Black Congo 1870s (kinda long)

I'm not an expert on US history, so any suggestions especially for replacing the currently fictitious players with real personas is appreciated. Generally, what do you think? At all plausible?

In spite of the efforts made and blood shed to gain their liberty, the black population of the United States after the Civil War remained an embarrassment to its liberators as well as its former owners. In fact, many northern states had passed laws forbidding blacks to reside there even before the war, and even in the most liberal corners the best they could hope for was being tolerated. A large majority of whites on both sides of the Mason-Dixon line believed that it would be best if they left the country entirely, and, in light of their appalling living conditions, quite a few blacks agreed. Thus the proposal by Congressman Aaron Blackwell (Rep, Michigan) to subsidise their voluntary resettlement in Africa was met with widespread approval. The motion passed both houses and became law in October of 1876.
The main question for 'Back to Africa' proponents had long been where to find room for the returnees and how to integrate them into whatever state they would be placed in. By 1876, a solution of beguiling simplicity offered itself: the blacks were to colonise and civilise their benighted brethren in the Congo basin, forming the elite of a new 'Congo Free State' to be built in the region. Needless to say, the inhabitants of the Congo valley were not asked. In 1877, the first ship of colonists and missionaries from Boston dropped anchor off Port Banana and put a bewildered group of well-dressed blacks ashore. Early settlements were quickly swelled by an increasing stream of African settlers hoping to find salvation, purpose, freedom from persecution, or quick wealth in the beckoning continent. The Congo State Militia, trained and officered by veterans of Union Colored Regiments, carved paths into the interior where timber, ivory, and increasingly rubber could be traded or extorted from the locals. In 1885, the Congo Free State's borders were finally agreed upon at a conference in London. It was here that the Belgian King Leopold resigned from his position as protector of the nascent nation and, after much quibbling, was replaced by the United States.
The Congo Free State as constituted under President the Reverend Charles Butler Babbington in 1889 became an anomaly in Africa - a colony of blacks ruling blacks. The state's considerable expenses - building a railroad to Stanley Pool, maintaining steamer lines and road links, and establishing military control over the hinterland - were paid for through rubber and ivory purchased through a system of licensed traders for a fraction of their value. The English-speaking American colonisers quickly came to look down on their African subjects and established a two-tier society in which they ruled enserfed natives at the points of their bayonets. Mission stations and settlements carved out of the less insalubrious corners of the high plateau formed nuclei of cultural assimilation through which much of the Congo would eventually come to speak English and worship in Baptist and Methodist chapels. As the state succeeded economically and politically, it drew ever larger numbers of American blacks to replenish the ranks of its officials, soldiers, and traders (contrary to common opinion, American black proved as susceptible to tropical disease as whites).
It is 1917 and after years of painful neutrality the Congo Free State is entering the war against Germany. Congo rubber, timber, and copper are upholding Allied war efforts while the well-drilled troops of the Free State Militia (still armed along US lines) are now facing German-led Askaris shoulder to shoulder with the King's African Rifles. Internal politics are still dominated by a vast gulf separating 'American' from 'Native'. The state is constituted as a republic, with suffrage for all adult literate males (literate, that is, in English, not Arabic). The American upper classes (and increasingly upwardly mobile Natives) place great store by education and the colleges at Port Banana, Port Liberty, Lincolnville and Stanley City are burgeoning (though the wealthy still send their sons to be educated in Boston and Philadelphia). There is increasing unease with the inequalities inherent in the system, and a large faction of second-generation Congolese are campaigning for more rights for Natives, including education, the vote, and access to state offices. As yet, immigrants from the United States (who are automatically extended citizenship of the Free State if they so choose) have better chances for advancement that locals, but even the 'open-door principle' is now coming under attack.
Less immediately visible, but in the long run probably far more pernicuious, is the effect on the United States. The black population lost a large number of its most active and ambitious members as the 'drive for Africa' became more widespread. In this Alternate, Booker T. Washington heads the Lincolnville College and Martin Luther King Sen. will soon accept a nomination to the Our Savior's Chapel in Port Stanley. As a result, the white population is increasingly coming to look at US blacks as 'staying behind'. In many northern states white political organisations are pressuring blacks to leave and even in the majority-black areas of the old South, blacks are often told to 'shut up or get out'. To many, emigration to a state where they are extended the hope of a modest career and a modicum of respect, even as a gang foreman or private soldier, is looking tempting and every year young men and women leave for Port Banana and the riches of Africa. In the meantime, fabuluosly wealthy black 'rubber barons' are squandering millions in the hotels and restaurants of New York and Boston and the black ministry is hemorrhaging capable candidates to fill positions on the upper Congo. A civil rights movement does not seem to be in the cards anytime soon.
Liberia's pretty small and economically not that appealing. Plus, the Congo problem needed solving. I don't think any participant was happy with the OTL solution of having it become Leopold's personal fiefdom, so I guess the United States acting as an 'honest broker' would have appealed to most European powers.
Keep it up! Really interesting. Maybe a little Congolese pan-african imperialism after the fall of the colonial empires?
Is this Afro-American-ruled Congo gonna degenerate into an ethnically-divided oligarchical basketcase a la Liberia ? Heck, if the Americos in this ATL mismanage the colony as badly as was the case OTL with Liberia, then the Congo's civil disturbances and ethnic wars could match or maybe even surpass the suffering and death which has occurred up until now in this TL.
George Washington Williams

