Alexander the Great

Great Instalment Coakroach, The Macedonians finally taking out the Persians and What are the Celts up to in this TL?
Great Instalment Coakroach, The Macedonians finally taking out the Persians and What are the Celts up to in this TL?
Small point, the "Persian empire" being taken out is actually one ruled by a macedonian (see one of the early parts of the timeline).
As for whats happening to the celts...
The Gauls are currently stuck between a colony of exiled Carthaginians and a slowly expanding Roman republic.
The Britons are not up to much but may soon be brought under the influence of the Carthaginian exiles.
The various other Celtic peoples are just up to the usual barbarian activities... slaughtering each other.

But sooner rather than later I will need to get them involved... maybe a celtic hoard ravaging Macedon and critically weakening it before Rome decides to expand East?
A new update:

-A number of Greek cities in Sicily defect from the League of Syracuse to Rome.
-A Roman army of 17000 infantry and 1500 cavalry face a Leauge of Syracuse army of 24000 infantry (8000 Syracusan and 16000 allied) and 2100 (1600 Syracusan and 500 allied) cavalry near the modern town of Lentini. A Roman spy manages to infilltrate the Syracusan force and "convince" (aka bribe) 12000 Syracuse-allied infantry to defect. As a result Syracuse suffers a crushing defeat.
-A Roman fleet engages a Syracusan fleet in the Strait of Messina, the Roman fleet is decisively beaten.
-Battle fought in China between the the states of Qin and Chu. The Qin army is deceisivly defeated and the Qin capital Xianyang is sacked, the king of Qin, Qin Zichu and his son, Qin Zheng (OTL's first empror of China aka Qin Shihuangdi or Ch'in Shih-huang-ti) are captured and put to death.
-The Mauryan Empire annexes the former persian Satrapy of Gedrosia and start making incursions into Bactria and Sogdiana.
-Philip III personally leads an embassy to the Mauryan Empire, he leaves his son Amyntas as the regent of the Alexandrian Empire (his other son, Lagos is appointed Satrap of Carthage). This embassy results in an agreement to leave some of the Persian Sucessor states unoccupied as a buffer zone between the two empires.
-The Roman army in Sicily is cut off by a Syracusan naval blockade and the various cities that had defected to Rome decide to return to the Syracusan fold.
-A Roman fleet is engaged and destroyed by a Syracusan fleet off Salernum. The Syracusan fleet then proceeds north and lands a force of 12000 infantry and 800 cavalry near the mouth of the River Tiber.
-Hamilcar Barca establishes himself as the leader of the nova-Carthaginian settlement in Gaul. He promptly sets about establishing control of the surrounding region throught war and alliances with the various tribes.
-The Syracusan army marches up the Tiber to attack Rome while several of the lighter naval vessels follow in support. A Roman army of 16000 infantry and 1200 cavalry attacks and destroys the Syracusan army but the half dozen light warships reach Rome and cause considrable damage before being destroyed.
-Achillies of Macedon's son Diomedes stages a campaign against the Scythians north of the Crimea. Follwoing a number of 'victories' Diomedes founds a number of 'cities' (actually medium sized villages with small garisons). Despite the victories Macedon made no long term gains, with in a decade all the newly established colonies had been overrun and the territory lost.
-With the army in Sicily still cut off the Roman Senate decides to recruit an ally with a navy to raise the Syracusan naval blockade. an embassy is sent to Amyntas in Alexandria and Achillies in Pella, neither are willing to provide aid. However Lagos, the Satrap of Carthage is willing to provide a fleet of 65 Quadremes (actually Quinqueremes hulls but with a reduced number of rowers to allow the vessels to mount 2 32 pounders and 8 3 pounders) supplemented by a large number of mercenry Nova-Carthaginian ships armed with 4-8 3 or 6 pounder cannons each (this is the first record of the nova-Carthaginian "Dhow").
-Lagos' fleet engages a Syracusan naval squadron of 30 Quinqueremes near Malta and captures ten. With this added force the fleet goes on to engage a Syracusan fleet of 40 Quinqueremes and 60 Triremes off Syracuse itself. The Syracusan fleet is completely destroyed.
-The first of the Alexandrian "Indemen" is launched. This ship proceeds to India to pick up Philip III.
-With the breaking of the Syracusan blockade Rome reinforces it's army in Sicily and returns to the offensive.
