Crusader Kings II - Paradox Entertainement (02/12)

I don't feel the game really pushed you towards Centralization. I mean, if you want a huge Empire, you have to keep as many vassals as possible but increasing Centralization or creating Vice-Royalties (a feature I wanted to use) reduces your number of vassals and the requirements for Imperial Administration are pretty huge if you're not Byzantium. You do get a greater personnal desmene but you can do perfectly well with a small one and -5 vassals for +1 desmne size isn't a good trade off from my POV.

I actually think it works really well at the moment, in my last play through Norse Brittany>Norman France>Norman KoJ I used it to boost me when I was small as at one point I had high centralisation and as Brittany+Anjou no Count level vassals meaning I could beat much larger France. Then once I'd taken over France and Holy Warred Aquitaine back from the Umayyad's I lowered my centralisation as I got more vassals. Then when I Crusaded the KoJ and gave France to my second son I ramped up my Centralisation again to have as much of the KoJ in my demesne as possible boosting my troop numbers so I could defend the KoJ against Jihad's. Basically it acts as a slight boost for small human players and a slight nerf for big human players which I think is a good idea.

As for Muslim's yes as I player I have repeatedly beaten them because the AI while good is nowhere near as good as a player but when it's Muslim AI vs Christian AI the Muslim AI nearly always wins in my last few playthrough's. That said I can't remember when but there was one patch that was completely the other way with the Muslim's always getting hammered. So the balance has shifted back and forth over the history of the game.
I think the faction system needs to be reworked a bit... In my current playthrough, there is an Independance faction and one of the members of the faction, who also happens to be my most powerful vassals, as +100 opinion of me. I don't think that it is logical for a vassal to plot against his liege if he adores him...

Apart from that, I'm trying to do a bit of roleplay with my current ruler. He and his wife had only one child: a daughter. My realm is currently under Absolute Agnatic, so my goal is to try to switch to Agnatic-Cognatic so that my daughter can inherit. This will be hard to achieve considering that I need to change the successoral law of the two Empires and Six Kingdoms that I personnally own because I don't want to break everything apart.
Alright coming here with a question concerning the game. Has anyone had a problem with the game crashing within a few months of opening a saved game? This has been happening to me for several days now, and has virtually killed my enjoyment of the game.

I thought it might have something to do with my PC being a few years old, but that doesn't make much sense to me. I've gone and verified the game files at least twice now, and this doesn't seem to have any effect. If anyone has a solution, I am all ears.
Still going with my game that I started as Charlemagne in 769. Current year is 1076.

Holy Roman Emperor Charles II died in the year 1056, leaving only a daughter behind. I was planning to switch the successoral law to Agnatic-Cognatic so she could inherit... But given the number of Empires and Kingdoms I was holding and that I wanted to keep, it wasn't possible, so I ended up playing as Charles II's brother, Adrien III.

Adrien III was already pretty old when he took the throne. To make matters worse, he seemed to only be able to produce daughters. He did had one son before he became Emperor but the boy, Lothaire, died at 25 and only left a daughter behind. His first wife died before he ascended the throne and I had remarried him to the Queen of Galicia, but only for the alliance: I was skeptical at his ability to father a son by that point. The Galician Queen did gave birth to two other daughters but she also delivered a boy in the year 1060. Who went on to succeed his father at the age of 6, in 1066.

After a ten year regency, Adrien IV is now old enough to rule by himself. And he is... interesting to say the least. I usually do my best so that my character are "good guys", because it's easier to hold an empire together when your Emperor is a nice guy loved by everyone. But Adrien IV is pretty much a carbon copy of Joffrey Baratheon: he is slow, greedy, cruel, arbitrary and a coward. At the same time, he is humble and a charismatic negociator, so he has potential to turn into a Magnificient bastard. Still, not really looking forward to the reign of a King who got nicknamed as the ill ruler at the age of 12 and who already was tempted to torture a few prisonners...

