Different but similar nations .

Do you have a map for the last post ?
And you should definetely do a time line for this .Let me know if you do please .
Oops I did not see the map :eek::eek: came as a shock when I saw it though and is nicely done .
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Republic of Wales: (Weriniaeth Cymru)

Background: Wales industrializes just like in OTL, except in this scenario, significantly fewer English workers migrate to industrial south Wales in the later 19th and early 20th centuries, meaning that South Wales in 1914 is more than 80% Welsh Speaking while Cardiff to remains majority Welsh Speaking.

In the 1890s: The Cymru Fydd movement manages to create a Welsh Nationalist Party just like that in Ireland with David LLoyd George as its leader in Westminster. The Welsh Nationalists, like the Irish Nationalists, manages to hold the balance of power between 1910 and 1914 and manages to achieve Home Rule, although because there is no Welsh equivalent of the Ulster Crisis, it gets passed sooner, a Welsh devolved bicameral parliament is set up by 1914. Many nationalists want it in Cardiff but Lloyd George has it set up in Aberystwyth.
Lloyd George becomes the first first minister and without him in the liberals as in OTL, it is Bonar Law who replaces Asquith in OTL. Meanwhile, the new Home Rule parliament in Aberystwyth has its powers suspended during the first world war, frustrating many nationalists but nevertheless, Lloyd George, as leader of the Welsh Government, persuades the Welsh to sign up for the war. The Welsh Parliament then gains its powers in 1918.
The Easter Rising in Dublin, along with the subsequent Irish War of independence takes place just like OTL, except for the fact that with a Tory government in Westminster (and no Lloyd George coalition), the British are harsher than OTL, and sympathy for the Irish Republicans grows in Wales.
Talk of solidarity with their celtic cousins grows.

Declaration of independence: In 1920, after the latest British atrocity in Ireland, a declaration of independence reaches the floor of the Welsh House of Commons. Lloyd George hitherto secretly sympathetic to the British government watches as the debate slips in the separatist direction. Partly fearing being forced to resign, he decides to support the separatist vote and compares Bonar Law to the Kaiser, and Ireland to Belgium. Talks of how Wales, with its industry can perfectly well survive economically motivate other into voting for the declaration. It passes, and the Tory government in London is both shocked and livid while Collins and De Valera are thrilled. The Welsh war of Independence has begun.
Local Authorities all back the declaration and the Welsh Republican Army (Myddin Gwerinieathol Cymru) is set up. They fight a a mixture of open battles and ambushes against the invading English Army, but when all hope seems lost, the Tories call a truce, due to English public opinion. The Anglo-Welsh-Irish Treaty is signed, creating a Welsh free state, along with an Irish one, both within the British Empire. The Welsh legislature accepts the Treaty, hoping that this will be a stepping stone to a Welsh Republic.

Independence: In Wales' multiparty system of the inter-war period, Lloyd George's Cymru Fydd and the Welsh Labour Party develop as the two largest parties, representing centre-right and centre-left politics, with other parties including the Communist Party and the Democratic Party, the latter representing the English speaking minority concentrated in Radnorshire and Southern Pembrokeshire. However, despite their best efforts, the Inter-War period proves disasterous for Wales' economy, due to the pressures on Wales's heavy industries, leading to high unemployment and emigration to the neighboring United Kingdom of England, Scotland and Northern Ireland. Lloyd George's combination of Keynesianism and Free Trade Economics does help a little, but times remain difficult. However, given the legacy of the war of independence, few Welshmen want to give up their independence.

Later Twentieth and Early Twenty first century: Wales's economy slowly improves after the Second World War, with the growth in services and light industry. However real prosperity comes with access to the EEC, which it joins in 1973. Like it's neighbor, Ireland, the country becomes a Celtic tiger economy more than 20 years later, with the interwar strife seeming a world away. Aberystywth and Cardiff grow as centers of light industry and Technology, and many international companies invest in Wales, along with related Welsh Startups. Successive Welsh governments, just like in 1889, develop a world class education system, this time focusing on vocational education. Its infrastructure is overhauled, with the government after the second world war choosing to invest in its railway infrastructure and not in motorways, and thus its railways experience among the highest ridership levels per capita in Europe, while trains are known for their punctuality, ease of travel and popularity. Aberystwyth, in spite of its growth in the later 20th century, remains smaller than Cardiff or Swansea, while being one of the most beautiful and safest capitals in the EU. As a result of Wales' new found prosperity, it becomes more cosmopolitan; those born in the neighboring United Kingdom number around 11% in 2011, while those born outside of the British Isles, though less numerous than those of English birth, increase in the preceding decades, giving Wales' cities a multi-cultural population.

