Alternate Wikipedia Infoboxes

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What do you think of the rise of parties over the years? Populists overtook Democrats, Socialists arise in the urban North and some of the rural South, Social Democrats splitting off over intra-party and ethical disputes, and Prohibitionists taking in disaffected right-wing voters who want less alcohol and more morality.

It makes sense. The Populists challenged the Democrats in the south with support from Republicans and the minorities, but without the Democrats, they'd get coopted by the various white Southern racist groups like we saw in OTL. And since the disaster that was the Twenty First Amendment, the Prohibition Party has become a generic social conservative party anywhere, but still with prohibitionisn. And with them becoming large, it makes sense that they expand.

Bracken over Socialism

Are the Liberals ever going to die or will they just hang around? And I'm surprised the NDP, Reform and Liberals don't cause more Tory seats with all that vote splitting.
Life and death are one thread, the same line viewed from different sides.
-Lao Tzu


Any predictions for 2006?

A Liberal majority. ;)

Actually, I'm willing to say a Tory minority.
I'm simply saying that Grits, uh, find a way.
-Ian Malcolm (played here by CanadianTory)

Also, when is this series going up to? The present day or a bit longer?

I have it planned up to 2022 and I'll probably tease some stuff about 2026.

But seriously, you should see which people I have planned to become GG :D
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