-Lagos gives 20 captured Syracusan Quinqueremes and 30 Triremes to Rome as a 'gift', a favour that is long remembered by Rome.
-Philip III returns to Alexandria. Upon hearing of what Lagos had done Philip III recalls Lagos to Alexandria.
-With the change of fortune for the Greeks in Sicily Diomedes of Macedon tries to persuade his father, Achillies of Macedon to intervene but to no avail.
-Achillies of Macedon falls to the stroke of an assasins blade. The prime suspects are Rome and Diomedes of Macedon.
-Diomedes ascends the throne of Macedon, his first action as king is to declear war on Rome. He starts gethering an army of 50000 infantry and 8000 cavalry.
-The Roman army in Sicily is expanded to 25000 infantry and 3000 cavalry.
-Diomedes of Macedon lands in Sicily with 55000 infantry and 7500 cavalry. This army in conjuction with 14000 League of Syracuse infantry and 1000 cavalry meets the Roman army of 20000 infantry and 2000 cavalry near Catania. The Roman army is crushed by shear weight of numbers. The remaining 6000 Romans in Sicily are finished off over the coming months.
-Diomedes of Macedon decides to cross to Italy with 35000 infantry and 4500 cavalry.
-Rumors begin circulating with in the Macedonian army in Italy that Diomedes was responsible for Achillies' assasination. Diomedes' response is to have all possible rivals to the throne put to death.
-Philip III declears that his son Amyntas is the rightful king of Macedon both by means of his ancestory and his marriage to Arinoe, daugter of Achillies of Macedon. Philip III starts gathering an army of 45000 infantry and 5000 cavalry to enforce his son's claim to the throne of Macedon. Mean while a number of Greek cities start preperations for a rebellion against Diomedes of Macedon.
-Diomedes with 40000 infantry and 5000 cavalry takes the cities of Rhegium and Cosentia before routing a Roman army of 21000 infantry and 2000 cavalry near Poseidonia.
-Philip III and his son Amyntas land in Southern Greece with an army of 45000 infantry and 5000 cavalry and march north. By and large they are welcomed as liberators. The Alexandrian army encounters resistance in the form of 31000 infantry and 4000 cavalry nominally loyal to Diomedes near the city of Pherae... over half of the macedonian army defects while another quater desert.
-Diomedes takes the city of Tarentum before returning to Syracuse in triumph. His army is welcomed into Syracuse as part of the victory celebration but Diomedes promptly turns his army loose saying "I am denied Macedon but I shall have Sicily". Syracuse is throughly looted and much of its population slaughtered. Diomedes sets about conquering the rest of Sicily.
-Rome reoccupies Rhegium and Cosentia.
-Diomedes defeats a Sicilian army of 33000 infantry in a pitched battle near Akragas. All effective resistance in Sicily ends.
-Amyntas occupies the city of Pella and is proclaimed king of Macedon as Amyntas IV.
-Rome reoccupies the city of Tarentum.
-Diomedes sets about rebuilding the Sicilian fleets. In an innovative move a large part of the new navy is fashioned after the nova-Carthaginian "Dhow".
-Continued Roman and North nova-Carthaginian expansion in Gaul brings the two nations into contact.
-Diomedes with his fleet, 29000 infantry and 2500 cavalry sails to the mouth of the Tiber. The army is landed and marches on Rome. The city is taken by suprise and is sacked. Despite his sucess Diomedes is forced to withdraw by an advancing Roman army of 32000 infantry and 2000 cavalry.
-Rome requests assistance by the Alexandrian empire to put an end to Diomedes.
-A combined Roman-Alexandrian army of 38000 infantry and 6000 cavalry gathers in Southern Italy. I responce Diomedes musters 44000 infantry and 3000 cavalry.
-A sizable portion of the Sicilian fleet is "convinced" to defect to the Roman-Alexandrian alliance.
-The combined Roman-Alexandrian army lands in Sicily while a combined fleet under Lagos engages and defeats the remainder of the Sicilian fleet.
-Diomedes attampts to avoid facing the Roman-Alexandrian army. His army of 28000 infantry and 2500 cavalry is eventually brought to battle near Selinus. Diomedes' army is defeated but Diomedes and 1000 loyalists manage to escape to the Balearic Islands by sea.
-Lagos with a fleet of 30 Quardremes finds Diomedes and his loyalists in the Balearic Islands. Most of Diomedes' Loyalist are exterminated but at least one ship escapes and is never heard of again.
-End of the Lyncestid dynasty of Macedon, return of the Argead Dynasty to the throne (in the form of Amyntas of Alexandria, now Amyntas IV).

