Europa Universalis III


Here's one that I did with Cyprus:


It was a hands-off game.


New England Mod

As I said the other day, I made a mod, well a small mod in any case. So, for those of you who'd like it, here are the files you need. Some of these are new files completely, some are just modifications. So, here you go.

Save this into C:\Program Files\Paradox Interactive\Europa Universalis III\common\countries.txt:

BRZ = "countries/Brazil.txt"
CAN = "countries/Canada.txt"
CNE = "countries/New England.txt"
CHL = "countries/Chile.txt"
COL = "countries/Colombia.txt"
HAT = "countries/Haiti.txt"
LAP = "countries/LaPlata.txt"
LOU = "countries/Louisiana.txt"
MEX = "countries/Mexico.txt"
PEU = "countries/Peru.txt"
PRG = "countries/Paraguay.txt"
QUE = "countries/Quebec.txt"
CAM = "countries/UPCA.txt"
USA = "countries/USA.txt"
VNZ = "countries/Venezuela.txt"

Save this into C:\Program Files\Paradox Interactive\Europa Universalis III\common\country_colors.txt:

# Chile
CHL = {
color1= { 236 159 89 }
color2= { 129 177 125 }
color3= { 80 79 88 }

# New England
CNE = {
color1= { 0 40 104 }
color2= { 0 156 0 }
color3= { 191 10 48 }

# Colombia
COL = {
color1= { 89 140 176 }
color2= { 94 117 55 }
color3= { 197 92 106 }

Save this as C:\Program Files\Paradox Interactive\Europa Universalis III\common\countries\New England.txt:

#Country Name: Please see filename.

graphical_culture = latingfx

is_colonial = yes

color = { 0 40 104 }

historical_ideas = {

historical_units = {

monarch_names = {
"Isaac #0" = 20
"William #0" = 20
"John #0" = 15
"James #0" = 15
"Francis #0" = 10
"Robert #0" = 10
"Jack #0" = 0
"Moses #0" = 0
"Edward #0" = 0
"Samuel #0" = 0
"Degory #0" = 0
"Thomas #0" = 0
"Henry #0" = 0
"Richard #0" = 0
"Peter #0" = 0
"Stephen #0" = 0
"Edmund #0" = 0
"Christopher #0" = 0
"Solomon #0" = 0
"Myles #0" = 0
"Gilbert #0" = 0
"Jasper #0" = 0
"George #0" = 0
"Elias #0" = 0
"Bartholomew #0" = 0
"Truelove #0" = 0
"Wrestling #0" = 0
"Joseph #0" = 0
"Resolved #0" = 0
"Peregrine #0" = 0
"Giles #0" = 0
"Oceanus #0" = 0
"Rowan #0" = 0
"Scott #0" = 0
"Silvester #0" = 0
"Spencer #0" = 0
"Ulysses #0" = 0
"Victor #0" = 0

leader_names = {
Alden Allerton
Billington Bradford Brewster Britteridge Browne Butten
Carver Carter Chilton Clarke Cooke Cooper Crackstone Crutcher
Eaton Ely English
Fletcher Fuller
Gardiner Goodman
Holbeck Hooke Hopkins Howland
Lancemore Latham Leister
Margesson Martin Minter Moore Mullins
Priest Prower
Rigsdale Rogers
Samson Soule Standish Story
Thompson Tilley Tinker Trevore Turner
Warren White Wilder Williams Winslow

ship_names = {
Abenaki Atikamekw
Beothuk Betsiamites
Maliseet Massachusett Mi'kmaq Mohegan Montagnais
Narragansett Naskapi Nipmuck
Passamaquoddy Pennacook Penobscot Pequot Pocumtuck


