Crusader Kings II - Paradox Entertainement (02/12)

I thought I'd share some fun stuff going on in my game now:

I'm off in Ireland, as a English-Norman family now gone native. Things are much more interesting in the east however:

You see, the Turks won Manzikert. Then they won the rest of the interior. Then they won the coasts. Then they took Constantinople and shattered the Roman Empire. Their leader, one of the Seljuks, created a new empire title - the Empire of Rum.

Fifty years later, after Aydin the Magnificent had died, the Pope called a crusade for Greece. This call was mostly answered by Norman realms, i.e. the British Isles and Sicily, myself included. We kicked out the Turk's son and set up the Latin Empire. (First under a de Normandie, then under a de Brionne when the first died in combat.)

What I find fascinating is the interior. Ten years after the crusade, Catholicism and Orthodox Christianity were officially united. This is now-well established along the coasts.

In Bulgaria, however, the Paulicians hold sway. In Bosnia-Serbia, it's the Bogomilists. Strangely, their two ruling families continually intermarry, allowing for their heresies to survive. It will be interesting to see how this all develops.

I'm sure someone's done this joke before but surely 'Pale Irish' is tautological ;D


I'm sure someone's done this joke before but surely 'Pale Irish' is tautological ;D

Heh, that's actually a culture I created for my current game. With my Norman lords carving out their petty kingdom free of English rule, I wanted to create a true Hiberno-Norman culture.

The name comes from two things.

1) The Irish used the term Dubgaill to refer to the invading Norse during the Viking Age. This literally means Dark Foreigner - dark in intentions rather than skin or hair. The Hiberno-Normans, claiming to be 'more Irish than the Irish', have in this world used the name the Pale or White Irish, being both 'good' and 'native'.

2) In our world the Pale, or An Pháil, was the part of Ireland that was directly under the control of the English crown. It comes from Pālus, latin for the stake used to support a fence. It was 'fenced off' and 'bounded' from the original Irish. Something similar manifested during this TL's Norman rule.

I imagine linguists of this TL would be scratching their heads trying to decide where exactly the name came from. Certainly not from the Hiberno-Norman's skin color. :D
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I wish I knew how to create new cultures.

Also, does anyone else continuously give their first born sons the same name to see how high in the numerals they can get?
Sevarics said:
I wish I knew how to create new cultures.
That comes from the official Crusader Kings Wiki, which has a pretty solid base of information for modding CK2 in general. I also recommend checking the forum because it's likely you'll find a tutorial for that somewhere.
Sevarics said:
Also, does anyone else continuously give their first born sons the same name to see how high in the numerals they can get?
I'm tempted sometimes, but usually if I think the proposed name is okay I keep it. In fact, even if the name that the computer offers doesn't pleases me, I have a tendency to keep the first letter for my latter choice.

I am more interessted in seeing how often regnal names are re-used by me or the computer. I remember laughing my ass off after noticing King Gargamel IV of Castille in one of my games...

Though, regarding how high regnal names can get, if I judge by a screenshot I once saw on TV Trope (Funny Category, pointing out that you can get married and commit suicide on the same day if you have the right configuration :p), it can at least go to XXVIII.
I wish I knew how to create new cultures.

Also, does anyone else continuously give their first born sons the same name to see how high in the numerals they can get?

I am more interessted in seeing how often regnal names are re-used by me or the computer. I remember laughing my ass off after noticing King Gargamel IV of Castille in one of my games...

Though, regarding how high regnal names can get, if I judge by a screenshot I once saw on TV Trope (Funny Category, pointing out that you can get married and commit suicide on the same day if you have the right configuration :p), it can at least go to XXVIII.

I tend not to reuse names. Since I normally play as the German Culture, I Germanize my name for my first King, then use the list of German Kings and Holy Roman Emperors as the names of each of my sons, in order of their birth. I have had a Maximilian XI before... but that was because the first born son literally kept on killing his brothers... and marrying his third cousin.


I wish I knew how to create new cultures.

Also, does anyone else continuously give their first born sons the same name to see how high in the numerals they can get?

I tend to pick certain names for a family/kingdom that will repeat throughout their history.

For example, the Crull family of Ireland is up to Stephen IV, Charles V, and Henry III. At the same time, I will also throw in a number of other names. So there's also King Hugh, King Richard, and King Patrick.
So, I'm playing as Basil I the Macedonian's son Constantine VII (the one who died in OTL and allowed Leo VI to succeed) and it's 924. He has been a successful emperor so far, but is infirm and lunatic in his old age. He married the Duchess of Croatia and had five daughters by her; Zoe, Euphrosyne, Eirene, Chrysogone (died young) and Theophano. All os well and good, Zoe is betrothed to her genius cousin Romanos and things are going swimmingly... until I get notified that Zoe has given birth to a bastard... soon followed by her sister Euphrosyne.

By the same father.

Specifically the Emperor's cousin Marinos of Macedonia, Strategos of Sicily.

My two eldest daughters, aged 21 and 19, beautiful by the look of her portraits, are sharing their cousin's bed, probably at the same time, and have both given birth to bastard sons and caught the lover's pox. Well, they know how to enjoy life.

Before they're sent to convents and Romanos marries the third daughter Eirene. :D
I tend to pick certain names for a family/kingdom that will repeat throughout their history.

For example, the Crull family of Ireland is up to Stephen IV, Charles V, and Henry III. At the same time, I will also throw in a number of other names. So there's also King Hugh, King Richard, and King Patrick.

I usually wind up getting new names for each gen of kids, repeats seem to be rare.
I wish I knew how to create new cultures.

Also, does anyone else continuously give their first born sons the same name to see how high in the numerals they can get?

I do this all the time. I got to Cambyses XXI of Karen before an unlucky inheritance struck and stuck me with Vandad II, curse him.
Shiva said:
I usually wind up getting new names for each gen of kids, repeats seem to be rare.
I have a tendency to think repeat is kinda rare... The highest number I remember seeing with one character was Lothaire V I believe. Oddly enough though, repeat does seem to get more frequent in the late game.


I gave my sister a good tumble, then she gave me a daughter, gave her a good tumble, then gave my mother a good tumble then all my cousins, later my granddaughter, and I just had a jolly good incestuous time.

I once had sex with my great grandmother. It was a WWI Biplane.

It was a smashing good time.:cool: