European Federation

Okay so the idea is to create a federation out of the current EU. What will it look like, what will be the system of governance and how will it fare in world politics? Bonus points if it includes all current EU member states and is formed after 1990.
Unless this goes into Future History, I think you’d possibly need an earlier POD where the UK doesn’t join at all to act as a brake on the kind of integration needed for a full federation.
Really hard get European Federation by 2021 without pretty early POD. I hardly is possible with 1945 POD.
How about starting with France ratifying the treaty of Paris and the EDC gets founded? If the merger treaty happens more or less in time in the late 60s integration of the inner six would be noticeably beyond a mere economic integration. I mean the mission statement even back than was to further integration into a unified Europe, but a lot of states mainly saw the economic side when they joined and did not really believe that the founding members truly meant for the Ever Closer Union to happen. With a degree of actual military integration that misconception is dead in the water. The EFTA will be the choice for nations only economically interested in Europe while the inner circle is more committed. Today the (much smaller) core might not be a full federation, but much closer integrated and without the member states that joined without actually wanting real integration on all levels.