Another One Bites the Dust, A President Mcormack Open Timeline

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January 2th 1964
2:40 P.M

*A CBS Special bulletin screen pops up*
We interrupt As the World Turns for a CBS special report

*Camera zooms in to Walter Cronkite at his desk*

Walter Cronkite:Good afternoon President Lyndon B Johnson suffered a heart attack during his lunch earlier
this afternoon. Soon after he was rushed to George Washington Hosptial where he is in critical condition

. Secret Service reported the president was eating his ham sandwich untill he dropped down to the floor and where

after several failed attempts of CPR he has been rushed to George Washington Hosptial and where again he is in critical condition

. *He is given a note all of the sudden* *He holds back tears* Not again! Folks *sniffs* a source from the hospital writes.

At 2:30 P.M eastern President Lyndon Baines Johnson died of heart failure.

*He starts tearing up* Folks I can't take this. John William McCormack is being escorted to The White House to become our nations 37th president.
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Dr Maxwell 3:35 P.M

Thank you, President Lyndon B Johnson was pronounced dead 30 minutes after being rushed to this hospital. We had a unsuccessful attempt of saving him by emergency heart surgery and no luck was found.

5 mins he flatlined and we faced the fact that America has lost its second sitting president in almost 3 months. What a terrible way to start out the new year.