Save this as C:\Program Files\Paradox Interactive\Europa Universalis III\history\countries\CNE - New England.txt:

government = constitutional_republic
aristocracy_plutocracy = 0
centralization_decentralization = -1
innovative_narrowminded = -1
mercantilism_freetrade = -3
offensive_defensive = -1
land_naval = -2
quality_quantity = 0
serfdom_freesubjects = 3
technology_group = western
religion = reformed
primary_culture = english
capital = 968 # Massachusetts

Save these into C:\Program Files\Paradox Interactive\Europa Universalis III\localisation\text.csv:

CNE;New England;Nouvelle-Angleterre;Neuengland;Nowej Anglii;Nueva Inglaterra;Nuova Inghilterra;Nya England;Nová Anglie;Új-Anglia;Nieuw-Engeland;????? ??????;Uusi-Englanti;x;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

COL_ADJ;Colombian;colombienne;Kolumbianische;Kolumbia;de Colombia;colombiana;Kolumbiai;Kolumbijský;;;;;;x;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
CNE_ADJ;New England;Nouvelle-Angleterre;Neuengland;Nowej Anglii;Nueva Inglaterra;Nuova Inghilterra;Nya England;Nová Anglie;Új-Anglia;Nieuw-Engeland;????? ??????;Uusi-Englanti;x;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
CNN_ADJ;Connacht;connacht;Connachtische;Connacht;de Connaught;connacht;Connacht;Connachtský;;;;;;x;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

