ATL meanings for OTL terms

Iron Curtain - Colloquial term for a metal floodgate.

Diesel - Popular type of crime novel, pioneered by German prose writer Rudolf Diesel.

Bildungsroman - Biographical novel with propaganda subtext ("building of the nation", "building of the true socialist citizen") in the People's Democratic Council Union of German Bundeslands.

Hatchback - Colloquial term and soldier jargon for an infantry fighting vehicle.
Dictator - Electronic device that allows a newscaster or a person conducting a speech to read pre-prepared texts while being filmed live by television cameras. :p
Quran - The Arabic-language term for the Book of Muhammad, considered as one of the fundamental documents of Ebionite doctrine.
'Base-Ball': A sport, wherein two teams -- of varying size, by prior agreement -- each try to move a large ball (by kicking, throwing, and/or carrying, it) into a 'goal' which the opposing side's players defend; named thus due to its derivation from a game (of even greater brutality) that was practised of old as a way of expressing local rivalries amongst the vulgar rabble, rather than as a pass-time for the better classes.
Rally racing - pejorative, mocking term for people perceived as "racing from one political rally to the next, regardless of their actual political opinions".