Welsh remains the dominant first language of the Republic, the mother tongue of more than 80% of people in 2011, and is designated as the official language by the constitution, while English, as well as having co-official status as a regional language in Mid-Powys and Southern Pembrokeshire, is the default first foreign language in schools in Wales, with a majority being able to speak it as a second language, despite their being a temporary dip in English's popularity as a second language after independence, due to political reasons.

Government: Unitary Parliamentary Republic
Population: 3 million
I love it Finnz !Always been interested in New Zealand and this is an excellent time line .Not to long ,not to short .And not some Wank were the nation single handedly holds off the Japanese in WWII and expands post war into Oceania .
I myself have a time line were New Zealand under the name Attoria is a grand Duchy under the Kingdom of Alaska .
Is Aotearoa the way the islands name is spelled ?And how do you pronounce it ?
Another question .You seem to know quite a bit about the Maori language .How much do you know and would you be willing to help me on some words for my time line ?

Thank you :) :)
Aotearoa is the Maori name for New Zealand (literally meaning The Land of the Long White Cloud) and its pronounced as ah-teea-row-a

I dont know too much Maori but I can see what I can do. Google translate has a Maori option so if you wanted to translate single words then that should hopefully be accurate enough.

Id love to see your timeline once it's done, I think New Zealand is often an under represented place in alternare history so I cant wait to read it :D
Here is a link of what I have so far . https://www.alternatehistory.com/discussion/showthread.php?t=371142
In the time line the south island is settled by by French immigrants while the north Island is settled by Dutch settlers from Alaska .
It it made a grand Duchy in the 1880`s which makes it semi-autonomous .The Duchy sends troops to fight in the kingdom of Alaska`s wars in south America ,WWI and two .
In the 50`s the duchy becomes a major tourist spot for Alaskans looking to get away from it all for a spell .
Also in this time line some Moa Moa birds and Haast eagles are found in small islands off the coast and nature preserves are made for them on the mainland .
The king Francis I is so amazed by the Haast eagle he makes it the official bird of the nation .Which is sort of a dig at the US which has the largest eagle in the world as its bird until the Haast eagles discovery .
Republic of Central Africa .

Area is Congo states ,Gabon ,Cameroon and Equatorial Guinea

Population .150 million .

Capital and largest city Kinshasa .

Federal Republic with six states .

The Republic of Central Africa came about during the 1950`s when France was recovering from the second world war .Many areas of French Central Africa began to seek independence from France and fought small scale insurrections to attain it .
In 1956 France called a conference in Italy composed of delegates from all the states in rebellion to decide what to do .After over a year it was decided to grant the nation Independence from France and that the regions would be composed into one large nation with independence set in 1960 .
The Belgian colony of the Congo (Which had been in civil war since its own independence) expressed a willingness to join the new nation in 1963 and was allowed in in 1965 after a RCA invasion pacified the area .
The nation joined with France in an alliance and secured lucrative contracts with both the French and the US to export its abundant natural resources which led to a boon in the economy during the height of the cold war .
After the breakup of the USSR the CRA experienced a sharp decline in its economy as its sources of income no longer needed as much metal and uranium for the arms race .
The economy slowly recovered during the 90`s but even during the height of the depression the CRA remained the strongest economy on the continent ,and the most unified .
2012 marked a historic event for the CRA when Joseph Bonaparte was elected to the position of President .The 43 year old had lived in the CRA his whole life and was thus elegible for the post since he was a citizen .
He continues to serve today and is the nations first white president ,and its most popular controlling 80 percent of the votes in the recent election .

Don Quijote

Republic of Wales: (Weriniaeth Cymru)

Background: Wales industrializes just like in OTL, except in this scenario, significantly fewer English workers migrate to industrial south Wales in the later 19th and early 20th centuries, meaning that South Wales in 1914 is more than 80% Welsh Speaking while Cardiff to remains majority Welsh Speaking.

