Another Collaborative Worldbuilding Thread


an extremely quick sketch of the topography of the largest continent
Also I'll remind y'all of the most important rule of rivers and topography: Rivers always flow from the highest point to the lowest point in the easiest possible way. Water will Never flow uphill.

Some additions to the Southern Continent and detailing.
I have some suggestions for naming the continents:
Equatorial Continent: Equatoria
Northwesterm: Borea
Central: Centralia
Southwest: Arcadia
Southern: Terra Australis


I have some suggestions for naming the continents:
Equatorial Continent: Equatoria
Northwesterm: Borea
Central: Centralia
Southwest: Arcadia
Southern: Terra Australis
I don’t really like those names because they’re basic. “Arcadia” and “Borea” are okay, but the rest are just, eh.
How about Equinoxia for the Equator continent and Pannotia for the southern continent.

I like Pannotia for the southern continent.

The continent on the equator could be Mesoceania (Middle of the Ocean), Mesolandia (Middle Lands), Mesoksirá (Middle Land - greek), or Verdantia (Green Lands - due to the dense tropical jungle)
I might just sit back and watch for now, most worldbuilding projects I touch tend to die.

But, once y'all hit the linguistic part of it, let me know