too, which makes things harder. When all is said and done, they'll probably go with Rafale M to standardize procurement, training and maintenance.
Pretty much. :)

F-15C instead of F-22 would lower costs, but do I understand correctly that this would remove both the F-16 and A-10? If so, it would rip apart the USAF's ground attack capabilities.. as in, it would loose most of them.

Apologies about some of the missing items and miss typing . . . I was trying to get it done this morning before I went to a job interview

F-22's would just replace F-15C's on a one for one basis

F-16's would be fielded instead of A-10's which would ultimately be replaced by the future F-35 or F-36 program on a one for one basis

I'm expecting in this timeline for the A-10 to be still born as the USAF goes for F-16's instead as a force multiplier and goes for stand off missiles like the AGM-65 instead of aircraft mounted guns (GAU-8's)

For the Queen Elizabeth Class.



Was the Pakistan airforce ever interested in the F84F ?
How would it fare against the hunters and mystair of IAF?
French air force, navy and army
In 1981 the french socialist party came to power, and partialy nationalize Avion Marcel Dassault.
POD, Marcel Dassault get furious at that ans secretly remembering is birth name is bloch and that he came from a jewish familly he move with most of its company to Israel (You can have the Israeli air force flying the "mirage 4000" instead of the F15 I let you do it)
Most of the Breguet team that was baught 10 year earlier decide to stay and not to try the israeli adventure.
For the french it result in a lot of changes
Here is the composition of the various air arms at different time date

Air force
FAS (Strategic force)
2 squadrons of 12 upgraded MirageIV in a bombing role (new radar and new motors by snecma)
1 squadron of 6 upgraded MirageIV (same upgrade plus extra fuel)
2 squadron for a total of 12 c135fr (with new motors)

Fighter squadron
4 squadrons of 12 F15C
1 training squadron of 3 F15c and 6 F15B
5 squadrons of 12 Mirage F1c
1 training squadron of 12 mirage F1b
6 squadron of 12 jaguar A (legacy version underpowered motor and no radar)
3 squadron of 12 Jaguar C (upgraded version with better motor and a radar)
3 squadron of 12 Jaguar D (sale upgrade as the Jaguard C on a two seat version, nuclear capable)
2 squadron of 15 jaguar R (dedicated recco version of the C (no canon a smaller radar...)
1 training squadron of 20 jaguar (mainly legacy B version but also a few A, C D and R)

No change for transport and training

1 squadron of 8 F8 crusader
2 Squadron of 8 Super Etendard
1 Squadron of 4 Etendard IVP (recco)
1 Squadron of 12 F18C and B (this unit is a training only unit the plane are rented to the US Navy are US based (even if they train to land in French CV) in a strange way they have US marking and a VFA identification number but the full personal is French and the squadron insigna is French too. French Navy plan is to have 2 (or 3 in caser of a 2 CVN navy) squadron of F18E and a few F18F for joint training with the USN
1 Squadron of 6 Alizee
3 squadron of Atlantique 2
2 squadron of Atlantic 1
1 Squadron of Atlantique 3 (new version devloped by Breguet)
3 squadron of various Falcon jet for transport training and patrol
No change for the helicopter force

Army no Change

2005 (the air force take a pounding)

FAS (Strategic force)
1 squadron of 4 upgraded MirageIV (same upgrade plus extra fuel)
3 squadron for a total of 11 c135fr (with new motors) and 6 KC135

Fighter squadron
4 squadrons of 12 F15C
1 training squadron of 3 F15c and 6 F15B
3 squadrons of 12 Mirage F1c
1 training squadron of 12 mirage F1b
1 squadron of 12 jaguar A (legacy version underpowered motor and no radar)
3 squadron of 12 Jaguar C (upgraded version with better motor and a radar)
2 squadron of 12 Jaguar D (same upgrade than the C on a two seat version, nuclear capable)
2 squadron of 15 jaguar R (dedicated recco version of the C (no canon a smaller radar...)
1 training squadron of 20 jaguar (mainly legacy B version but also a few A, C D and R)
1 squadron of 6 F117 (part of the french deal to not produce anymore combat plane)
1 squadron of 4 E3d

