Crusader Kings II - Paradox Entertainement (02/12)

The worst part is, there is no game mechanic that allows me to confiscate this heretics clearly ill gotten gains.

1)Turn Catholic
2)Create an anti-pope
3)Depose the currently pope
4)Invite the deposed pope to court
5)Stop being catholic
6)Imprison the former pope as a heretic
7)Banish him
9) Profit
1)Turn Catholic
2)Create an anti-pope
3)Depose the currently pope
4)Invite the deposed pope to court
5)Stop being catholic
6)Imprison the former pope as a heretic
7)Banish him
9) Profit

One problem I think with that plan though, is that by creating an anti-pope and deposing the old one, shouldn't that nuke your opinion factor with the old pope?

Though, I can think of workarounds, ie, beforehand, giving the pope an extra bishopric (though that might end up being lost in the usurpation), and then, if after deposing him, he still has that bishopric, vassalizing him (and opening the road to banishment) should be much easier, probably easier than inviting a landless former Pope.
I found the best thing ever in CK2: the Catholic Pope sitting in his house in Rome, three centuries after Catholicism was declared a heresy, who spends his days counting his enormous mountain of gold (18.6k) with his only friends, two Jewish courtiers who both want him dead.

Cathar reigns supreme over all Europe, and the Pope 'resides' in Rome.


You're saying my cruel, impaling, zealous Emperor is content to allow the chief of the heretics to 'reside' in one of the holy cities?

Even better, the current Duchess of Latium (my vassal) has the ambition 'Become King of the Papacy.'

Lemme know how that works out, lady.
I'm having some fun with the Normans.

Starting from 1180 as the King of Sicily, I helped win a successful crusade for Andalusia, giving me land. I sat around for a little, and then I had a really fun idea.

I swore fealty to the Byantine Emperor, started a faction for elective succession, noticed I had 500% plot power, fired the faction, he gave up. I repeated the process with a faction for me as Emperor. He gave up again.

I am now the Norman Catholic Emperor of the Eastern Roman Empire based in Sicily. :)
It's now the year 1000. My third character, King Aegon of Ireland, Scotland, and Wales, currently has 12 living children. One died at one year. One is a legitimised bastard.

My goals of invading England were put on hold for a while, as England and France fell under the same king for the first several years of my rule, and I was allied with France via my wife. Only about a month ago did the King of England and France die, and the kingdoms fell to separate people. I'm currently fabricating claims on English counties, and have declared war on France to install my wife as Queen, as their king is just a child. This was the entire reason King Robert married me to this woman anyway. If I succeed, I hope to eventually conquer England, and then have France fall to my heir, Prince Robb, who will then get Brittania when I unite it and die.

The Kingdom of Bulgaria is huge now (the product of the King of Bulgaria marrying the Queen of Romania and their son getting both titles), and one of my daughters was wedded to the king of Bulgaria. Another daughter was wedded to the Holy Roman Emperor. So I'm allied with the two strongest continental powers, sans the Byzantine Emperor.

Not much else going on really. Scottish culture has been almost eradicated. There are only two holdout counties. The Norse hold in North Africa is almost gone, reduced to a single county. The Byzantines have taken Tunisia though. Either Orthodoxy has high moral authority, or that sort of Islam there has very low, or both, because Orthodoxy is very quickly spreading to the area.

Buddhism continues to spread in Persia. The Jews have regained a foothold in the Crimea, and the Karaites have almost all been converted back, meaning my previous prediction has proven false.
I'm just playing vanilla but I'm picking random names, some (but not all) of which are from ASoIaF. I was merely saying that it just so happened that the three kings I'd played at the times did end up with those names.

Aegon died though, I'm now King Byron, Aegon's 7th son who had killer stats compared to Robb, the first son.
Things are going well. I inherited Italy less than 20 years from the start
without doing anything more than marry off my father to an Italian princess.
Their daughter inherited and then died of an illness.

Things are going well. I inherited Italy less than 20 years from the start
without doing anything more than marry off my father to an Italian princess.
Their daughter inherited and then died of an illness.

That's almost exactly how my current Byzantine game is going, except I don't have all of Italy yet and my African possessions don't include that bit of Algeria. I also have the westernmost Balearic island province and a bit of Georgia since they got mostly swallowed up by Alania. Otherwise though it's identical.