Cesare Borgia: A Restored Rome Timeline
Cesare Borgia: A Restored Rome Timeline

Cesare Borgia Part 44: The Hafsid Blockade

'May their piracy be destroyed, for that is all they have to offer.' Marcus Borgia-Palaiologos, 1525, discussing the blockade of Tunisia.

By this point, all nations in the western mediterranean were either unsympathetic to the Hafsids, too busy to care about them, or helping the Romans against them.

While the ships began to embark, Eleanor remained at home to introduce societal reforms based around increased Royal churches and infrastructure. She was known for famously visiting the Ravenna Cathedral, and being open to walk and and speak to anyone who spoke to her, noble or peasant. She even ended up visiting their homes, remembering her time in Venice. She was soon given the nickname ‘Domus autem Regina’, the Queen of the Home.

The Calabrian and Tyrennean fleets departed on May 5th, 1525. They joined forces 100 miles off the coast of Rome’s portus, 5 days later, and continued their sailing. Combined they were 108 ships, 10 of which being Galleasses. Several new ships had been fitted with the multiple barrel cannons. Time would tell how effective they were.

The Spanish joined up with them at Sicily another 7 days later, an additional 80 ships bringing the total close to 200.

Marcus woke up. The strong smell of salt water clouded his nose, while the creaking of his ship filled his ears. He remembered what today was, the planning day of his operation.

The officers of his navy joined together on their de facto flagship, a refitted Caravel, the Undae Dei, or ‘Waves of God’.

The captain, Alfonso de Trastámara, met up to work with Marcus on the overall invasion plan.

Marcus discussed with him over a map of the Mediterranean. ‘We should be taking the port cities. It amazes me we have haven’t had more instances of barbary ships breaking through our blockade. Now is our time to end this before its began’

Alfonso, staring down at the map, replied ‘Do you not find it strange that we have had little resistance, little...anything? Why would pirates sponsored by their Sultanate be attacking our seas. I mean, we should be doing this, but shouldn’t we be hesitant?’

Marcus grimaced, ‘The quicker this is over, the better. I am sick of fighting these campaigns. If we must invade, it shall be decisive and victorious. Nothing further.’

Alfonso looked at him and nodded his head, stating, ‘As you wish. Just… be wary Marcus. I do not like the nature of this campaign. It feels ...false.’

He soon left the cabin, his cape of red flowing behind him as he left.

Marcus pondered this for several minutes, looking across the map. He then set his eyes on the Osmanlis… could it be? No, no. They are far too busy to be dealing with this.

He rolled up the map, and placed it within the shelves of the captain's quarters and went off to talk to the men.

Map of the Hafsid Blockade:
Cesare Borgia Mediterreanean 2.png

Hope everyone enjoyed! This is the precursor to what’s to come. The Invasion of Tunisia is about to begin.

Thanks for reading!

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Well there was St.brendan who supposedly found North America and the vikings who was There before so you could have marcus send people that way to see if the story's were True
Cesare Borgia: A Restored Rome Timeline

Cesare Borgia Part 45: Africanus

‘MAY WE NEVER FORGET THE DAY THE TUNISIANS WERE CRUSHED UNDER THE HAMMER OF ROME!' Marcus Borgia-Palaiologos, 1525, calling for the invasion of Tunis.

Responses had been sent back and forth for a final week, offering the Hafsids a final offer of surrender. The gates of Janus were open; there is nothing but war.

Many people of the fleet, both Spanish and Roman, began to slowly call this expedition the ‘African Crusade’. This was at first rejected by Marcus, fearing this becoming religiously fanatic based venture, however with the increasing support of the men he allowed his men to call this so.

Soon, the navies of Western Europe would descend on Tunisia. Their sails could block out the sun.

Marcus arose to a stunning calm as the coast of Africa grew ever closer. He had matured a lot since the chaos of either the Ottomans or Attila. Through him grew a sense of prestige, a man capable, a man truly worthy to be the son of Cesare. The men agreed, and soon they departed, each fleet sent to capture the separate coastal cities.

The sun rose at their backs, as they travelled through the bay of Tunis. The 60 ships began to arise over the horizon of the city, their red banners rising in the same colour of the sunrise. ‘MEN’, Marcus shouted ‘TO LIBERATE THE PROVINCE OF AFRICANUS, TO RESCUE NOVA CARTHAGO, WE MUST FIGHT WITH THE ROAR OF OUR GUNS, AND THE BANGS OF OUR SHOT. MAY WE NEVER FORGET THE DAY THE TUNISIANS WERE CRUSHED UNDER THE HAMMER OF ROME!’

The men erupted into cheer, and mere minutes later, the cannons began to sing. The galleasses and most galleys surrounded the city, releasing volley after volley of cannon fire into the buildings of Tunis. The Tunisian navy of 70 ships, almost the entire pirate clan navy inside the harbour defending their hub, rolled out to meet them, only to be devastated by cannon fire. Many of the pirates and clans of scum were obliterated by volleys of triple cannons and arquebus fire.

Some troops in Tunisia had not heard or seen the cannon at work, or at least this amount at once. Many thought it was the wrath of god, that the crusade maybe was divinely ordered. Soon a small proportion, maybe up to 20%, had fled the city out of the 6,000 men garrison. The navy retreated back into port and fled, with 31 ships destroyed out of a navy of 50.

The Roman marines, designed for this sort of mission, quietly disembarked onto the land, quietly on an area a few hundred meters away from the start of the suburbs. All 6,000 of the marines set to work using their minor explosives and ropes to cause havoc on the city walls. From seemingly nowhere, the Romans were now everywhere. Close quarters combat began as the men jumped off their ships and were able to pursue the soldiers into the city, the triple cannons of the ships proving utterly devastating to the organisation of the Tunisians.

The Sultan fled the city, riding into the southern lands, then to the neighbouring Tlemcen tribes. With the capital captured, many of the remaining defenders gave up, with only a few cities such as Bizerte and Sousses holding out a bit longer until 2,000 roman marines and 50 ships each travelled there. The Crusade was over in a flash, and while short, it was a stunning victory, with fighting only lasting a few hours inside the walls by Tunisian pirates the local government.

2,506 Tunisians died, 1,482 of which died during the engagement at Tunis, the rest at minor settlements 3,124 were wounded.

In comparison, the Romans suffered 510 dead, 426 of which were marines. The rest died from sickness on the ships, sickness on the mainland or killed by the Tunisian navy.

The area was formally annexed into the Roman state, with Marcus creating the new Kingdom of Carthage, based under the lordship of… well, Emperor Marcus.

The Tunisian Crusade is the first true example of the power of the Borgian Roman State, and more examples would later show her power. It is also an example of the failings of the Ottoman Empire’s Tunisian gambit, failing to support their ally against the skill and development of the united Western arms.

The Battle of Tunis:

The Fleet of Rome:


Naval Battle of Tunis:


Invasion of the Tunis Harbour:

Conquest of Tunisia:

Map of the Western Mediterranean, 1525:

Cesare Borgia Mediterreanean 3.png

Map of Extended Europe, 1525:

1525 Map Cesare Borgia Venice Same 4.png

Hope everyone enjoyed! This is finally the part of which I got up to in my previous attempt. It really shows how far this came.

Thanks for reading!

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