Transport Squadrons
3 squadron of C160 NGR (new generation refurbished) for a total of 38 Planes
1 squadron of 10 C130 (3 were lost and one is used of spare part)
1 squadron of 8 ATT (tactical transport plane it is a 4 reactor transport plane devlloped mainly by breguet and the newly founded Airbus and Aerospatial (still independant))
2 squadrons of 20 CN-235
1 squadron of 5 Airbus A310 and 3 learjet bussiness jet
1 squadron of electronic warfare plane with 2 C160 and DC8

Helicopter squadron
12 Squadron with AS355 (total 36 Helicopters NB this include oversea squadron and some squadron flying multipple type)
11 Squadron with SA 330 Puma (total 41 Helicopters this include oversea squadron and some squadron flying multipple type) The Air force have chosen to only use puma for a logistical simplification

Training Squdron
2 Squadron of Tucano (26 planes in total)
3 Squadron of AlphaJet + display team (total 92 planes in inventory the fleet management made it difficult to know have many were in storage or in front line) and 4 Cap 232 aerobatic planes
1 Squadron Cap 10 (16 planes)
3 Saudron TB30 Epsilon (39 planes)
1 Squadron of Xingu 42 planes in total (NB some of the planes are in the transport squadron, some are not in squadron but at the disposal of the base CO)

Navy (NB the second CVN (improved CdG class is operational late 2005)
4 squadron of 12 F18E
1 squadron of 6 F18R (F18E with non gun camera and improved electronic packadge aften called the poor man F18G)
NB (the french navy also owns 6 F18F and 2 F18E that are fully in service with USN training squadrons (the french pilot are trained of US planes and may spend all their training without ever flying in one those planes, it is also possible for one of those plane to never flown with french personal also french instructor serve in multipple UNN training squadron)
1 Squadron of 5 E2C
5 squadron of 9 Atlantique 3 and 3b (the 3 version is a full spectrum version while the 3b lack some equipment and is not combat capable)
4 squadron of 4 Atlantique 3b
1 Squadron of 1 A319 APM (maritime plane patrol this plane belong to "breguet" and is "rented" to the navy to test the future plane)
1 squadron of 12 Xindu
1 squadron of 8 Cap 10 (pilot selection)
4 squadron for a total of 29 Lynx (ASM)
2 Squadron of Orque Helicopter (naval version of upgraded super puma) for transport and rescue
3 squadron of Dauphin for a total of 18 machine)
1 Squadron of 7 Alouette III and 1 Alouette II
(NB helicopter training is performed by the army)

3 regiments of combat helicopter for a total of 24 Tigre (including 8 capable of naval operation), 36 Gazelle HOT (anti tank), 26 Gazelle Recco, 16 Gazelle uttility, 56 Puma, 37 Super Puma, 6 Super Puma 2 (nobody like the name but in 2005 it is like that it will soon become the Ours (bear) unofficilay then officilay in 2016), 18 CH53
1 Helicopter school with 21 Ecureil and 34 Gazelle

Lets move to the year 2019

FAS (Strategic force)
1 squadron of 5 C135 FR and 2 KC135
2 squadron of 11 Airbus A330 tanker / tanker and transport

Fighter squadron
4 squadrons of 12 F15C (the french air force rent on US soil 6 F15D for training of its pilots those planes are in full french marking)
1 squadrons of 16 Mirage F1c and b
1 squadron of 9 Jaguar D+ (removal of internal gun new motors capabale of carring the new ASMP+ nuclear missile...)
2 squadron of 5 jaguar R (dedicated recco version of the C (no canon a smaller radar...) and 4 jaguar B+ (those plane have new motors but the same old electronics) and 2 Reapers drones
1 squadron of 4 F117 (the 6 initial planes were send backs and the US have send 4 others with better potential)
1 squadron of 5 (one former RAF one) E3d
(The Air force