In the 1890s: The Cymru Fydd movement manages to create a Welsh Nationalist Party just like that in Ireland with David LLoyd George as its leader in Westminster. The Welsh Nationalists, like the Irish Nationalists, manages to hold the balance of power between 1910 and 1914 and manages to achieve Home Rule, although because there is no Welsh equivalent of the Ulster Crisis, it gets passed sooner, a Welsh devolved bicameral parliament is set up by 1914. Many nationalists want it in Cardiff but Lloyd George has it set up in Aberystwyth.
Lloyd George becomes the first first minister and without him in the liberals as in OTL, it is Bonar Law who replaces Asquith in OTL. Meanwhile, the new Home Rule parliament in Aberystwyth has its powers suspended during the first world war, frustrating many nationalists but nevertheless, Lloyd George, as leader of the Welsh Government, persuades the Welsh to sign up for the war. The Welsh Parliament then gains its powers in 1918.
The Easter Rising in Dublin, along with the subsequent Irish War of independence takes place just like OTL, except for the fact that with a Tory government in Westminster (and no Lloyd George coalition), the British are harsher than OTL, and sympathy for the Irish Republicans grows in Wales.
Talk of solidarity with their celtic cousins grows.

Declaration of independence: In 1920, after the latest British atrocity in Ireland, a declaration of independence reaches the floor of the Welsh House of Commons. Lloyd George hitherto secretly sympathetic to the British government watches as the debate slips in the separatist direction. Partly fearing being forced to resign, he decides to support the separatist vote and compares Bonar Law to the Kaiser, and Ireland to Belgium. Talks of how Wales, with its industry can perfectly well survive economically motivate other into voting for the declaration. It passes, and the Tory government in London is both shocked and livid while Collins and De Valera are thrilled. The Welsh war of Independence has begun.
Local Authorities all back the declaration and the Welsh Republican Army (Myddin Gwerinieathol Cymru) is set up. They fight a a mixture of open battles and ambushes against the invading English Army, but when all hope seems lost, the Tories call a truce, due to English public opinion. The Anglo-Welsh-Irish Treaty is signed, creating a Welsh free state, along with an Irish one, both within the British Empire. The Welsh legislature accepts the Treaty, hoping that this will be a stepping stone to a Welsh Republic.

Independence: In Wales' multiparty system of the inter-war period, Lloyd George's Cymru Fydd and the Welsh Labour Party develop as the two largest parties, representing centre-right and centre-left politics, with other parties including the Communist Party and the Democratic Party, the latter representing the English speaking minority concentrated in Radnorshire and Southern Pembrokeshire. However, despite their best efforts, the Inter-War period proves disasterous for Wales' economy, due to the pressures on Wales's heavy industries, leading to high unemployment and emigration to the neighboring United Kingdom of England, Scotland and Northern Ireland. Lloyd George's combination of Keynesianism and Free Trade Economics does help a little, but times remain difficult. However, given the legacy of the war of independence, few Welshmen want to give up their independence.

Later Twentieth and Early Twenty first century: Wales's economy slowly improves after the Second World War, with the growth in services and light industry. However real prosperity comes with access to the EEC, which it joins in 1973. Like it's neighbor, Ireland, the country becomes a Celtic tiger economy more than 20 years later, with the interwar strife seeming a world away. Aberystywth and Cardiff grow as centers of light industry and Technology, and many international companies invest in Wales, along with related Welsh Startups. Successive Welsh governments, just like in 1889, develop a world class education system, this time focusing on vocational education. Its infrastructure is overhauled, with the government after the second world war choosing to invest in its railway infrastructure and not in motorways, and thus its railways experience among the highest ridership levels per capita in Europe, while trains are known for their punctuality, ease of travel and popularity. Aberystwyth, in spite of its growth in the later 20th century, remains smaller than Cardiff or Swansea, while being one of the most beautiful and safest capitals in the EU. As a result of Wales' new found prosperity, it becomes more cosmopolitan; those born in the neighboring United Kingdom number around 11% in 2011, while those born outside of the British Isles, though less numerous than those of English birth, increase in the preceding decades, giving Wales' cities a multi-cultural population.

Welsh remains the dominant first language of the Republic, the mother tongue of more than 80% of people in 2011, and is designated as the official language by the constitution, while English, as well as having co-official status as a regional language in Mid-Powys and Southern Pembrokeshire, is the default first foreign language in schools in Wales, with a majority being able to speak it as a second language, despite their being a temporary dip in English's popularity as a second language after independence, due to political reasons.

Government: Unitary Parliamentary Republic
Population: 3 million

I think an independent Republic of Wales is quite difficult to achieve, given that even Scotland didn't manage it, and nationalism is much stronger there. In 1997 when a referendum was held on devolved powers for Wales, it barely scraped past with just 50.3%. The turnout was only 50.2%. Also I doubt Lloyd George, a former UK Prime Minister, could allow himself to be seen as an anti-British nationalist.
Republic of Central Africa.png
Here is a map for the last time line of mine

Republic of Central Africa.png
Kingdom of Sweden

Area comprises modern day Sweden ,Finland ,Greenland ,Trinidad and Tobago ,Virgin islands ,Madagascar and Solomon islands .

