DBWI: Cuba becomes Communist

So I've been looking into this guy's name, Fidel Castro. He was a communist book writer in Cuba, calling for an establishment of communist government there. So what if Cuba became communist?
So I've been looking into this guy's name, Fidel Castro. He was a communist book writer in Cuba, calling for an establishment of communist government there. So what if Cuba became communist?
USA crushes any Communist uprising. USA isn’t going to let any nation in it’s continent become Communist, let alone a former colony.
It depends how, if its a guerilla style action and the leader plays his cards right then he can turn any US intervention into a boodbath.

Cuba of the 1950s, heck even now, is a shithole because of its corrupt government and its US backers, this isn't too hard to see happening.
So I've been looking into this guy's name, Fidel Castro. He was a communist book writer in Cuba, calling for an establishment of communist government there. So what if Cuba became communist?
The cold war was basically the entire world dumping 100 litres of gasoline a day into a gigantic field, what you're proposing is basically making the nations use napalm in said field.
The Federal Government invokes
Article IV, Section 4:
The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence.

Demands the 46th state of the Union to rewrite its constitution as such.
The US, at the height of the Cold War, is not going to allow a Communist nation to form less than 100 miles off the coast of Florida.

Expect a prompt invasion, removal of Castro, and installation of someone far more ideologically friendly to America.
There's a TL floating around here that actually has Communist Cuba as a thing, it nearly starts a nuclear war when the Soviets try install nuclear missiles in there. I can't remember the name...
There's a TL floating around here that actually has Communist Cuba as a thing, it nearly starts a nuclear war when the Soviets try install nuclear missiles in there. I can't remember the name...
How are the Soviets supposed to sneak enough nuclear missiles onto Cuba before somebody in NORAD notices?
Assuming it does happen, I think a Communist Cuba would be a way more open and pluralistic society than most Communist nations, and likely with more independence from the USSR: something more like OTL Yugoslavia or Sri Lanka.

I know Cubans have a somewhat ambivalent attitude toward their status as the western hemisphere's foremost sin-bin, but still: you don't likely go from a bastion of cosmopolitan excess to a puritan stalinist dystopia just because you had a revolution. They'd likely keep up the debauchery tourism, not to mention the free-wheeling music scene, which keeps a multiplicity of cultural tendencies coming in.

And they'd need to maintain good relations with the US(not least for the tourism), which means resisting any Soviet attempts to use their country as an aircraft carrier or missile pad.
An old post of mine:


No way Cuba could go Communist. Military intervention wouldn't even be necessary to defeat a Communist regime. The US had an unbeatable weapon in the sugar quota. If the US cuts the quota, who is Cuba going to sell sugar to--the Soviet Union?! (The idea is so absurd that even the Cuban Communists never suggested it. For one thing, the USSR, if not self-sufficient in sugar, was itself a very large sugar producer; but of course even if it were economically feasible, a Cuban-Soviet league of any kind was politically unthinkable.)

As for that Castro guy who was killed in the shipwreck of his boat the *Granma* as he tried to re-enter Cuba from Mexican exile--I think his chances of coming to power were negligible, but in any event there is no way he was the "Communist" portrayed by Batista. Castro had been a member of the Ortodoxo party of the anti-communist Eddy Chibas. And as Castro noted in 1956, "What moral right does Senor Batista have to speak of Communism when he was the Presidential candidate of the Communist Party in the elections of 1940, when his electoral squibs hid behind the hammer and sickle, when his photographs hung next to those of Blas Roca [the Cuban Communist Party's general secretary] and Lazaro Peña [the Communist general secretary of the Cuban trade union federation from 1939 to 1947], when half a dozen of his present ministers and confidential collaborators were outstanding members of the Communist Party?" https://www.marxists.org/history/etol/newspape/isj/1970/no044/enzensberger.htm
Really ASB that Cuba could become communist. Americans are not going to tolerate that any second. Even if Castro would manage oust Batista's regime, Americans would invade Cuba and put new leader to the country.

There's a TL floating around here that actually has Communist Cuba as a thing, it nearly starts a nuclear war when the Soviets try install nuclear missiles in there. I can't remember the name...

Do you mean TL Red Cuba - Great Comrade Castro? That is quiet ASBish TL. Soviet Union collapses peacefully and Cuba remain as communist despite decades of American embargo? And Cuba is too able to participate to Angolan Civil War? Pretty ASB IMO.