EVTOPTB1011;We want no part of it;Nous n'en voulons pas;Wir wollen damit nichts zu schaffen haben;Nie chcemy tego.;No queremos tener nada que ver;Non ci interessa;Nem akarunk részt venni benne;Nechceme se toho úèastnit;;;;;;x;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
EVTNAME1020;New England's Quest for Independence;La quête d'Indépendance de Nouvelle-Angleterre;Neuenglische Unabhängigkeit;Niepodleg³oœæ kolonii w Nowe Angielski Pó³nocnej;La Búsqueda para la Independencia por Nueva Inglaterra;Lotta Nuova Inglese per l'indipendenza ;Nya Engelska függetlenségi kérelem;Nový Anglický válka za nezávislost;;;;;;x;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
EVTNAME1021;American Quest for Independence;La quête d'Indépendance américaine;Amerikanische Unabhängigkeit;Niepodleg³oœæ kolonii w Ameryce Pó³nocnej;La lucha americana por la independencia;Lotta americana per l'indipendenza ;Amerikai függetlenségi kérelem;Americká válka za nezávislost;;;;;;x;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
EVTDESC1020;After a prolonged period of colonial mismanagement, we have reached a state of divergence. Cultural, social and political dissimilarities and the ongoing exploitation have made the settlers lose faith in our government. The differences between us and the settlers are becoming more prominent as time is progressing and a large-scale rebellion is beginning to take form.;Après longtemps de mauvaise gestion coloniale, les différences culturelles, sociales, politiques et l'exploitation des colons leur ont fait perdre la foi en notre gouvernement. Au fil du temps, ces différences sont devenues telles qu'une rebellion à grande échelle prend forme. ;Nach einer langen Periode kolonialer Fehlverwaltung haben wir einen Zustand der Divergenz erreicht. Kulturelle, soziale und politische Unterschiede sowie die fortwährende Ausbeutung haben das Vertrauen der Siedler in unsere Regierung erlöschen lassen. Die Unterschiede zwischen uns und den Siedlern werden mit der Zeit immer stärker, und die Anfänge einer großen Rebellion sind zu erkennen.:winkytongue:o przed³u¿aj¹cym siê okresie nieudolnej administracji kolonialnej, osi¹gnêliœmy stan, w którym nasze cele s¹ ca³kowicie rozbie¿ne. Kulturalne, spo³eczne i polityczne ró¿nice oraz wyzysk doprowadzi³y do utraty wiary osadników w nasz rz¹d. Rozbie¿noœci pomiêdzy nami i osadnikami staj¹ siê coraz wyraŸniejsze. Mo¿emy siê spodziewaæ rebelii na du¿¹ skalê.;Tras un alargado periodo de malas gestiones coloniales, hemos llegado a un estado de desavenencia. Las diferencias culturales, sociales y políticas y la constante explotación han hecho que los colonos pierdan la fe en nuestro gobierno. Las diferencias con los colonos cada vez son de mayor entidad y está comenzando a tomar forma lo que podría acabar convirtiéndose en una rebelión a gran escala.;Dopo un lungo periodo di cattiva amministrazione coloniale, abbiamo raggiunto una situazione di divergenza culturale, sociale e politica. Il costante sfruttamento ha inoltre causato la perdita della fede dei colonizzatori nei confronti del nostro governo. Le differenze che intercorrono tra noi e i colonizzatori stanno assumendo dimensioni sempre più considerevoli con il passare del tempo, e un senso di ribellione su larga scala comincia a essere avvertibile.;Egy hosszan tartó rossz gyarmati vezetés után a széthúzás állapotába jutottunk. Kultúrális, társadalmi és politikai nézeteltérések és a folyamatos kizsákmányolás miatt a telepesek elveszítették bizalmukat kormányzatunk iránt. A köztünk és a telepesek közti különbségek az idõ elõrehaladtával egyre jelentõsebbé váltak, és egy nagyméretû lázadás kezdett kialakulni.:winkytongue:o delší dobì koloniálního systému nastal bod obratu. Kulturní, politický a sociální útlak spolu s pøetrvávajícím vykoøisováním vedl k tomu, že kolonisté ztratili dùvìru ve vládu. Rozdíly a neshody mezi námi a osadníky narùstají a zdá se, že se blíží doby bouøí.;;;;;;x;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
EVTDESC1021;After a prolonged period of colonial mismanagement, we have reached a state of divergence. Cultural, social and political dissimilarities and the ongoing exploitation have made the settlers lose faith in our government. The differences between us and the settlers are becoming more prominent as time is progressing and a large-scale rebellion is beginning to take form.;Après longtemps de mauvaise gestion coloniale, les différences culturelles, sociales, politiques et l'exploitation des colons leur ont fait perdre la foi en notre gouvernement. Au fil du temps, ces différences sont devenues telles qu'une rebellion à grande échelle prend forme. ;Nach einer langen Periode kolonialer Fehlverwaltung haben wir einen Zustand der Divergenz erreicht. Kulturelle, soziale und politische Unterschiede sowie die fortwährende Ausbeutung haben das Vertrauen der Siedler in unsere Regierung erlöschen lassen. Die Unterschiede zwischen uns und den Siedlern werden mit der Zeit immer stärker, und die Anfänge einer großen Rebellion sind zu erkennen.:winkytongue:o przed³u¿aj¹cym siê okresie nieudolnej administracji kolonialnej, osi¹gnêliœmy stan, w którym nasze cele s¹ ca³kowicie rozbie¿ne. Kulturalne, spo³eczne i polityczne ró¿nice oraz wyzysk doprowadzi³y do utraty wiary osadników w nasz rz¹d. Rozbie¿noœci pomiêdzy nami i osadnikami staj¹ siê coraz wyraŸniejsze. Mo¿emy siê spodziewaæ rebelii na du¿¹ skalê.;Tras un alargado periodo de malas gestiones coloniales, hemos llegado a un estado de desavenencia. Las diferencias culturales, sociales y políticas y la constante explotación han hecho que los colonos pierdan la fe en nuestro gobierno. Las diferencias con los colonos cada vez son de mayor entidad y está comenzando a tomar forma lo que podría acabar convirtiéndose en una rebelión a gran escala.;Dopo un lungo periodo di cattiva amministrazione coloniale, abbiamo raggiunto una situazione di divergenza culturale, sociale e politica. Il costante sfruttamento ha inoltre causato la perdita della fede dei colonizzatori nei confronti del nostro governo. Le differenze che intercorrono tra noi e i colonizzatori stanno assumendo dimensioni sempre più considerevoli con il passare del tempo, e un senso di ribellione su larga scala comincia a essere avvertibile.;Egy hosszan tartó rossz gyarmati vezetés után a széthúzás állapotába jutottunk. Kultúrális, társadalmi és politikai nézeteltérések és a folyamatos kizsákmányolás miatt a telepesek elveszítették bizalmukat kormányzatunk iránt. A köztünk és a telepesek közti különbségek az idõ elõrehaladtával egyre jelentõsebbé váltak, és egy nagyméretû lázadás kezdett kialakulni.:winkytongue:o delší dobì koloniálního systému nastal bod obratu. Kulturní, politický a sociální útlak spolu s pøetrvávajícím vykoøisováním vedl k tomu, že kolonisté ztratili dùvìru ve vládu. Rozdíly a neshody mezi námi a osadníky narùstají a zdá se, že se blíží doby bouøí.;;;;;;x;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
EVTOPTA1020;This is a serious matter;Une question sérieuse;Dies ist eine ernsthafte Angelegenheit;To powa¿na sprawa.;Es un asunto serio;Questa è una questione seria;Ez egy komoly ügy;Toto je vážná záležitost;;;;;;x;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
EVTOPTA1021;This is a serious matter;Une question sérieuse;Dies ist eine ernsthafte Angelegenheit;To powa¿na sprawa.;Es un asunto serio;Questa è una questione seria;Ez egy komoly ügy;Toto je vážná záležitost;;;;;;x;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

