Challenge: Ron Paul Presidency

I feel like e should move this to Chat. Ron Paul is to Republicans as Bernie Sanders is to Democrats. It's impossible to bring him up without a political debate starting.


Paul can win Iowa, and New Hampshire if he is lucky. But that's where it stops. He can win a few narrow victories in favorable states against divided fields, but he's not winning primary states against a smaller field. And you can't hand wave coverage of the newsletters away, in fact the better Paul does the more coverage they will get. If Paul takes the first two states Fox News will take the week off from bashing Obama just so they can attack Paul more.

If Newt is the last one standing, Republicans will rally to him before Paul. Perry gets his doctor to admit to messing up his pain medication and stomps Paul. Paul wins Iowa and New Hampshire and every candidate dies from a lighting strike, Paul still losses win one or more of Jeb/Christie/Jindal/Palin enter late and beat him. Paul enters the convention with a theoretical delegate majority (somehow) he loses a floor fight to Giuliani who showed up wearing a dress (ok that one is an exaggeration but only because Giuliani is pro-choice).


What if the US economy takes worse then it did, maybe even worse then the depression. Or the Iraq War/War in Terror gets way out if hand. This could give Paul a perfect campaign ground, as his major issues were economics and foreign policy.

Depression just don't happen for no reason, and a worse war situation will cause a rally to the flag mentality and crush Paul.

JayoCynic22 said:
You could also use a big-government scandal that could fuel Paul's limited-government fire

All the Republicans are running anti-government campaigns.
I disagree. Benghazi came up in the middle of the election and people actually died. Obama's excuse, "I have no clue what's goin' on!" You can't hold someone accountable if he don't know, right? The buck doesn't stop here, it stops somewhere else...

And Paul has a few things Romney does not. He was in Congress. He would have made Odyssey Dawn an issue. He's also more charismatic. He's also considered to be more mainstream theologically. (OTOH, he's also older and does not have as much money.)
And you'd be surprised at who would be backing him.
And Paul has a few things Romney does not. He was in Congress. He would have made Odyssey Dawn an issue. He's also more charismatic. He's also considered to be more mainstream theologically. (OTOH, he's also older and does not have as much money.)
And you'd be surprised at who would be backing him.

Nobody cares about Odyssey Dawn. Nobody wants isolationism, and nobody wants to get rid of Social Security and Medicare. This would kill Paul's chances.


I don't anybody who says "The South had the right to secede from the Union" has any chance of winning. Ever. So let's leave it at that.
Neither Romney nor Obama seem likely to have sex scandals. Other sorts of scandals, like Romney illegally evading taxes or Obama engaging in corruption, would be more likely.

No Congress will be workable with Ron Paul. The Republican leadership would know his full plan would be disaster, and even most of the right of the Party would never cut the military like he wants.

If Ron Paul won the Republican nomination, his anti-war and anti-Israel positions would result in the interventionist establishment abandoning him. They wouldn't just want him to lose, they'd want him to be destroyed and humiliated. Sheldon Adelson and his billions would back Obama to ensure that Ron Paul lost as badly as possible.

Ron Paul would be the Republican version of McGovern. The Southern Democrats and Union Democrats hated Nixon, but they hated McGovern more so they defected. The same thing would go on here.

Ron Paul's performance's in the debates were overstated; I easily saw through his anti-government platitudes throughout. Votes from the youth aren't going to come once Obama, one of the greatest campaigners of modern times, hammers Paul's homophobic, anti-choice (as in he agreed with Todd Akin!), anti-evolution, record. He'd steal a few votes away from the Constitution Party from isolationist conservatives, and he'd steal a few votes away from the Libertarians from conservatives who like marijuana, but those would just be marginal gains and no where near enough to compensate for the complete abandonment of the Republican establishment.

Moderates would sweep against Ron Paul, the politician with the most right-wing economic record of anyone who's served in Congress in the last century. Big business is not going to back "No bail outs" Paul. The Social Conservatives are going to be unenthusiastic backing someone against the drug war, even if he is otherwise perfectly reactionary for him. The hawks would throw all their support and money behind Obama to stop Paul. The unions are going to fight "National Right to Work" Paul. Women aren't going to break for Ron "Honest Rape" Paul and his platform to ban abortion via constitutional amendment. The racial minorities aren't going to back someone against the 1964 voting rights act who wants to abolish all forms of welfare and increase border security. LGBT people are going to stand against someone who backed DOMA, Proposition 8, opposed ENDA, and voted against hate crimes legislation. No one who backed Obama in OTL 2012 is going to defect, but a lot of people who backed Romney will either defect to Obama, vote third party, or stay home.

Ron Paul's going down like McGovern in 1972 unless it turns out that Obama was buying underage sex slaves from the Taliban and Mexican Drug Cartels.

Quoted for truth. And it would be a long, long, time before any GOP candidate even approached any of Paul's views.
Make him more like Rand Paul? Rand seems like a better politician (doesn't mean he'll win either but I can at least imagine it.).
Make him more like Rand Paul? Rand seems like a better politician (doesn't mean he'll win either but I can at least imagine it.).
Rand has ambition, so he's willing to change his extreme positions.

But yeah, this is it. If you want President Ron Paul, you need to basically just make him change his views to become much closer to a standard Republican.