Dimension 459

The period between 2000 and 2008 was an era of peace and prosperity. There was a significant decrease in the use of nuclear takeoffs, with the construction of the first space elevator in northern UKBJ Australia. This lead to the MEU and the UKCLR both also building space elevators. Improvements in cryogenics technology also saw the use of space guns, which would turn any thawed human into a paste due to their massive G-forces. The number of clones worldwide surged to nearly 85 million, the Germans using large numbers for menial labour that they did not have the man power to do thanks to the Panslavists genocides. The militaries of the world began to experiment with the idea of all clone front lines, while domestically many clones found themselves in the role of servants. Intensive space colonisation saw the start of the terraforming of Mars, with nearly a half million people living in space by 2008, along with one millon clones.
On the political scene the world slowly grew more fearful of the Naso who continued to grow in power, though they were uninterested in war. In India many began to fear that their culture was being erased by Dalgiers who wanted to turn India into a new France. Thus Indian cultural groups in the UKCLR, the nation with the largest Indian population outside of India, and British India began turning into resistance supply groups. This turned Dalgiers into further paranoia, tightening his grip, which only served to make him less popular.
Finally the sciences had begun to have a serious interest in interdimensional travel, but, unlike ourselves, they had to try to figure out how to initiate and Inter String Object Transfer entirely on their own. However they did have quite a bit more advanced technology than ourselves when we were first starting out, thus allowing them to understand the theoretical side better than we did when we had already begun usings ISOTs.
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March 2008 saw the riots start. Clones in Germany rebeled against a new law which confermed that they were not legally people, before it hadn't actually been that clearly defined. Germany was the most clone dependent of any nation, due in large part to the World War, from which the population was still recovering. Prussia had been the most depopulated, while the Rhine had begun using clones as industrial workers, thus both these regions soon fell to clone riots. The army moved in, but it was a successful as the police at stopping the clones who numbered in the millions, and even suffered clone deserters from it's own ranks.
Things seemed bad enough when the Naso decided to declare their support for oppressed clones everywhere and declared that clones should be given equal rights to natural humans. The Alliance of African Monarchies responded by banning clones entirerly and any in their territory were to be exicuted. This lead to dozens of border clashes as clone refugees fled to Naso nations and AAM troops attempted to stop them. The UKs attempted to stop things from spreading, but then their space colonies, which were mainly clone inhabited, rebelled in May. This was a serious issue as much of the UKs were fusion powered, unlike the still fission bulk of the world, and the moon was still a major source of Hydrogen. It was also a serious matter of pride.
Perhaps now is a good time to discuss the clones in further detail. The clones were originally flat out clones, such as during the World War where many Germans were disturbed to see younger versions of their own relatives fighting fanatically on the other side, but over time as things became more wide spread and personal rights became an issue clones became merely artificial humans made from a combination of genes from different donours. Many clones are also somewhat enhanced in order to make them more able to dangerous jobs, as has been discussed earlier, but as it was cheaper to tweak all clones rather than just a select few, a bit of corner cutting that cost the world oh so dearly.
Seeing that the UKs were occupied the Naso's decided to invaded the AAM nations in June, settling a long held gudge, though officially 'liberating the opressed clones'. Germany was rather too strong for them to simply attack, but they did smuggle weapons to rebels thoughout Germany and Hungary, which suffered similiar riots due to their close allegience with Germany. In clone held regions on the border the Naso sent 'peacekeepers' to prevent further bloodshed, a nasty twisting to an honourable thing.

The clone rebellion was fast descending into a massive war as the Technocratic International declared that Germany and Hungary were to be removed due to their inhumane treatment of clones. The rest Techtern chose to declare war on Germany, Hungary and the AAM, much to the joy of the Naso. The UKs however began to see space as being a temporarily lost front that could be starved out via blockading, thus they began to turn their attention towards the war. This meant a withdrawal of soldiers from the occupied region of Russia, leading to Naso and Russian Liberation Front riots. By this point many feared another world war was in the making, though our analysis shows that infact the UKs, Brazil and the other monarchies of the world were in a position to end things almost as soon as they fully mobilised. However this theory was not tested due to a UKCLR weapon.
The UKCLR had been working on satellite weapons for some time as a way to end the possibility of nuclear war and ecological collapse, while still being able to fill a similiar role as a deterrent. When the clone rebellion began these satellites still had a good three years left in their build time, so the UKCLR felt that they weren't a problem, however the clones managed to peace together the satellites in merely 7 months due to putting them on full priority when they were found. Thus the UKCLR was dubfounded when the clones hit Addis Ababa with the satellite lasers. The world was appalled at these horrifying weapons, not realising that they were better than nukes. This lead to a weakening of the anti-clone front. The MEU, which had managed to remain neutral, decided that a peace was necessary before the clones wiped out more cities.
The negotiations went very poorly though, the Germans and their allies demanded the Naso and Clones pay them for damages, while the other side claimed to be the victims not the aggressors. In response to this utter deadlock the MEU, FRA, Bosnia, Nationalist China and Fourth Republic began mobilising their armies as a display of their own power, a move that proved successful when it became appearent that the Fourth Republic was finally stable and once again a major power, to the surprise of their enemies, allies and themselves. Negotiations soon became based entirerly on the actual situation and less on the supposed honour of countries. Only the UKCLR remained stubborn, more out of fear of admitting that the republicans were once again a threat to them.
This map shows the ceasefire lines.

The treaty of Cairo was finaly signed in January 2009, with numerous changes. The biggest was the banning of those nations opposed to clone rights from space beyond geosychronus orbit. The clone government did agree to allow anyone beyond that limit from said nations who wanted to return home to do so. The clones were also given several territories on Earth, with Rhineland being their main population centre. The treaty also saw the Russians gaining independence, though having to give a large amount of territory to the UKCLR.
In the aftermath of the treaty the Technorcat party lost it's hold over both Germany and Hungary, the parliament descending into a plurality and shifting coalitions due to no one party having been experienced at running the nations. The UKCLR fell into a period of isolationism, dealing only with fellow Bourbon nations, many felt they planning for another war, though our experts at the time along realised what they were really doing. The MEU, Naso and Technocrats entered a period of cooperationm, though the Naso and MEU both disliked the situation. The African Kingdom was created, though it was somewhere between a nation and a coalition.
All in all this lead to a serious slowdown of the global economy with much of the world losing access to lunar He-3 and other the benifits of the space colonies, along with the largest devolopped economy on the planet, the UKCLR, practically ending imports. With the global slowdown and jealously running strong the Fifth Republic began to push it's influence with other nations, preparing to start a war. This was however all ended when the UKCLR succeed in their goal.