Population for whole empire is 130 million .

Capital Stockholm Sweden .

Constitutional monarchy with integrated overseas provinces .

The Kingdom of Sweden following the great Northern War rebuilt slowly during the next century .When Napoleon seized power Sweden and Russia would eventually go to war over Finland but the Finns seeing the likely outcome of a Russian victory and occupation chose to fight alongside their Swedish masters .Russia was repulsed and a treaty signed which brought peace to Sweden .The nation then went to war with Denmark when Norway declared independence in 1809 .The two sides fought dozens of major battles around Olso the Norwegian capital with neither side able to gain a major advantage over the other .
In the treaty of Berlin which concluded the war Sweden was clearly the victor over Denmark ,Norway received independence under Swedish oversight ,all of the Danish west indies was handed over to Sweden which were then grouped alongside Trinidad and Tobago were called the Swedish West Indies .
Cash strapped the Danes would sell Greenland in 1832 to Sweden which continued to build its empire .
The kingdom gained Madagascar in 1857 from a deal with France and bought the Solomons in 1896 adding them to the empire as the Swedish east Indies .
Sweden remained nuetral during both world wars ,joined Nato only after the fall of the USSR in 1994 and refused to switch currency to the Euro despite or rather becuase of having one of the strongest economies in Europe .
The nation has good relations with both the USA and British Commonwealths and their fleet the fifth largest in the world holds routine joint training missions with both navies .

Don Quijote

Republic of Kurdistan

Population of 17 million

Capital city is Erbil

Comprises Iraqi Kurdistan, and parts of Turkish and Syrian Kurdistan.

After WW1 and the breakup of the Ottoman Empire France and Britain were given much of its former Middle Eastern territory under a League of Nations Mandate. However, due to the extensive help given by the Kurds to the British in their fight against the Ottomans, following the Balfour Declaration of 1917 promising a Jewish homeland, in 1918 the planned creation of a Kurdish homeland was also announced. In 1920, as Turkey fought off attacks from Greece, the Bolsheviks, the Armenians, Britain and France, the Kurds took their chance and declared independence. On the same day they joined the war against Turkey, launching harassing attacks in the south east of the country. After the defeat of the Greeks in the west, the Turks were able to concentrate on the east, but could not totally force out its enemies. In 1922 Kurdistan was officially recognised by Turkey. Britain had already given up a small part of its Iraqi mandate to increase the size of the new state.

In 1941 Iraq, by now largely independent, joined the Axis Powers and attacked RAF Habbaniyah. The British responded with 'Habforce', a collection of trucks and armoured cars sent from Transjordan, and a landing at Basra in the south. Habbaniyah held off its attackers, and the troops in Basra headed north, but Baghdad was defended by 20,000 troops. The British had about 1,750, and were unable to persuade the Iraqis to surrender (OTL they bluffed the Iraqis into believing that they had hundreds of tanks and over 11,000 troops outside the city). Then, having been involved in several skirmishes for the first few weeks, the Kurds struck, heading south with arms secretly supplied to them by the Turks in return for an agreement to formally end continuing Kurdish claims on Turkish territory. They quickly captured the Kirkuk oil fields, then moved on to reach Baghdad just as the Iraqis attempted to break out to the west. The result was an Anglo-Kurdish victory, as the Kurds swept into the city at the same time the Iraqis were leaving it to attack the British force. The Kurds took part to a limited extent in the Syrian campaign of June-July 1941 as well, and annexed some Kurdish inhabited areas. To the anger of Charles De Gaulle, the British made no attempt to stop this.

Kurdistan thrived for the next 30-40 years, finally creating a positive relationship with Turkey, once seen as an oppressor. It came close to being invaded by Saddam Hussain's Iraq in the late 1970s, but the Revolution in Iran led instead to the Iran-Iraq War in 1980. Iraq, lacking oil due to many of the northern oilfields being Kurdish, and the southern ones being captured by the Iranians in the first year of the war after Iraq's failed surprise attack, was defeated in 1985. Saddam was overthrown in 1986, and after a few years of turmoil became a democratic, although corrupt, republic. Kurdistan meanwhile became involved in border disputes with the Iranians, and a brief war was fought in 1993, but UN mediation prevented the conflict from escalating.