EVTOPTA1032;We can't allow this to continue;Nous ne pouvons pas laisser cela continuer;Wir müssen dem Einhalt gebieten;Nie bêdziemy tego d³u¿ej tolerowaæ.;No podemos permitir que esto siga así;Dobbiamo risolvere il problema;Nem hagyhatjuk, hogy ez folytatódjon;To nemùžeme nechat pokraèovat dál;;;;;;x;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
EVTNAME1050;Colonial Assembly;L'assemblée coloniale;Kolonialversammlung;Zgromadzenie kolonialne;Reunión colonial;Assemblea coloniale;Gyarmati gyûlés;Shromáždìní;;;;;;x;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
EVTDESC1050;Many honoured and influential representatives from several of our colonies afflicted by $MONARCH$'s new policies have assembled in $PROVINCENAME$. We should take appropriate measures to stop them before they find common cause and manage to turn all our colonies against us.;Des représentants de nos colonies, respectés et influents, affectés par la politique de $MONARCH$ se sont rassemblés en $PROVINCENAME$. Nous devons les arrêter avant qu'ils ne parviennent à mobiliser toutes les colonies contre nous.;Viele ehrbare und einflussreiche Vertreter aus verschiedenen Kolonien, die unter $MONARCH$s neuer Politik leiden, haben sich in $PROVINCENAME$ zusammengerottet. Wir sollten entsprechende Maßnahmen ergreifen, ihnen das Handwerk zu legen, bevor sie einen gemeinsamen Grund finden, der alle unsere Kolonien gegen uns aufbringt.;Wielu szanowanych i wp³ywowych przedstawicieli kilku kolonii - dotkniêtych now¹ polityk¹, któr¹ prowadzi $MONARCH$ - zebra³o siê w prowincji $PROVINCENAME$. Powinniœmy przedsiêwzi¹æ odpowiednie œrodki, aby ich powstrzymaæ, zanim zjednocz¹ siê i zwróc¹ wszystkie kolonie przeciwko nam.;Muchos representantes honorables e influyentes de varias de nuestras colonias afectadas por las nuevas políticas de $MONARCH$ se han reunido en $PROVINCENAME$. Deberíamos adoptar las medidas apropiadas para detenerlos antes de que encuentren una causa común y consigan volver a todas las colonias contra nosotros.;Numerosi rappresentanti, rispettati e influenti, di altrettante colonie afflitte dalle nuove linee adottate da $MONARCH$ si sono radunati presso $PROVINCENAME$. Faremmo bene a adottare misure adeguate per fermarli prima che riescano a metterci contro tutte le colonie.;Több gyarmatunk számos megbecsült és befolyásos képviselõjét elszomorítja $MONARCH$ $PROVINCENAME$ területén összeállított új politikája. Meg kéne tennünk a megfelelõ intézkedéseket, hogy megállítsuk õket, mielõtt okot találnak, hogy a kolóniáinat ellenünk fordítsák.;Mnozí vážení zástupci kolonií ovlivnìných novou politikou monarchy $MONARCH$ se shromáždili v $PROVINCENAME$. Musíme podniknout pøíslušná opatøení a zastavit je, než se dohodnou a najdou zpùsob, jak proti nám obrátit naše kolonisty.;;;;;;x;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
EVTOPTA1050;Attempt to find a diplomatic solution;Recherche d'une issue diplomatique;Versucht, eine diplomatische Lösung zu finden:winkytongue:ostaraj siê znaleŸæ dyplomatyczne rozwi¹zanie.;Intentar encontrar una solución diplomática;Cercare una soluzione diplomatica ;Kísérlet a diplomáciai megoldás megtalálására:winkytongue:okusit se nalézt diplomatické øešení;;;;;;x;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
EVTOPTB1050;The days of diplomacy are over;Le temps de la diplomatie est terminé;Die Tage der Diplomatie sind vorüber;Czas rozmów dyplomatycznych dobieg³ koñca.;Los días de la diplomacia han pasado;Il tempo della diplomazia è passato;A diplomácia ideje lejárt;Èas diplomacie vypršel;;;;;;x;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

