Chiang Kai-Shek goes to Germany: An Axis China Timeline

They don't blame China for the famine, but they do for Chinese complicity in the Shoah.

You have to remember that in our timeline, we know that they could've had it much, much worse.

In this timeline, some people theorize that Chinese openness/willingness to receive Jewish refugees for skilled labour actually drove Hitler to expel the Jews.
Wait, what? I could understand if it was misguided/petty voters, but this sounds like a stupid reason. That’s like saying that Angela Merkle is responsible for the Syrian civil war because she took in refugees from it (to be fair, there are some crazies who take this position OTL).
Wait, what? I could understand if it was misguided/petty voters, but this sounds like a stupid reason. That’s like saying that Angela Merkle is responsible for the Syrian civil war because she took in refugees from it (to be fair, there are some crazies who take this position OTL).

Voters? In my democracy? Being stupid?
So were there any mass killings in the Shoah ITTL or was it just deportations?

There's been no deliberate mass killings ITTL Shoah. Of course, sometimes there might be an occasional labour or transit camp rebellion which is violently put down with artillery and air strikes with no quarter given to survivors after, but nothing holocaust tier.
There's been no deliberate mass killings ITTL Shoah. Of course, sometimes there might be an occasional labour or transit camp rebellion which is violently put down with artillery and air strikes with no quarter given to survivors after, but nothing holocaust tier.
Well that’s good at least.
To be fair, it seems like the Norwegians were attacked by both sides here. I do wonder who is in charge there now, though.

@CCA perhaps China should keep that area they had claimed in Tajikistan? It might not look good to the Central Asians, but it would mean the border with Afghanistan was more solid. And did the thign about the borde rwith Iran mean only the Iranians couldn't put their military there?

Yep it's a one way DMZ
This TL has actually so far been better than OTL (except if you're Polish - then you've seen your country turned into a bloodbath) but they don't know that so the Second Great War is seen as a huge catastrophe.
Mhm, poor Poles. Hey wait, didn’t ITTL WWII and OTL WWII have the same general death toll?
So what does Iran look like now?

Still the same borders but Iran's border with the Soviets in the caucuses are demilitarized

Mhm, poor Poles. Hey wait, didn’t ITTL WWII and OTL WWII have the same general death toll?

Nope - between 50-70 million died in our world war and between 40-50 died in this one.

The lesser death toll is no holocaust, most of the Soviet union being unoccupied and less Chinese deaths from less of the country being occupied.

Axis historians tend to go with the larger 50 million figure as they attribute the deaths of the Great Asian Famine to the Second Great War and the perfidious Japanese but Communist historians attribute it to Axis incompetence
Also on Korea since Japan still occupies the country, would China support Korean Resistance Fighters? I mean many people in the Kuomintang were sympathetic/supporters of the Korean Independence. That and the fact China had been harboring the Korean Provisional Government and the Korean Liberation Army with leaders like Kim Gu, Lle Beom-Seok, Kim Won-bong and Kim Hong-il. I mean I can see China covertly sponsoring Korean Resistance committing acts of Sabotage and Assassination against the Japanese and letting them flee into China and harboring them.

Honestly I can't help imagine but some like this happen like the Korean Movie Assassination.
Also on Korea since Japan still occupies the country, would China support Korean Resistance Fighters? I mean many people in the Kuomintang were sympathetic/supporters of the Korean Independence. That and the fact China had been harboring the Korean Provisional Government and the Korean Liberation Army with leaders like Kim Gu, Lle Beom-Seok, Kim Won-bong and Kim Hong-il. I mean I can see China covertly sponsoring Korean Resistance committing acts of Sabotage and Assassination against the Japanese and letting them flee into China and harboring them.

Honestly I can't help imagine but some like this happen like the Korean Movie Assassination.

That's the reason why there was the "Seoul Massacre" which led to Japan being included on the Axis of Evil.
Before returning them, the clumsy troops of the National Revolutionary Army and the secret police of the Bureau of Statistics and Investigation accidentally and clumsily left behind millions of tons of ammunition along with plenty of guns and supplies

That's too bad really.

Oh and I hope that the rebellions in Italian colonies will soon spread to French and British colonies in Africa. Boomerang effect can be a bitch.
WOW youre back excellent now a few questions and observations to CCA:

will there be a Japan update?

I think the situation in Japan is interesting, now while the Japanese technically gained territory with the Japanese east indies. (the Japanese now solved their oil problem and while still dependent on the USA for scrap metal and oil, its less dependent on the oil part due to Japanese control of the East Indies. it has suffered millions of dead , lost Manchuria and was not able to defeat/conquer China, in fact on the home front while it is probably being propogandized to the Japanese people as a win, the loss of Manchuria to China is a telling blow which will probalby be used by other factions of Gov opposed to the current one to take over.

As to my understanding in this timeline, the Japanese gov. is controlled by army factions and they are probably the ones who pushed for war, the navy was probably opposed to it. I think the loss of Millions of Japanese , devastation of Tokyo and parts of Japan, loss of Manchuria, a depressed economy will be used to overthrow Japanese army dominance in Japanese politics and maybe replaced by teh navy and moderates. In fact the Japanese navy could be seen to be the only one who performed well in hte war, the Japanese army got defeated in the field by the Chinese army, which is quite embarassing and shameful, im not surprised if there is even a mass suicide of Japanese army offciers and assasination and arrest of Japanese army high command who were fanatically for the war.

However Japan and China still really hate each other and I think there will be a 3rd Sino Japanese war .

2. I also think the Chinese left tons of equipment in Soviet Central Asia for the local rebels, I expect the USSR to be in counterinsurgency mode in Central Asia for some time to come. and I think this revolt might even spread beyond Central Asia in fact the restive Soviet Caucasus states, Chechnya Dagestan etc. might even come into revolt
Would be funny if Stalin (right after a very costly war that brought nearly nothing) gets an Afghanistan on steroids from Mongolia and Central Asia to Caucasus. If the rebels have any success, Ukraine, Baltic countries and Soviet Poland likely follow. It could be a chain reaction that leads to Soviet collapse...
Also with French commies in power, I expect decolonization of France. Now interestingly if the French withdraw from the southern half of Indochina, and the Chinese army occupying the northern half, and the Japanese troops probably take over southern Indochina, you will probably have a 3rd Sino Japanese war over Indochina. just within 5 years after teh 2nd one. Both nations are not in good shape to wage war and both are recovering, the Chinese are probably in a worse state than the Japanese but they still have numerical superrioty, I think the USA will probably side with China on this since its pissed off by Japanese territorial expansion. and would probably have the USA try to pressure Japan. USA still views Japan as the biggest threat with teh Japanese navy a dagger poised towards the USA. Its interesting even with a moderate Japanes gov. in Tokyo wanting closer ties with the USA, its really pissed off at the USA on its perceived slight siding with China. Maybe an even more emphasis on the expansion of the Japanese navy to counter possible threats to its oil supply in the East Indies and possible future conflict with teh USA. C
Would be funny if Stalin (right after a very costly war that brought nearly nothing) gets an Afghanistan on steroids from Mongolia and Central Asia to Caucasus. If the rebels have any success, Ukraine, Baltic countries and Soviet Poland likely follow. It could be a chain reaction that leads to Soviet collapse...

Yep, well seeing how Stalin brutally crushed the Ukraine revolt shortly after the war, and deported the entire Chechen population to Siberia in the face of revolt in OTL, well expect the USSR to be extrmely brutal, heck even using chemical weapons