And some misc. infomation on some of the new shipping starting to appear:

Carthaginian "Dhow" c. 245 BC
A double ended vessel, genrally flush-decked althought occasionally with a slightly raised poop deck.
Steered using two Steering oars set aft. Usual carries one or two masts genrally Lateen rigged.
Armourment: Varying with size and puropse, typically a twin masted war "Dhow" of c 210 BC would carry one 12 or 18 pounder cannon in the bow and 8-10 6 or 9 pounder cannons on the broadsides (4 or 5 per side).

Alexandrian India Merchant Ship 245 BC
A very large ship for the era. Double ended with a raised stern castle. Genrally carried three masts, square rigged on the Artemon (in effect a bowsprit) and main mast, Lateen rigged on the mizzen mast.
Length: early examples usualy about 35m later examples reaching 50m
Beam: early examples usualy about 8m later examples reaching 14m
Armourment: Genrally 2-4 12 pounder cannon and a large number of swivel guns althought on occasions these ships were adaptoed for military service with 12 12 pounder guns on the broadsides (6 per side).

Edit to add: Here is a map of how I expect things to be with in a few years

World220 BC.GIF
Great Installment Cockroach, Nice touch in providing the information of the Sea Vessels of this Timeline. However, I do have an few questions.

1. How is little provience of Yehud in the Levant doing in this timeline? Are the Jews supportive of their new rulers and what of the Pharriseess, and Saudacces do they still exist in this TL.

2. Can you explain the cultural differences between the Alexandrian Oiekumene and Macedon?
1. How is little provience of Yehud in the Levant doing in this timeline? Are the Jews supportive of their new rulers and what of the Pharriseess, and Saudacces do they still exist in this TL.

2. Can you explain the cultural differences between the Alexandrian Oiekumene and Macedon?
1. Haven't really thought about it yet... I suspect some elements may have been involved in various rebellions but by and large they have kept their heads down and so havn't brought the force of the Alexandrian Phalanx down on their heads.

2. The Alexandrian Empire is a lot more 'orientallised', with various 'locals' taking mid level places in the administration and in the case of a few special areas (Egypt, Babylon) also take the role of Satrap.

Edit to add: Well will anyone other than than Historico reply to this?
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Just another little thing to add... a family tree of the various sucessor dynasties...

BTW, Im not quite sure how Alexander of Lyncestis and Alexander the Great were related... both had claims to the throne of Macedon so presumably they were cousins of some degree... anyone know for certain?

family tree.JPG
Another update... barbarians on the loose...