EVTNAME1051;Join the Holy Roman Empire;Rejoindre le Saint Empire romain germanique.;Dem Reich (HRE) beitreten;Do³¹cz do Œwiêtego Cesarstwa Rzymskiego;Unirse al Sacro Imperio Romano;Unirsi al Sacro Romano Impero;Csatlakozz a római szent birodalomhoz:winkytongue:øipojit se ke Svaté øíši øímské;;;;;;x;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Add the following:

add_core = CNE

On the date 1750.1.1 to the following files:
C:\Program Files\Paradox Interactive\Europa Universalis III\history\provinces\966 - Connecticut.txt
C:\Program Files\Paradox Interactive\Europa Universalis III\history\provinces\967 - Narraganset
C:\Program Files\Paradox Interactive\Europa Universalis III\history\provinces\968 - Massachusetts.txt
C:\Program Files\Paradox Interactive\Europa Universalis III\history\provinces\969 - Pocumtuk.txt
C:\Program Files\Paradox Interactive\Europa Universalis III\history\provinces\970 - Pennacook.txt
C:\Program Files\Paradox Interactive\Europa Universalis III\history\provinces\971 - Abnaki
C:\Program Files\Paradox Interactive\Europa Universalis III\history\provinces\980 - Beothuk
C:\Program Files\Paradox Interactive\Europa Universalis III\history\provinces\981 - Taqamkuk
C:\Program Files\Paradox Interactive\Europa Universalis III\history\provinces\982 - Unamakik
C:\Program Files\Paradox Interactive\Europa Universalis III\history\provinces\983 - Epekwitk
C:\Program Files\Paradox Interactive\Europa Universalis III\history\provinces\984 - Acadia
C:\Program Files\Paradox Interactive\Europa Universalis III\history\provinces\985 - Micmac
C:\Program Files\Paradox Interactive\Europa Universalis III\history\provinces\997 - Labrador

Save the following:

set_country_flag = new_england_revolution

On the date 1750.1.1 to the following two files:
C:\Program Files\Paradox Interactive\Europa Universalis III\history\countries\FRA - France.txt
C:\Program Files\Paradox Interactive\Europa Universalis III\history\countries\gbr - great britain.txt

