Engineering A Planet


Here's one with Vue Infinite.

Obviously, it's a bit more convincing with realistic colours and clouds. And perhaps no lettering...
I can give you one of my plain ones if you prefer.

Kalsaj eco 2.png
Hi everyone,

Thanks for the fascinating discussions on climatology; I admit that I never detailed the climate much on my own planet, but I might just change that after having read these posts (

I used some of the software I wrote for my own use on one of the maps in earlier posts, one of Thande's. This one was done with the cartography toolbox of Matlab. Hope you like it. One thing I found out the hard way is that it rather tricky to draw the polar areas well with any paint program, as they tend to get all wrinkled up around the poles.

If you want better-looking globes you can easily import maps into Vue d'Esprit, and you can also use the Celestia program. The latter (search Google for Celestia and Celestia Motherlode) may be worth a visit anyway.

I like that finished product, I've only one quibble...

You mentioned.....Matlab.... that the bane of the mechanical engineering department at my home university...they teach it in freshman year... and then don't touch it for nearly two and a half... grr on those bloody professors.

And in regard to the climatological info, I find that its not all that difficult to work it out, especially with the help from the site mentioned earlier in the thread. I'd be happy to help if you want to outsource it :D, and if not, I'd love to see what you come up with.

And oh yeah, this is to everyone: If you notice something wrong with any of the extrapolations or climatological hypotheses I or really anyone on this thread comes up with, do be kind enough to point it out. I'd hate to be giving out false information, and I'm sure most of us would agree.


Here's that with a few clouds.

(What a novel idea, actually using the cloud effect to make clouds.)

Why, that's as unusual as an American falsely claiming Irish ancestry! :D

Maybe we should try to blur the transitions between the colours as well to make it more realistic.
Hi everyone,

I'm back later than I wanted, but here's a quickie:

The first globe is the map posted yesterday.
The second is the same with one difference: I just made sure that the icecap went all around the pole, so the dark region does not reach up to the pole. In the original there was a region of dark doing so, but if you then show that as a globe you get this weird pointy shape.
The third one is similar, but after extensive blurring.

They all take some getting used to; for me, the best effects proved to be those that were similar to the types of maps you see in an atlas. The more the colours conform to what you expect, the more believable the result appears to be.



Hi everyone,

That's very nice, sir. Though I don't know why it's against a grass-like background :confused:

I think the best compromise here is if I were to blur the lines between the different topographic zones on the blank map (and fix the grey region) and then put it on a globe...if you blur it afterwards, as in the third one, you also take out the defined line between land and water.

Regardless, the people of the United Nations of Kalsaj are very grateful to you ;)
You mentioned.....Matlab.... that the bane of the mechanical engineering department at my home university...they teach it in freshman year...

I'd be happy to help if you want to outsource it :D, and if not, I'd love to see what you come up with.

Hello Azardin,

In my case, I love Matlab... it allows me to jump straight in and start coding the key problem rather than the boring bits, and if I've got that solved, I can always add a user interface. Seeing the user is always me, not much of an interface is needed. :)

I would really appreciate it if you could try your hand with the climatology of Furaha. Are the maps on the website (see above for the URL) good enough or do you need another map?


Hello Azardin,

In my case, I love Matlab... it allows me to jump straight in and start coding the key problem rather than the boring bits, and if I've got that solved, I can always add a user interface. Seeing the user is always me, not much of an interface is needed. :)

I would really appreciate it if you could try your hand with the climatology of Furaha. Are the maps on the website (see above for the URL) good enough or do you need another map?

I like the idea of all us world-builders getting together and helping each other out with our own specialist areas. You can do globes, Azardin can do climate...I'm pretty good with fictional languages and flags, although I imagine most people make those up themselves when worldbuilding...
To Euio/Thande:

This better? (no grass this time, just boring stars; there's got to be something in the background). Watch the pole! It still looks like a tiny black hole is sucking in the planet's surface!!

To Euio/Thande:

This better? (no grass this time, just boring stars; there's got to be something in the background). Watch the pole! It still looks like a tiny black hole is sucking in the planet's surface!!
Hopefully this fixes some of the black holey-ness.

Thandes funnier map no clouds.png


Here's my new version, with mountains (forgot them in the previous ones! :eek: ), blurring and clouds.

Kalsaj full new clouds.png