Dole Wins

A change of less than 700,000 votes in eight states would've given Dole 270 electoral votes, and therefore the US Presidency.

What would the effects of a Dole presidency be? What would the effects of a candidate taking office with under 42% of the vote when his primary challenger received over 48% of the vote?

Electoral map of the alternate election: Dole takes Arizona, Florida, Kentucky, Missouri, Nevada, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Tennessee.
I don't think things would have been significantly different with respect to OTL; on the home front, the economy may have faced an earlier slowdown due to some of the archaic fiscal policies a Dole administration would likely have implemented.
Due to Dole's relatively advanced age, (at 73, he would have been the oldest U.S. president ever inaugarated), his health could at some point have been potentially compromised, especially with adverse international events (i.e. terrorist attacks in Tanzania and Sudan in 1998), although the Americans' response to these and/or other violations might have been dealt with more swiftly and harshly militarily (think the 1986 bombing of Libya as ordered by President Reagan). :D
Bin Laden Captured

Would have Dole taken the opportunities to take out Bin Laden that Clinton did not? What does that mean for 9-11, Afganistan, Iraq? Would there be a "global war on terror"? More than likely yes, but a much lower level. Bin Laden in one of those historical figures that is a galvanizing force within a movement. Without him, the Islamofascists would likely be more fragmented, and definately less wealthy. The economy may not have changed much. The real question would be if the congress and Dole would have taken much action to further control spending.
Should be more widely known

Such as? (Please use a reference source other than Rush Limbaugh or the like.) pages/Prior_Knowledge/Clinton_let_bin_laden.htm

No Limbaugh needed on this one. In reality, some of the other posters here thought that Dole might be more heavy handed in his dealing with external threats. It would be realistic that Dole might have sent the CIA over to get Bin Laden from the Sudanese, or bombed him when he could have. It might have made for a more peaceful world.:cool: pages/Prior_Knowledge/Clinton_let_bin_laden.htm

No Limbaugh needed on this one. In reality, some of the other posters here thought that Dole might be more heavy handed in his dealing with external threats. It would be realistic that Dole might have sent the CIA over to get Bin Laden from the Sudanese, or bombed him when he could have. It might have made for a more peaceful world.:cool:

I still get a blundering old-guy vibe from Dole...for the sake of board peace, lets assume that he doesn't do anything different with respect to terrorists, or Iraq. :)
Among other things, we'd be looking at the re-nomination (and likely re-election) next year of president Jack Kemp and vice-president Christie Whitman.

Norm McDonald on SNL would have had a longer career. Can you imagine "Bob Dole must destroy all enemies!!!!!" He did do a rather amusing caricature of Dole.
How does Bob Dole win the election? Any ideas as to what could possibly sway a million voters to vote for him instead of Clinton?
How does Bob Dole win the election? Any ideas as to what could possibly sway a million voters to vote for him instead of Clinton?
Maybe we don't need to have those voters vote for Dole, so much as against Bill Clinton. Ross Perot got something like 8 million votes in 1992. Perhaps if he had run a stronger campaign in '96 he could have pulled more votes away from Clinton.
Another possibility could be that Clinton's affairs could have come out earlier and had a strong negative impact on his vote totals in the religious south enough to throw La and Ark and the election to Dole.
Just my $.02
Maybe we don't need to have those voters vote for Dole, so much as against Bill Clinton. Ross Perot got something like 8 million votes in 1992. Perhaps if he had run a stronger campaign in '96 he could have pulled more votes away from Clinton.

If anything, Perot stole votes from the right-center, hurting Dole more than Clinton.

Could Perot have decided not to run?

Another possibility could be that Clinton's affairs could have come out earlier and had a strong negative impact on his vote totals in the religious south enough to throw La and Ark and the election to Dole.
Just my $.02

Heh-heh...perhaps. But Dole would need FAR more than Louisiana and Arkansas...he lost by an electoral vote of 379-159.
"Could Perot have decided not to run?"

Of course. After all, he dropped out of the race in between, although the polls hadn't been that bad, and later re-entered. Now that's flip-flopping on a major issue.