As far as I'm concerned, I have pretty much restored the Roman Empire in the West: I have every part of Spain save Galicia (which I'm currently set to inherit, courtesy of being the son of the Queen), France, the Low Countries, Germany without Bavaria (which is an independant realm that I was often allied to) and pratcically the whole Italian peninsula (the Papal states are two provinces, Sicily and the southernmost parts of Italy are still Byzantine). And aside from the Holy Roman Empire, I am also Emperor of Francia and Hispania. On a side note, I use the HRE numerals for my characters, but my main title is actually the Empire of Francia because blue is my favorite color.

Not sure what to do next... At the moment, some of my vassals are expanding in North Africa but I think I'd like to stay on mainland Europe. Unless the Pope decides to call a Crsuade for Jerusalem.

Worldwise, Islam is pretty much reduced to Sunni Islam: Shia and Ibadi Islam seems to have never taken off or to have been crushed pretty easily. That said, the Muslim world itself is pretty much in decline: the Abbassids lost the Caliphate to another dynasty, the Uwayasids (I think) and there are several states that broke away from their rule. The Caliphate itself is still pretty strong but it hasn't reabsorbed the rest. As for the Umayads, they took pretty severe beatings from my armies and they have trouble recovering.

Central Europe is pretty much ruled by the Poles. By that I mean that Polish culture is everywhere. Not to mention that the Kingdoms of Poland, Bohemia, Ruthenia and the Empire of Carpathia are ruled by Polish rulers of the same dynasty. Religious-wise, they're still Slavic Pagans.

The Suomenusko religion has reformed and it's pretty much the main religion in North-Eastern Europe and Russia. The Romuva religion is dead because the Suomenusko conquered Lithuania in a Great Holy War. And the Suomenusko are expanding in Scandinavia.

As a result from me tearing apart the Umayads over the years, Mali is doing pretty great. Which is surprising to me because West African Pagans never lasted long in any of my games. That said, currently the Norse and Tengri pagans are losing ground (though the Mongols haven't yet appeared) while the other are doing great so...

Byzantium is practically the only bastion of Orthodoxy left. And it's doing great as far as I can tell, though it's truned into an Elective Feudal Monarchy for some reason. And they're always trying to reclaim parts of Italy from me, especially when I have a Civil War on my hands. Current Basileus is Zenon III Lionheart.
CoomerREC7 said:
Alright coming here with a question concerning the game. Has anyone had a problem with the game crashing within a few months of opening a saved game? This has been happening to me for several days now, and has virtually killed my enjoyment of the game.

I thought it might have something to do with my PC being a few years old, but that doesn't make much sense to me. I've gone and verified the game files at least twice now, and this doesn't seem to have any effect. If anyone has a solution, I am all ears.
The only times I suffered a crash came when I used the Game of Thrones mod, which isn't really surprising given that mods aren't as stable as the vanilla game. But I'm assuming this happened to you with Vanilla CKII.

I'm not sure I'll be able to help you solve the problem but I can try.

What version of CKII are you using? What DLCs are you using? And if you are using any, what mods are you using?
Alright coming here with a question concerning the game. Has anyone had a problem with the game crashing within a few months of opening a saved game? This has been happening to me for several days now, and has virtually killed my enjoyment of the game.

I thought it might have something to do with my PC being a few years old, but that doesn't make much sense to me. I've gone and verified the game files at least twice now, and this doesn't seem to have any effect. If anyone has a solution, I am all ears.

Maybe trying uninstalling and reinstalling it?


Just to be clear, are you putting it all in its own folder in the mod folder, or putting the various folders and files in the mod folder directly? The latter is what you should be doing.

I am putting it all in its own folder and then putting in mod folder If understand you right that's not I should be doing correct?
Yorel;10079931d said:
I'm not sure I'll be able to help you solve the problem but I can try.

What version of CKII are you using? What DLCs are you using? And if you are using any, what mods are you using?

Maybe trying uninstalling and reinstalling it?

Most current version of the game, most portrait DLC, and most of the major expansions, barring Sunset Invasion

Tried uninstalling and reinstalling recently. Did not fix the problem. What I'm starting to think is that there are some story events that are supposed to fire, as I am right around the time where Ragnarr Lothbrok dies. I would not be surprised if this was my problem, as I have experienced this in other Paradox games, namely Victoria.

So I am currently looking at what causes the crash, and looking to get to or past 868 and see if that fixes the problem.