DBWI: The Worst Sequels Ever Made

Citizen Kane II: Rosebud Returns

I mean come on! Ret-conning Rosebud to be a girl that he left? A dystopian United States? If it hadn't been for the Lovecraft-esk monster under Xanadu I don't think I could have sat though more than ten minutes of it.

Beneath the Planet of the Apes.

Not the original, the reimagined remake one that came out with "Marky Mark" in 2004. Why? Why!?

I also thought the recent Blade Runner II wasn't as good as people said it was. A 60 year old Harrison Ford is too old to fight replicants across the solar system. At least he didn't do another Indiana Jones, though.

This thread is now over.

Took it from here: http://vicisitudysordidez.blogspot.com/2009/02/como-mejorar-una-secuela.html
The Distinguished Gentleman II - Black Man at Whitehall

Why oh why was this movie made? Stephen Fry I can understand, but Eddie Murphy and Joe Pesci at the House of Lords?:mad::mad::mad:
The whole Moscow trend in the 50's: Godzilla Goes to Moscow, Batman in Moscow and so on.

Captain America in Moscow was so over-the-top patriotic it made me want to throw up. But the scene where Stalin is telling the Captain that Russia won the war then Captain America punches him in the face and calls it "Commie Lies" is pretty funny.
Rick's War (1945) - much anticipated, and yet heinously sucktacular sequel to the classic Casablanca. Forgotten for a reason. Rick and Renault lead a resistance movement in Algeria. Cheap sets (plastic palms and you can see the studio walls!), poor rushed-to-make-the-can editing, and empty dialog. Lost a lot without the central love story of C-blanca too, though bringing Ilsa back would have probably been worse, to be honest.
Well, I'm still hopeful for Apocalypse Now Reloaded - Revenge of Kurtz. Many people criticise Michael Bay for... Well, for taking every shred of credibility that crosses his path and pissing on it... but this might just work! Shie LeBoeuf as Willard's son, a CGI Marlon Brando voiced by John Goodman as his enemy... Best of all, you should see the kick-ass boat they've got to sail up the Amazon (another nice sponsorship there :)) - it makes that one from The Island look like a bathtub toy! And Steve Buscemi as 'Chef' :D

I know you Americans will already have seen it, but it's not released in Britain yet. What's it like? The trailer's great! Marlon Wayans to Kurtz: 'Horror? Hell no, fool! Only horror I'm seein' is yo momma's butthole!'
Apocalypse Now II and III compete in badness. The overpatriotic sequel where Willard travel to South America to kill a communist guerilla leader or when Willard goes too Afganistan.
Well, I'm still hopeful for Apocalypse Now Reloaded - Revenge of Kurtz. Many people criticise Michael Bay for... Well, for taking every shred of credibility that crosses his path and pissing on it... but this might just work! Shie LeBoeuf as Willard's son, a CGI Marlon Brando voiced by John Goodman as his enemy... Best of all, you should see the kick-ass boat they've got to sail up the Amazon (another nice sponsorship there :)) - it makes that one from The Island look like a bathtub toy! And Steve Buscemi as 'Chef' :D

I know you Americans will already have seen it, but it's not released in Britain yet. What's it like? The trailer's great! Marlon Wayans to Kurtz: 'Horror? Hell no, fool! Only horror I'm seein' is yo momma's butthole!'

OOC: you're SICK, WL. Sick Genius! :D
Superman Lives- *shivers and holds back vomit* Why? This was almost like the TriStar Godzilla movie... took a recognizable character and... turned him... into.... something else. Didn't have the suit, didn't fly, and what the fuck was up with that Giant Spider??

And don't get me started on all the bizarre little characters that Brainiac had following him. :mad:
Star Trek..

I remember Excelsior - the Sulu voyages - terrible attempt to cash in on the original Star Trek series but they couldn't stop.....

Riker's Ireland - Jonathan Frakes did this terrible travel documentary around the Emerald Isle.
How could any of you forget Dracula II? So, somebody decides to make another Dracula movie, and then make a sequel? Really now, I thought the vampire zombie was pushing it.

(OOC: Nothing I can contribute can beat Wanda's post. She won the thread, hands down. :D )
Now I know that I'm not the only one who thought that West Side Story didn't need a sequel. Thank you Uwe Boll for a nightmare that I'll probably never recover from...

But of course, virtually nothing can compare with John Travolta's ill-advised Battlefield Earth II...though the way in which he almost single-handily built his own production company just to make it has gotten him just a little respect in my book.


Now I know that I'm not the only one who thought that West Side Story didn't need a sequel. Thank you Uwe Boll for a nightmare that I'll probably never recover from...

That was wrong on SO MANY LEVELS...

Me personally, I'd go with Michael Bay's follow up to Pearl Harbour: September 11th.
Ah...can anyone forget that site of Ben Affleck running Osama Bin Laden through with an American flag? I wish I could...