Oh yeah, another thing, if you're looking for real-life prominent individuals for this ATL, George Washington Williams would be quite important, since OTL he was an ex-Buffalo soldier and newspaper correspondent who travelled to the Congo during the 1880s and 1890s where he saw the horrendous atrocities being committed under Leopold II's mismanagement in the Congo Free State, and helped to raise international awareness of the sickening racist exploitation which went on. In this scenario, maybe he could become a pres of this Congo republic ?

OTOH, if the Americos are able to somehow reform their political system to more equitably represent the indigenous ppl's rights and interests, then, combined with the fact that they'll represent a larger proportion of the pop than ever was the case with Liberia (only 3-5% of Liberians are of Americo descent), they could well develop this Congo republic into a bastion of democracy in the heart of Africa.
Further, you could incorporate other prominent African-Americans, namely military officers outside the immediate ACW context, into your TL. What about if there were guys who were oustanding Buffalo soldiers OTL, such as Edward Baker (who apparently became fluent in Spanish and French as well as English, and also worked on learning to speak Chinese), Emmanuel Stance, and Charles Young (for whom I wrote an alternate biography on the previous board) ? You could have these outstanding military leaders in charge of the Free State Militia in positions of high leadership, instead of the NCO or lower-ranking officer positions they had on the frontier OTL, and have 'em lead the campaigns against rebellious native tribes during the late 19th C instead of against the Plains and Southwestern tribes as was the case OTL, or against the Filipinos as occurred during the Philippine insurrection.

Another interesting point that just came to mind- would the emigration of part-black Indians, esp Seminoles and Cherokees, also be encouraged in this ATL ? If so, it'd be interesting to see how the Seminole trackers such as John Ward, would've performed in the jungles of the Congo.
Thanks, Melvin, That's the kind of ideas I was looking for.

Can you point me to sources on the persons in question? Mainstream if possible - American history is hard enough to come by overe here without paying a fortune.

As to the future - I'd say it's even chances whether they manage to turn the corner and integrate the country or sink into the oppression and corruption of Liberia and Sierra Leone. The treatment of the natives was not as bad as OTL, but the Congo Free State is a colony, its system is exploitative and rubber collection was a nasty, dirty business everywhere. I would assume casualties on the order of German Cameroon or the Amazon basin.

The biggest problem I see is religious: The influence of the black Methodist and Baptist ministry among the new settlers is huge, often their nmission stations are the crystallisation points of towns and cities, seminaries are the main source of higher education (and most graduates have dual qualifications in divinity and engineering, law, economics or medicine) and a preponderance of the ruling class - administrators, politicians, lawyers and such - are practising or former divines or lay preachers. The Constitution of the country invokes the LOrd no less than nineteen different times. For most of the Inland tribes, that means assimilation equals Christianisation. However, part of the Northern Congo and coastal areas are Muslim, and these people do not feel kindly disposed towards the intruders. A large unassimilated, aggrieved minorioty is not a good thing if you want to build nations.