Since then Kurdistan has remained peaceful, with an economy that largely relies on oil, but efforts have been made to promote tourism in the country, and visitors to Turkey often cross the border to see the beautiful and spectacular but inhospitable mountains and valleys. Tensions with Iran remain high, especially as Saudi Arabia is a supporter of the mostly Sunni Muslim Kurdistan, while Iran claims that Shia Kurds are mistreated. Fluctuating oil prices have also hit the country, and living standards are low in rural areas. Despite these ongoing problems, most Kurds are optimistic about their nation's future, as they look back on its colourful and varied past.
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Don Quijote

That's the Kurdistan TL finished, and a map should follow in the next few days. Feedback is always welcome, as I'm not a Middle East expert.
The idea behind this thread is for people to post some alternate versions of nations that could and could not have happened .It will work like this .
*Country name (Can be same as OTL or different just say which nation it is )
*Government type
*Area (What it owns and such )
*History of the nation .(Detail what happened in your country to make it happen ,can be as long or as short as you want )
thats all you need .

Kingdom of Finland
  • Government: Constitutional monarchy
  • Area: Finland in the borders it had on January 1st, 1939
  • Population: Mostly Finns (85%), Swedes (10%) and other Russians and Laps (5%)
  • History: The fact Imperial Germany helped Finnish nationalists and then intervined in the Civil War against the Reds and for the Whites made this country really influent in the Finnish politics; the conservatives, who excluded the pro-Republic parties from the Assembly, invited Prince Frederick Charles of Hesse to reign as King Charles Ist.
    With the United States staying neutral and not entering the war along the Entente, the Central Powers had a more beneficial situation: France and Britain signed peace proposals while Russia ceded most of its territory to the Quadruple Alliance, and erupted soon in a civil war between the Provisional Government and the revolutionnaries; in exchange for their help against the Reds, Russia recognized theyr soveignity on Petsamo and all territories of the former Grand-Duchy.
    Today, it holds very proviledgied relations with Germany and the United Baltic Duchy, and is a very important hub between Russia and the Baltic Sea.

Don Quijote

Kingdom of Finland
  • Government: Constitutional monarchy
  • Area: Finland in the borders it had on January 1st, 1939
  • Population: Mostly Finns (85%), Swedes (10%) and other Russians and Laps (5%)
  • History: The fact Imperial Germany helped Finnish nationalists and then intervined in the Civil War against the Reds and for the Whites made this country really influent in the Finnish politics; the conservatives, who excluded the pro-Republic parties from the Assembly, invited Prince Frederick Charles of Hesse to reign as King Charles Ist.
    With the United States staying neutral and not entering the war along the Entente, the Central Powers had a more beneficial situation: France and Britain signed peace proposals while Russia ceded most of its territory to the Quadruple Alliance, and erupted soon in a civil war between the Provisional Government and the revolutionnaries; in exchange for their help against the Reds, Russia recognized theyr soveignity on Petsamo and all territories of the former Grand-Duchy.
    Today, it holds very proviledgied relations with Germany and the United Baltic Duchy, and is a very important hub between Russia and the Baltic Sea.

What connection did Hesse have to Finland? I like the scenario, bigger Finland with a monarchy.

Almost didn't notice it, but please tell us more about the United Baltic Duchy!:cool:

Don Quijote

pflo flag.png

The Democratic Republic of Oman (and the Gulf States)

Comprises contiguous Oman, the Musandam peninsula (claimed) and Bahrain (claimed).

Population of 4.1 million.

Capital city is Muscat.

When the Popular Front for the Liberation of Oman was formed in 1968 out of the old Dhofar Liberation Front, the name change signified its increasing ambitions. Change in Dhofar Province was still on the agenda, but the ultimate aim was now to take control of the whole country.

pflo flag.png
Manchurian Empire
As a result of the Russian victory in the Russo-Japanese War, the Qing Imperial family fled to Manchuria, a Russian protectorate. During the Second World War, the forces of the Greater Chinese Republic, a Fascist state under Wang Jingwei, invaded and annexed Manchuria, but it was liberated by Russian forces in 1944. Since then, Manchuria has been a key ally of the Russian Empire in Asia in its Cold War against the United Socialist States of America, and it is a diverse Constitutional Monarchy, counting significant amounts of Manchurians, Koreans, Japanese, and Russians as its citizens. The Manchurian Empire is a triumph of multiculturalism in Asia.