Europa Universalis IV - 13 August 2013

I just had some crazy ass stuff happen to me.
I'm playing as the Byzantines and I am going for the 'Basileus' achievement to restore the Roman empire (Basically the same as the decision to Enact the Theme System in terms of territory).
The Ottomans have been restricted to 4 provinces, the capital at Edirne and three provinces in the Anatolian interior. I have expanded to replace them in all other areas as well as annex all of the Balkans save Croatia (Other than Dalmatia and Ragusa) and Bosnia.
My ruler is the 40ish year old Basileia Zoe II von Habsburg, I had a royal marriage with the Hungarians who got a von Habsburg on their throne and so I ended up with one too. I don't like her because she is German but what can you do? She's the empress.
I have a tiny sliver of a border with the Austrians and with the Polish, the Austrians between Linka and Dalmatia and the Polish at Bessarabia to Silistria and Olentia. The Austrians decided to claim Dalmatia a while ago and never bothered to press the claim, until now.

The war started with the Austrians declaring a cleansing of heresy war while I have zero manpower. I sent my army to Ragusa to defend as they were already sieging Dalmatia. They attacked and wiped the floor with me, they had a far far better general than I did and my units were stupid and so rather than retreat to some far off province they retreated to the one right next to them and lucky for Austria, they killed every single military unit I had. All I had left was my navy, which had lost in battle to a superior Austrian Admiral (I had more boats though by far) and 2k infantry and 1k cavalry in Judea.
After that I got other guys declaring war on me, Hungary declared war and brought with it France and Venice, the Ottomans declared war and brought with them Crimea (and their vassal the Golden Horde) and Tripoli. The Austrians I had noticed had also brought in Poland and Brandenburg.
At the time I had all these declarations I took a look at the Austrians and noticed a HUGE coalition against them that included most of the HRE states as well as France. I should have joined that coalition but I did not notice the Austrians because I was too busy attacking the Ottomans.
So I ended up fucked. However I was making 35ish ducats a month, and so I was able to pay for tons of mercenaries and was able to augment that with cannons when my manpower recovers.
I was able to seige the 3 Ottoman territories in Anatolia and took one of them in the peace. By then the Austrians had occupied all of Serbia and my Adriatic coastline. They were also at war with that coalition I mentioned in the Bohemian-Austrian punitive war and at war with the English, as it seemed the Austrians were allied with Cornwall. The Austrians took all of their soldiers away from the Balkans and sent them northwards. Meanwhile I fought the Hungarians in two small battles, and was able to get them to peace by giving me 138 ducats. The Hungarians had declared a holy war for Antioch and so they ended up unable to take it and the ticking warscore did them in. That booted France and Venice out of the war so that all three of them could focus on the coalition war against the Austrians.
thought I could retake the territory the Austrians were occupying but that didn't happen as the Polish sent about 15k soldiers down to fight my 30k, 2/3 mercenary army. I won twice, the lost, the won two more times. It was not enough to give me a ticking warscore but I had also built more galleys and sent my entire navy (light ships as well as my galleys and cogs) to blockade the Austrian coastline. The Austrians ended the coalition war in what looks like a white peace, I can't quite tell. So now I was stuck at war with the Austrians again. I peaced out, giving them Dalmatia and Ragusa as well as 35 ducats ad returning Albania to the Ottomans.

Now, during this war the Austrians were replaced as HRE, with Savoy. I assume the aggressive expansion of the Austrians made the electors pissed, I remember seeing Trier in the coalition.
Almost immediately after my war with the Austrians their Archduke (Karl I) died and a certain woman in Constantinople inherited his position...

I went from war with 5 major European powers to the leader of a personal union with Austria (who also controls Burgundian territory, western Hungary, and enough territory in between to connect the two regions through Switzerland and Lorraine).

So yeah, I do not know how to feel right now, my manpower is still non-existent and I ended the war I inherited against the English by letting them have Cornwall, Scotland had pushed all the way down to London itself so letting the English provide a decent challenge for them should keep the isles as not meddling in my affairs and may distract France.
So apparently the 1.2 patch is not coming out today but is coming out at some point this week.
I was looking forward to this :mad: I thought it came out today...

I really want to see what the new national ideas are, especially for Granada.

Poland what are you doing that is not how to blob

Poland what have you done no

Poland think of the children

And then, unrelated:

The Portuguese like me so much, they hate me.

And the Papacy likes me so much it overflowed into a second like.
While waiting for the patch on the bay..

I played a Hungarian grand campaign.

Converted from CK2.

And I colonized Indonesia,and eventually.. California.

Fuck it.

The converter is TOO OP!


Just downloaded the Demo

Off of steam. Looks good. I haven't started a game yet but the UI looks amazing...

But load time is horrible...:eek:
The converter is TOO OP!

Not any more than playing any game you're a few hundred years in already.

If you continue a game where you are already an hegemon, of course itll make the followup game easier - but that's not OP per se. Its about the same as changing the startdate to play longer and achieve more.
One thing I noticed about playing as a powerful norse country in this. The rest of Europe hates you and will dogpile you in any local war. Being the strongest nation in the world doesn't count for a thing if everyone from Muslim spain to Germany and the Eastern Roman Empire is throwing everything they got at you.
In Europe that's true- I only had to fight teh Islams in my Norse (later Orthodox) Persia game. Might actually convert that at some point, for the lols.

Can you convert before 1444 in EUIV?
Not any more than playing any game you're a few hundred years in already.

If you continue a game where you are already an hegemon, of course itll make the followup game easier - but that's not OP per se. Its about the same as changing the startdate to play longer and achieve more.

Not happened on my sultanate of Sicily game.


on EU IV i have reduced into sardinia
Can you convert before 1444 in EUIV?

You can convert at any date, but the EU4 game will start in 1444 even if you converted the 867 map. Essentially as if there were no territorial changes in between the date you pick for conversion and 1444.

Amusingly, since CK2 ends in 1453, you can even roll back time if you play till the time limit ;)
This Sunset Invasion mod is amazing, so much potential:



Note that everyone is High American (except Vinland, they're western). Though I read in the thread they maybe intend to change the missisipians to be equivalent to the Muslim techgroup and be hordes.
Yeah, it's Sunset 1444. There's a direct downlOad, too. Im also now modding it on my own since the creator seems busy.