Famous quotations that never were

Lee no amount of rebel machine gun, gold,or slave labour is worth your life or the life of the Army of Northern Virginia, no you and your army condemned yourselves when your rebellion killed the first of the three million boys it took to get here.
~General Grant to General Lee on the day of the execution of the Army of Northern Virgina and the Confederate Government and razing of Richmond in 1865
"Take Good Care, of your Mother!"

- Jesus' Last Words, to The Favoured Disciple ...

"Man from Monkeys, PREPOSTEROUS!"

- Charles Darwin ...

"I, Richard Cheney, Do Solemnly Swear that I Will Faithfully Execute The Office of President of The United States, And Will to The Best of My Ability, Preserve, Protect and Defend The Constitution of the United States; So Help me G-d!"

- President Dick Cheney, After The Timely and Successful Impeachment, of President George W. Bush

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"Europe is a lucky continent. She grows by the follies of our American nations."

- General Napoleone Buonaparte, Commander of the Army of the Commonwealth of Virginia, after the fire that distroyed New York during the Third Pan-American War (1815)

"Always forgive your enemies - nothing annoys them as much."

- Oscar Wilde, the first Prime Minister of the Irish Free State, commenting the lenient peace terms granted to the United Kingdom in the Limerick Peace Treaty of 1900.

"One zombie is an abomination, a million zombies is a statistic."

- Josef Stalin, on the Great Zombie Purge of 1936.

"Jack? Oh, no. We have had actors as presidents later, of course, Ronald Reagan and Clint Eastwood after him. But back in the day, the closest thing my brother would have ever got to the presidency was when he played a Secret Service agent in that 1963 film, In the Line of Fire."

- Robert Kennedy, the former Vice President, when asked about the political ambitions of his late brother Jack Kennedy.
The Swiss " had brotherly love, they had 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The the nazis and pirates."

Al Gore, Al the time:
During my service in the United States Congress I took the initiative in creating Zombies."

"They call me "wooden" and "stiff" , and we all know what they mean. Do you want to be a intern at the VP office instead?" to ms Levinsky

"Three thousand young people in America will start smoking tomorrow, that is not enough"

"Throughout most of my life, I raised tobacco. I want you to know that with my own hands, all of my life, I've sprayed it, I've chopped it, I've shredded it, spiked it, put it in the barn and stripped it, and sold it. I wish I had slaves to do it for me."

When I was a boy growing up on our family farm in the summers, I learned how to hypnotize people.”
"I think Hitler was right. The German race really is superior - you don't get this quality meat off of the Jews."
- Stalin
"Damn the cannons, we charge!"--US Army cavalry colonel David Farragut just before leading the assault that broke the Confederate lines at the Battle of Gettysburg.
Mr Clouseau it will be a pleasure to work with you.
~Hercule Poirot :D

Mr President don't make the misstake that previous presidents have done.
Be remembered as the president that wanted peace when those around him wanted war. Please don't invade Iraq.
~John Lennon 2003
I believe that even i can make up a 'mass' quote:

'Paris isn't worth a mass'
King Lodewijk II of the Netherlands in 1712