On the other hand, there is no racial prejudice against natives, so no matter whether integration on a large scale succeeds or not, members of the second and third generation will get themselves educations and jobs in the administration, the ministry and business.

If integration works, that will place pressure on other European colonies. Why can't they have natives vorting if the Congo can? Why doesn't Kenya have black Assemblymen? Why don't Madegassians own export businesses? It works in the Congo. That would do the African colonies no end of good. Once the European powers leave, the Congo Free State is liable to have garnered a large debt of gratitude owing - for stabilising the region, for fighting side by side with the Allies in WWI and WWII (with that close ties to the US, of course they would), for making their copper and rubber available to the war effort, and for not going Commie. They will certainly play a paternalistic role supervising the transition to self-government from Namibia to the Senegal. If this plays out the right way, it could undermine the western ties to Apartheid South Africa - there is another potential US ally on the continent and he takes a very dim view of these things. Congolese troops and political influence could be used to keep Communism out of Central Africa while the South African and Rhodesian governments find themselves increasingly in the doghouse. With the Brits as 'honest brokers', both nations could transition to equal rights decades earlier, or go into denial mode and essentially become pariahs.

An interesting facet could be the Soviet relationship with Islam. Along the northern borders of Central Africa, the Congolese and assimilated postcolonial Christians will be firmly pro-Western, but the Muslim minorities could very well lean towards Soviet positions - not only could it be justified under Islamic tenets of mandatory charity and solidarity, it extends the promise of ideological legitimacy, diplomatic support, and arms. This could, if Moscow plays its cards right, result in a Soviet-affiliated Middle East! (Which, incidentally, once again places Africa more to the center stage as Nigerian oil wells look a lot more interesting with T74s parked a few hundred miles from Bahrein).

By the collapse of Communism (let's assume it happens) we have an impoverished and conflict-riven Arab world suffering from the legacies of command economy and overmilitarisation without the benefits of petrodollars (the Soviets do not need their oil as badly, and offered arms and industrial goods rather than hard currency in exchange) and a prosperous, slightly paranoid Central Africa trying very hard not to say 'We told you so'.

What is the Ifo equivalent of 'Oil Sheikh'? :)

Sure Carlton, you're very welcome.

There's a plethora of info online on the Buffalo soldiers and the contribution of individuals like Young, Baker and Washington Williams to hist. Here's a few sites I found and used which you might like to refer to:

In the lastmentioned reference, it states that George Washington Williams went to the Congo in 1890 under King Leopold II's auspices to investigate the prospects for African-Americans working in the Congo. How would such a POD have worked out- would any blacks from the US who went to work in the Congo have been subject to the same brutality and virtual slavery experienced by all others who went there ?

In hardcopy, I've come across several good books on African-Americans in the US military which I read while undertaking uni American hist, including THE UNKNOWN SOLDIERS by A.E. Barbeau and Florette Henri, on black soldiers in WWI- which includes a section on Charles Young- and STRENGTH FOR THE FIGHT by Bernard Nalty, a more general hist of blacks in the US armed forces since colonial times. Another good book I came across on the Net is Black Valor: Buffalo Soldiers and the
Medal of Honor, 1870-1898 by Frank N. Schubert.

You could also consult any textbooks or articles such as WILD WEST MAG you may find specifically on the Buffalo soldiers in the Wild West, which would contain some very good info on these individuals listed. I also read Joseph Conrad's HEART OF DARKNESS for 1st-yr English, which copy I used contained an article written by George Washington Williams on his experiences in the Belgian Congo- I'm sure most good books on the Congo would have some info on his role. Further, John Hope Franklin wrote a biography on Williams, and there's been Adam Hochschild's KING LEOPOLD'S GHOST: A STORY OF GREED, TERROR, AND HEROISM IN COLONIAL AFRICA too.

Hope this'll be enough for a starter, my friend.
There is no wild rubber in Africa. At least not the usual sort which is collected from the tree Hevea braziliensis. The rubber would have to be planted.