Alternate Electoral Maps

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Why do the Democrats ally with Labor instead of the like minded Republicans?

Why do the Democrats ally with Labor instead of the like minded Republicans?
The Republicans were the previous administration caught up in the Tunnelgate scandal so they are everyone's scapegoat right now. The Republicans are also the sworn enemies of Labor in New Jersey at least, so partisan tensions are too high for a grand coalition to be formed. The nationalists on the other hand are somewhat manageable to the Labor leadership because their views on the economy are closer, so it's sort of like the reverse of the situation with Bernie and Trump OTL. Also it's important to keep in mind that the Labor party in this timeline is not as liberal as the modern day Democrats, they are more conservative and have yet to support social issues like gay marriage. Socially they are probably more in line with where the Democrats were back in the 90s and early 00s at best.
In the early stages of OTL's current two-party system, the Democrats were conservative and the GOP was liberal.

The Democratic Party was always the party opposed to big business, while the Republicans were always the party in support of it. It's just that once upon a time, big government (in terms of economic policy) used to help big business far more than it does today. Unless you somehow keep the government in support of big business, which is difficult, I don't see how the Democrats can support small government and the Republicans big government.
Here's the average percentage for every Trump game on Easy in Campaign Trail.


Donald Trump - 293 EV (48.02%)
Hillary Clinton - 245 EV (49.13%)
Gary Johnson - (1.85%)
Jill Stein - (1.00%)
Close to the real election except switch NH with MI and ME-02
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Close to the real election except switch NH with MI and ME-02
I do enjoy playing the Campaign Trail game, but what really annoys me is that it's virtually impossible to win with Trump on any level above Easy; whereas with Clinton players get spoon-fed all these questions that guarantee a victory even on Impossible. The scenario is outdated, but that seems a little ridiculous to me...
Progress on my Parliamentary America. The states done are in red.

AIP - 1
America First - 8
Democratic - 21
Grange - 17
Grange-TAC - 1

Independent - 1
Labor - 104
Liberal - 131
Libertarian - 2
TAC - 3
WASP - 1

As always, questions are welcome!

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The Worker's Party has won Indiana, giving them 11 seats in the House of Representatives. The Conservative Party has won Kentucky, giving them 8.



The Conservative Party has the majority of seats at the moment.



The Worker's Party has won Ohio and West Virginia, but North Carolina is giving the Conservatives the lead.



The election is now very close, with the Conservatives winning Texas and the Workers winning Illinois.



The Workers now have the lead, but only with less than 10 seats.



The People's Party has won Utah, giving them 6 seats in the House. The Worker's Party now has the majority in the House, making Bernard Sanders the next Prime Minister.



The Worker's Party won Washington, Oregon, Hawaii, and Alaska, while the California Independence Party has won California, giving them 55 seats in the House.


Seats in the House (270 needed for majority)

Bernie Sanders - Worker's Party - 297
Ted Cruz - Conservative Party - 180
Evan McMullin - People's Party - 6
Jerry Brown - California Independence Party - 55
Seats in the House (270 needed for majority)

Bernie Sanders - Worker's Party - 297
Ted Cruz - Conservative Party - 180
Evan McMullin - People's Party - 6
Jerry Brown - California Independence Party - 55

A parliamentary system with plurality at-large voting?


Hillary Clinton/Tim Kaine-Democratic: 279 EV 47.98%
Ted Cruz/Carly Fiorina-Republican: 259 EV 47.25%

Gary Johnson gets 2.29% of the vote.
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