Save the following as C:\Program Files\Paradox Interactive\Europa Universalis III\events\NewEnglandRevolution.txt:

# New England quest for independence
country_event = {

id = 1020

trigger = {
NOT = { exists = CNE }
NOT = { has_country_flag = new_england_revolution }
CNE = {
NOT = {
OR = {
is_core = 970 # Pennacook
is_core = 971 # Abnaki
is_core = 968 # Massachusetts
is_core = 967 # Narraganset
is_core = 966 # Connecticut
is_core = 969 # Pocumtuk
is_core = 980 # Beothuk
is_core = 981 # Taqamkuk
is_core = 982 # Unamakik
is_core = 983 # Epekwitk
is_core = 984 # Acadia
is_core = 985 # Micmac
is_core = 997 # Labrador
year = 1750
OR = {
owns = 966 # Connecticut
owns = 968 # Massachusetts
owns = 980 # Beothuk
owns = 984 # Acadia
owns = 997 # Labrador

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 60

modifier = {
factor = 0.9
NOT = { centralization_decentralization = 0 }
modifier = {
factor = 0.9
NOT = { centralization_decentralization = -2 }
modifier = {
factor = 0.9
NOT = { centralization_decentralization = -4 }
modifier = {
factor = 1.1
centralization_decentralization = 1
modifier = {
factor = 1.1
centralization_decentralization = 3
modifier = {
factor = 1.1
centralization_decentralization = 5
modifier = {
factor = 0.9
NOT = { stability = 0 }
modifier = {
factor = 0.9
NOT = { stability = -1 }
modifier = {
factor = 0.9
NOT = { stability = -2 }
modifier = {
factor = 1.1
stability = 1
modifier = {
factor = 1.1
stability = 2
modifier = {
factor = 1.1
stability = 3
modifier = {
factor = 0.95
NOT = { ADM = 5 }
modifier = {
factor = 0.85
NOT = { ADM = 4 }
modifier = {
factor = 0.95
year = 1760
modifier = {
factor = 0.85
year = 1780

title = "EVTNAME1020"
desc = "EVTDESC1020"

option = {
name = "EVTOPTA1020"
set_country_flag = new_england_revolution
CNE = {
add_core = 970 # Pennacook
add_core = 971 # Abnaki
add_core = 968 # Massachusetts
add_core = 967 # Narraganset
add_core = 966 # Connecticut
add_core = 969 # Pocumtuk
add_core = 980 # Beothuk
add_core = 981 # Taqamkuk
add_core = 982 # Unamakik
add_core = 983 # Epekwitk
add_core = 984 # Acadia
add_core = 985 # Micmac
add_core = 997 # Labrador
colonists = -1

# Colonial assembly
province_event = {

id = 1050

trigger = {
is_core = CNE
revolt_risk = 3
owner = {
has_country_flag = new_england_revolution
NOT = { has_province_modifier = loyalist_stronghold }

mean_time_to_happen = {
months = 60

modifier = {
factor = 0.9
owner = { NOT = { stability = -1 } }
modifier = {
factor = 0.9
owner = { NOT = { stability = -2 } }
modifier = {
factor = 0.9
owner = { NOT = { advisor = statesman } }
modifier = {
factor = 0.9
owner = { NOT = { ADM = 4 } }
modifier = {
factor = 0.9
owner = { NOT = { DIP = 4 } }
modifier = {
factor = 1.1
owner = { ADM = 8 }
modifier = {
factor = 1.1
owner = { DIP = 8 }
modifier = {
factor = 1.1
owner = { advisor = statesman }

title = "EVTNAME1050"
desc = "EVTDESC1050"

option = {
name = "EVTOPTA1050" # Attempt to find a diplomatic solution
ai_chance = {
factor = 1
modifier = {
factor = 0
has_country_modifier = diplomatic_negotiation
owner = {
clr_country_flag = new_england_revolution
add_country_modifier = {
name = "diplomatic_negotiation"
duration = -1

option = {
name = "EVTOPTB1050" # The days of diplomacy are over
ai_chance = { factor = 100 }
owner = { stability = -1 }
add_province_modifier = {
name = "colonial_tensions"
duration = -1

And finally, save the attached image as C:\Program Files\Paradox Interactive\Europa Universalis III\gfx\flags\CNE.tga:


Hordes can never gain any territory from a non-Horde state unless it ceases to be a Horde.