Transport Squadrons
1 squadron of C160 NGR (new generation refurbished) for a total of 18 Planes
1 squadron of 4 C130H (those airplane are to be sold)
5 squadron of ATT (Total 46 planes
2 squadrons of 27 CN-235
1 squadron of 3 Airbus A330 1 A340 and 6 learjet (model 60 and 70)
1 squadron of electronic warfare with 1 Airbus A310, 1 C160 and 1 Learjet 60 (3 other learjets have been ordered to replace teh Airbus and the C160 that are due to leave the service by 2021)

Helicopter squadron
10 Squadron with AS355 (total 31 Helicopters NB this include oversea squadron and some squadron flying multipple type)
8 Squadron with SA 330 Puma (total 27 Helicopters this include oversea squadron and some squadron flying multipple type)

Training Squdron
1 Squadron of PC21 (20 planes to be rented the instructor are part of the air force but the maintenance is civilian
2 Squadron of AlphaJet + display team (total 87 planes in inventory the fleet management made it difficult to know have many were in storage or in front line)
2 Squadron Grob training plane for a total of 21 plane and 3 extra aerobatic plane
3 Saudron TB30 Epsilon (31 planes)
1 Squadron of Xingu 29 planes in total (NB some of the planes are in the transport squadron, some are not in squadron but at the disposal of the base CO)


4 squadron of 12 F18E
1 squadron of 6 F18R (F18E with non gun camera and improved electronic packadge aften called the poor man F18G)
NB (the french navy also owns 6 F18F and 2 F18E that are fully in service with USN training squadrons (the french pilot are trained of US planes and may spend all their training without ever flying in one those planes, it is also possible for one of those plane to never flown with french personal also french instructor serve in multipple UNN training squadron)
1 Squadron of 5 E2C
1 squadron of 8 Atlantique 3
4 squadron of 4 Atlantique 3 and 3b
2 Squadron of 7 A319 APM (maritime plane patrol this plane belong to "breguet" and is "rented" to the navy to test the future plane)
1 squadron of 10 Xindu
1 squadron of 8 Cap 10 and 6 grob fro pilot selection
2 squadron for a total of 16 Lynx (ASM) to be replaced by 2 squadron of Orque 2 with 24 helicopters by 2022
2 Squadron of Orque Helicopter for a total of 19 machines for transport and rescue
1 squadron of 6 Orque 2 ASM (to be increased to 12 machines)
3 squadron of Dauphin for a total of 22 machine)
1 squadron of 12 Alouette III (including 5 built in india)
(NB helicopter training is performed by the army)

3 regiments of combat helicopter for a total of 94 Tigre (all of naval operation), 26 Gazelle Recco, 14 Gazelle uttility, 12 Puma, 37 Super Puma, 38 Ours mediulm helicopter , 26 Mi26Fr (as part of deal with russia 36 M26 have been baught by france those helicopter have french helectronics and motors (same as Ours) that make those Mi26 unpowered) (10 CH53have been sold to germany)
1 Helicopter school with 28 Ecureil and 9 Gazelle
1 regiments of special force helicopter with 7 Gazelle HOT, 5 Gazelle with minigun 16 Puma, 12 Ours medium Helicopter 6 CH53 and 4 Mi26Fr Helicopter

NB Orque and Ours are the same machine Orque 2 is highly modified
French air force, navy and army
In 1981 the french socialist party came to power, and partialy nationalize Avion Marcel Dassault.
POD, Marcel Dassault get furious at that ans secretly remembering is birth name is bloch and that he came from a jewish familly he move with most of its company to Israel (You can have the Israeli air force flying the "mirage 4000" instead of the F15 I let you do it)

Where would they get the engines to power it? Dassult didn't build them. And I bet, in this timeline, an angry France wouldn't sell them. And neither would the US, because it would ruin any F-15 sales to Israel.