-Rome and the Alexandrian Empire signing a treaty restoring Sicily's independence... not that either empire has a great desire to stick to their word.
-Hamilcar Barca leads an expedition up the channel and onto Jutland. By and large he establishes peaceful relations with the various tribes. He deposits his son Hasdrubal with a force of 300 men to establish an outpost near the mouth of the Thames, this outpost is later overrun by the local barbarians and Hasdrubal is killed.
-Lagos leads a naval expedition to India, his fleet consists of 5 Indymen, 6 "Dhows" and 10 other merchant vessels.
-Philip III dies in a riding accident, Amyntas IV becomes the king of the Alexandrian Empire.
-Lagos returns to the Alexandrian Empire after a highly profitable expedition. Amyntas IV decides to send Lagos on another expedition to ensure that Lagos cannot make any attempt to claim the throne.
-Lagos sails for the Pillars of Hercules with a squadron of 2 converted Indymen (4 12 pounders, 8 6 pounders plus multiple swieval guns) and 5 War "Dhows" (6 3 pounders and 4 6 pounders). The fleet sails up the coasts of Iberia and Gaul and seize a number of nova-Carthaginian merchant ships. The expedition arrives continues on to Britannia and Hibernia where Lagos establishes alliances with various tribes. Leaving two "Dhows" to continue to annoy the nova-Carthaginians Lagos turns for home.
-China is finally unified by the state of Chu.
-Lagos arrives in Alexandria. He survives an assasination attempt before fleeing to Italy. In recognition of his previous services to Rome (see 245 BC) he is granted citizenship and marries into patrician family. While still claiming to be the rightful king of the Alexandrian Empire he does not take any active measures to take the throne.
-227 BC proves to be somewhat colder than usual. While this does not cause much of a problem in the Mediterranian region, in Northern Europe and out on the Steppes various barbarian tribes start migrating.
-Amyntas IV relocates to Pella in Macedon. He appoints his eldest son Alexander as his regent in the Alexandrian Empire.
-A hoard of Germanic tribes pour into Gaul. Hamilcar Barca and an army of 8000 nova-Carthaginians and 40000 Gaulish allies march to meet the oncoming hoard. The nova-Carthaginian army finds itself out numbered 3 to 1 and is overwhelmed.
-Amyntas IV's son Alexander leads an army of 24000 infantry and 5000 cavalry into the assorted Persian sucessor states. Alexander manages to seize a number of strongholds but does not greatly expand the territory of the Alexandrian Empire.
-A hoard of Scythians overruns the Macedonian territory in the Crimea.
-Various Celtic tribes stage a series of raids in northern Macedon.
-The advance of the Germanic tribes in Gaul is finally checked in Battle mere kilometers from the nova-Carthaginian city of Barcino.
-A massive hoard of Scythians and other steppes tribes invade the Persian succesor states. Fearing the worst Amyntas IV's son Alexander gathers an army of 35000 infantry and 7000 cavalry near Babylon to counter any incursions into the Alexandrian empire.
-A Celtic hoard invades Macedon. A Macedonian army of 28000 infantry and 6000 cavalry under Amyntas IV is overwhelmed near lake Lychnitis (Amyntas IV is amoungst the few survivors). The barbarians then go onto pillage the cities of Lychnidos, Aegae and Mieza.
-The Macedonian capital, Pella, is beseiged for six months by the Celtic hoard. The city falls and is sacked. Amyntas IV is amoungst the dead.
-Amyntas IV's younger son Agamemnon defeats the Celts in battle in the vale of Tempe.
-Lagos starts recruiting various exiled Macedonian nobles in to the soon to be famous Equites Macedonii cavalry unit.
-Defelected from taking the Gaulish nova-Carthaginian territories the Germanic hoard turns its attention south towards Roman territory. Rome dispatches an army of 24000 infantry and 2000 cavalry including the 500 strong Equites Macedonii. The resulting battle starts out badly for the Roman army until a charge by the Equites Macedonii (under the personal command of Lagos) breaks the barbarian lines.
-A massive hoard of Scythians and other steppes tribes advance into the satrapies of Persis and Media. Alexander V takes an army of 35000 infantry and 7000 cavalry to counter the threat but is forced to fall back. The barbarian hoard is finally stopped Tigris river by a fleet of cannon armed light warships.