Alternate religion that combines Shinto and Christianity

So I watch a video by ReligionForBreakfest talking about How Shinto can be the next Global religion and here's the link to the video

So this gave me an idea. What if in this POD the new shogunate doesn't become anti-Christain and instead decided to assimilate it into Shinto. Now, this has happened in our timeline. They're known as hidden christains or in Japanese Kakure Kirishitans. But in this scenario, it's more of a what-if Christianity wasn't forbidden and mix with Shinto, maybe even a bit of Buddhism.

First, off the Christian denomination where talking about is Catholicism, this was due to Portuguese missionaries and later Spanish. Syncretism would interpret Jesus, patron saints, and angels as foreign kami. Obviously, this won't sit well with the catholic church, which could cause conflict in later events.

Like in our timeline Japan becomes isolated, but this time still having practicing Japanese Christians and even some missionaries. But Japanese isolation lasted for 214 years. The shogunate would put effort into assimilating Christianity into Shinto, using the remaining missionaries (mostly against their will) to aid them in syncretizing the two faiths. Like I said before, Jesus, patron saints, and angels would be seen as kami. So they would have shrines dedicated to them and maybe have some churches. Christianity could be practice differently in certain regions of Japan. There could be Shrines dedicated to a native Kami and Jesus. I think you get the point. There could still be discrimination against Christians, which could make them more isolated. Christianity could also appeal to Japan's untouchables, known as the Burakumin.

Like in our otl, the US forces Japan to open up. The Americans would be surprised to see the Japanese worshiping Jesus and probably see Christian imagery. I don't how this would affect relations with the west.

Meji restoration still happens and in it, they separated Buddhism and Shinto. They would do the same thing with Christianity. This could cause the Christians to leave Japan. Immigrating to other countries. Probably settling the west coast of America and Latin America. But as they interact with the western world. They relize that there not as Christian as they think. This could cause them to separate themselves from both Christianity and Shinto. I don't what this religion would be called and I don't know much it would affect the world. This cause major butterflies, especially during world war 2.

So what do you guys think of this scenario?

PS. I made a similar scenario but I never got any traction so I decided to re-do it.


There are several "new religion" that did combine Shinto and Christianity. Or at least acknowledge both Jesus and Kami.
Seperate State Shinto from Folk Shinto that with a larger and earlier Japanese diaspora (both from the Portuguese slave trade and emigration scheme) that latches a larger Catholic Japanese exodus to Latin America + a larger 19th century “hidden christian” migration.

I mean the Brazilian Japanese population of returnees introduced Umbanda and Candomble to Japan OTL where they pray to Yoruba and Kongo deities so anything is possible.