That is what I found out after ALOT of looking around very late last night. So I downloaded the 5.1 patch and I am happy now.
gave up my Golden Horde game and instead started a Mongolia one, took over the Ming already cause their war exhaustion went massive cause of their wars with the Kazakhs who took over the orait horde.
That is what I found out after ALOT of looking around very late last night. So I downloaded the 5.1 patch and I am happy now.
gave up my Golden Horde game and instead started a Mongolia one, took over the Ming already cause their war exhaustion went massive cause of their wars with the Kazakhs who took over the orait horde.
How do you dl patches Evil-nee?
I know everyone likes talking about they glorious empires, but have there been a few that you've ran only for it to collapse? I see it all the time with AIs, just wondering if any human players have gone through it.
I know everyone likes talking about they glorious empires, but have there been a few that you've ran only for it to collapse? I see it all the time with AIs, just wondering if any human players have gone through it.

I've never had a huge empire collapse, because I keep an eye on my badboy and keep a large enough army to deal with rebellions. Now when I first started playing the game I did sort of suck at it and collapsed my nations half the time. But that was when I was too incompetent to build a large empire anyway.
I know everyone likes talking about they glorious empires, but have there been a few that you've ran only for it to collapse? I see it all the time with AIs, just wondering if any human players have gone through it.

Only time that ever happened to me was when I was a Japanese Daimyo (Shogun as well) and there was only one Daimyo left and they ended up occupying one of my provinces so they got to become Japan and my nation died.

There are two ways to become Japan in DW, the second one happened to me:

  • You must be a daimyo.
  • Country cannot be Japan.

  • You must be the shogun
  • You must be at peace.
  • You must be the only daimyo left.

  • There must be only two daimyos left.
  • The other daimyo must be the shogun and at war with you.
  • You must control one of his provinces.


State of the Roman (Burgundian/French) Empire in 1821
Things of note:
1. Super Quebec
2. Culturally Irish Canadian "U.S"
3. Balkanised Iberia
4. Mecklenburg in Northern Russia
5. Lithuanian/Neapolitan Africa
6. Savoy in Western Australia
7. Scandinavian lower India
8. Huge Delhi
9. Chinese Japan
10. Papal Cuba/South Australia
11. Technicolour Phillipines
12. Roman Empire :cool:.

You, sir, are my hero.

Scotland is the best country to wank :D

Here was the best i ever got with them, Ive tried so many times but never been able to get this powerful again. :(

The cold war with the English over new colonies is reaching a climax in my current game. They've started giving me trade embargoes from time to time. I swiftly returned the favour by doing the same, then they reverted back to the status quo, so I did the same. I'm trying to build a peaceful and religiously tolerant (though still primararily Catholic) Scotland. More of a merchant and colonial power, instead of a military one. I already own more of North America than the English and Castilians, my only real rival there being the Portuguese, the undisputed rulers of the SE OTL US, sans Florida ! :cool: :D Kind of fitting, since my country is becoming sort of a north European analogue of Portugal, with the whole "expert navy and feverish colonial ventures" schtick. Fun facts : I now have a single tiny (but well developed) African colony... in the Luanda province, cca OTL NW Angola ! :eek: :D And while most of Brazil is firmly Portuguese as in OTL, they left the province of Rio de Janeiro uncolonized for too long - guess who snatched it from them... ;) :cool:
Here it is : The Scottish Colonial Empire (member of the loose Scottish-Irish-French-Danish Alliance) in 1581 AD.
