October 26th, 1605

Lord William Parker rode through the night shrouded and narrow dirt streets of London, flattened and churned by constant travel, barely parting the hedge of wooden structures that arose around the baron. He was quite troubled by the letter read to him at supper, an anonymous warning to not attend the opening of Parliament next month. Parker decided it would be best to hurry to Whitehall, and show Robert Cecil, the Earl of Salisbury. Being he was on top of state security concerns, Cecil would know what to make of the darkly letter.

Suddenly his mind was forced back to his mount, his horse lurched forward, tripping. Parker tried to brace himself, but he barely had time to tighen his hands about the reigns, and went flying from the beast's back. A harsh pain shot through his skull, and for a second he felt his blood flowing hot into his eyes, before they filled with darkness forever more...

The message he carried slipped from his belt, fluttered by wind from the lord's body, disappearing and forgotten in the shadows. It's contents added to London's notorious muddy streets, as the day's traffic would continue. The tragedy of Parker's death overshadowed whatever concerns he sought to carry to the Earl of Salisbury. Even after Parker's servant, who originally read the letter to the lord, attempted to bring it to Cecil's attention, only a casual investigation was launched with it's words absent...

...It might have made all the difference ten days later, when Guy Fawkes lit the fuse to the 36 barrels of gunpowder beneath the House of Lords. The resulting explosion could be seen for miles, and heard even further. King James, his nearest relatives, the Privy Council, Bishops of the Church of England, much of the Protestant aristocracy, and others were all killed by the fire and powder...

...I see no reason why gunpowder treason should ever be forgot...And indeed it never was.
I was hooked when you said boom. nothing catches my attention better than an explosion :cool:

totally psyched by this, awaiting further updates with anticipation.
Thanks everyone.:D I'm still doing research, because I'll be frank, I'm not a 100% sure what I'm going to have happen, especially immediately following the destruction of Parliament. For instances, it sounds to me the Catholics' plot of seizing control by getting their hands on Princess Elizabeth wouldn't have gone so smoothly.

So if people have some suggestions, it would make me VERY happy.
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Thanks everyone.:D I'm still doing research, because I'll be frank, I'm not a 100% sure what I'm going to have happen, especially immediately following the destruction of Parliament. For instances, it sounds to me the Catholics' plot of seizing control by getting their hands on Princess Elizabeth wouldn't have gone so smoothly.

So if people have some suggestions, it would make me VERY happy.

With Parliament's destruction, I see an immediate* attempt by the monarchy to wrest power back from the nobles and regain absolute control.

*As soon as the dust settles and everyone's ears stop ringing. :D

Either way, England is gonna find itself in a World of Shit (in R. Lee Ermy's words) when its neighbors sensmell blood in the water.
The range of potential impacts is delicious.

(For starters, "'V' For Vendetta" is out of it. My gosh, British culture really lends itself to dystopian fiction!!!!!)
Dang... That was quite an explosion!
And the succession to James I is going to be quite the mess! :eek:
There was also a cool BBC show where they had a mock up of the whole setup, pretty impressive from what I remember seeing had the above occured it would have indeed been a big "boom!" ;):D
There was also a cool BBC show where they had a mock up of the whole setup, pretty impressive from what I remember seeing had the above occured it would have indeed been a big "boom!" ;):D

If it's the same one I watched, they said that every window in Westminster (including the Abbey) would have been blown out, most of the Chimneys would have toppled, and Church bells across London would have rung. It would even have cracked the walls, which is pretty impressive.
The Royal Family survived...

...Charles 1 would reign and there would have been a pogrom that would have stripped England and Scotland of Catholics. However, with most of the high nobility gone, there would have been a lot of newly-inheriting nobility. To get the new House of Lords would be a task worthy of the Heir Hunters. A new House of Commons would probably be rabidly anti-Catholic, with Bishop and Presbyter united in giving Papists a Veritable Sign of English Wrath...
A crucial POD...

Yeah, that's one of the great WhatIfs of UK history...

FWIW, horses have reins, royalty have reigns.

Curious language, the English...
Thanks everyone for the info. Corditeman, I was thinking the assassination would lead to a Catholic pogrom, rather then emancipation myself. Gonzaga, I'll check out that link as well. Right now I'm familiarizing myself more with the politics of Europe as a whole, just get a better picture going in my head.


Often suggested, never done. Good luck, and yes: the reaction will be blood all over the streets as people indulge in Burn-a-Catholic Night for real.