Alternate Weapons of War thread...


What's the difference between the M1A3 and M1A4 other than the cannon lengths?

Slightly different transmissions (The M1A4's being optimized for keeping up with an infantry patrol,) different setups on the recoil systems, and different equipment load outs. The M1A4 usually operates with a full load of HE shells and Case Shot with only a couple GL-ATGMs for anti-tank work, and usually has the full TUSK kit and a bulldozer equipped when it's out on a mission, where as the M1A3 usually just has the ERA panels, Remote Weapons System and Slat Armor over the engine bay.

Pretty much, the M1A3 is a pure MBT, while the M1A4 is more or less a revival of the infantry tank concept, and built for urban warfare and COIN ops.


NothingNow, you win the thread.

For what? Getting something bigger than the E-100 into service?
Actually, looking at it, it's bigger than the Maus. Fuck!

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I also did a colored version in my TL thread, so I guess I'll repost it here while I'm at it. I still like the greyscale one better, though, as it looks a bit more dignified.

Here's a painting of some sort of air-ironclad that I did, not really related to any TL or anything.


And here's another painting of some Afghan warriors looking at a knocked out land-cruiser, again not related to any TL.


One of a fair number of screaming fanatics that come out of the Western Valleys. Lying inside the great worldspine, these lands were once home to fairly peaceful tribes of semi nomadic herders. Then came the refugees. Large numbers of men and women, displaced by war and banditry that fed on war. Those that fled north had few ideas of what was up there but had no alternative. In waves, they made their way north and displaced the natives. They resisted, but among the refugees were warriors, broken and desperate but in positioned of steel weapons and armor as well as crossbows. Most importantly they butchered their herds, not so much out of deliberate attempt at eradication as they needed meat. Valley by valley they displaced the original peoples, either conquering them, integrating them into the ranks of refugees, forcing them onto more marginal lands or exterminating them. They came wave after wave.

The newcomers never the less continued to struggle once they settled. The summers were harsh, rain was a rarity and the lakes that can be found here and there are for the most part salty and undrinkable. The refugees adapted as well as they could, but work was backbreaking. To support their population, they devised sets of complex irrigation systems and terraces to cultivate as much land as possible. All night soil was collected. Coal and iron were abundant, but wood was rare. Eventually some trade was established, ceramics and metalwork was exported and traded for timber, food and slaves. These were generally not kept by the leaders as sexual playthings but rather as disposable workers to toil until they succumbed to starvation. The locals saw this as a blessing, as it meant that their lives would have just a little bit less toil to them. These actions let the population gradually expand, despite bad nutrition, overwork, disease and poor living conditions. To oversee these projects, complex governments arose. They oversaw projects and rationed to make sure that people did not starve to death. Eventually, a faith emerged and spread among these communities. This was a monotheistic religion, worshiping an all powerful sky god. Those who lived quiet orderly lives and obeyed their masters would eventually be rewarded with a pleasant afterlife. Those leaders who led ragged bands of desperate refugees to anywere that they could be safe were re-imagined as holy prophets leading a chosen people to salvation. Through preachers, subtle political manuvering, the offer of increased bounty and a few small scale and brief wars (all started by those who resisted this new faith) they managed to unite the valley under one theocratic government.

At first it was a peaceful faith, but then came the bandits. As the trade routes improved, more and more bandits raided, eventually turning on raiding the villages. Many of them escaped slaves. As they increased in number, more and more provisions were made to defend vital supplies and the people. This led to the emergence of armed guards and patrols to hunt them down. Eventually, this turned the priesthood more radical and more militaristic, as well as more xenophobic. After a couple of generations, some of the leaders began to call for moves to hunt down and eradicate the heathans that lived outside their boarders. A voice which grew in strength and size. From this emerged the pilgram warriors, which went on crusades to claim new land and spread their faith and the influence of the ruling priests.

Pilgram Warriors are mostly volunteers. Family sizes have increased since the begining of these crusades and their are no shortage of those who seek to absole themselves of sins, see the crusade as a sacred duty or simply desire the loot and prospect of advancement. Conscription happens as well when the need is pressing, and criminals are often dragooned in to absolve their sins. Some Pilgram warriors (generally from the upper classes) are selected to serve as cavalry, pikemen or crossbowmen, but most simply serve in loose units of light infantry. These poor souls are deemed to have marginal usefulness until they prove themselves. At the start, they are a large warhammer, a dagger and a helmet and whatever rags of clothing they have are dyed a greyish blue and have the image of their sky god stenciled on. These poor wretches are marched out alongside on crusades, which happens every few decades. The light infantry are organized into groups of 100-200 led by a warrior priest. If these units are sucessful, they are given more armor as their god has clearly shown them favor.

They are ruthless in their ambitions and well known for their willingness to fight and die for their god. Those that they conquer are often faced with enslavement and forced conversions, while their lands are looted. This never the less is often their undoing. While they haved claimed some territory outside their Valleys, they have also made enemies with basically everyone they have encountered. If they attack a settlement, this generally means that they will have to go through alot of men because they rarely defend. A set of castles has been set up to keep them bottled in. Attempts have been made to survert the influence of the priestly class that runs their kingdom, while this has led to some dissent, it has also led to the rise of a fearsome secret police force to keep the population in line.


The Union Army Air Forces' B-200 nuclear-powered, nuclear-armed bomber. Designed specifically for high-altitude, high-speed bombing runs with multiple nuclear munitions, the B-200 "Blacktip" is capable of flying at the upper stratosphere at speeds of four and a half times the speed of sound, supercruising at Mach 3. Just under the parameters of a hypersonic aircraft.
The bomber can carry up to 10,000 kilograms of ordnance, typically guided or free-fall nuclear bombs. Its highly advanced ECM and ECCM suites can ward off SAM lock-on from almost any range. Barring orbital satellites armed with lasers or gun-armed hypersonic fighters, the B-200 is untouchable.
(Based on both the Valkyrie and the Concorde, using a Valkyrie picture as the reference material)

B-200 bomber.png
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