Air and Space Photos from Alternate Worlds.

In late 1939, a number of Egyptian SM 79s were forced down intact behind Israeli lines and were quickly pressed into service as long range reconnaissance platforms.




The German Empire's military assistance to the Israeli cause also included obsolete fighter aircraft like the He 112 monoplane that had failed to win Luftstreitkrafte approval for mass production.



Excellent additions to this scenario...especially the He112. There isn't one in Il-2, which I was using. Love your custom skins on WT. How did you do them? Oh, BTW, in my world the He 112 would have been the Hansa-Brandenburg D.XII, since the OTL RLM designations probably wouldn't be used. I believe Ernst Heinkel worked with H-B in the Great War.
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Faced with increasing US and Ottoman diplomatic pressure, together with Israeli successes on the battlefield, The Chamberlain government eventually abandoned its support for the Arab Legion armies, which in any event had ceased to function as national armies but had become more like tribal factions, fighting amongst themselves as much as against the Israelis. Meeting in Benghazi, representatives of Britain, Germany, the United States, and the Ottoman Empire hammered out a settlement established the State of Israel in former Palestine. Israel quickly signed the agreement, but none of the Arab states participated Shockingly for the Arab states, Britain also retroceded its independent protectorates over Mesopotamia (Iraq), Transjordan, and Syria back to the Ottoman Empire, effectively undoing the outcome of the 1914-1916 Great War in the Near East, an setting the cause of Arab nationalism back several decades. The last act of the conflict was in many ways its most dramatic. Shortly after the Benghazi Treaty was signed, Egyptian Col. Abdul Nasser commandeered a REAF Hurricane and single handedly attacked the Haifa airfield, destroying over 20 parked US and German aircraft awaiting delivery to the Israeli air force. Anticipating the peace settlement, Israeli security at the airfield was lax, and Col. Nasser almost made his escape, but his fighter-bomber was shot down by the German anti-aircraft ship SMS Viktoria Louise, lying in Haifa harbor, ending official hostilities.

Once, long ago, before there was a Galaxy 500, there was a V-1650 that went by the magical name, GAC. It possessed the power of 1800 horses, and maintained that power well into the heavens thanks to a turbo-charger. The Chief lifted his staff and declared that this was good.The cockpit was roomy, and thus, even the paunchiest pilots, loins girded, befit the beast. And they named the beast NAA Ford Mustang.

Faced with increasing US and Ottoman diplomatic pressure, together with Israeli successes on the battlefield, The Chamberlain government eventually abandoned its support for the Arab Legion armies, which in any event had ceased to function as national armies but had become more like tribal factions, fighting amongst themselves as much as against the Israelis. Meeting in Benghazi, representatives of Britain, Germany, the United States, and the Ottoman Empire hammered out a settlement established the State of Israel in former Palestine. Israel quickly signed the agreement, but none of the Arab states participated Shockingly for the Arab states, Britain also retroceded its independent protectorates over Mesopotamia (Iraq), Transjordan, and Syria back to the Ottoman Empire, effectively undoing the outcome of the 1914-1916 Great War in the Near East, an setting the cause of Arab nationalism back several decades. The last act of the conflict was in many ways its most dramatic. Shortly after the Benghazi Treaty was signed, Egyptian Col. Abdul Nasser commandeered a REAF Hurricane and single handedly attacked the Haifa airfield, destroying over 20 parked US and German aircraft awaiting delivery to the Israeli air force. Anticipating the peace settlement, Israeli security at the airfield was lax, and Col. Nasser almost made his escape, but his fighter-bomber was shot down by the German anti-aircraft ship SMS Viktoria Louise, lying in Haifa harbor, ending official hostilities.

Once, long ago, before there was a Galaxy 500, there was a V-1650 that went by the magical name, GAC. It possessed the power of 1800 horses, and maintained that power well into the heavens thanks to a turbo-charger. The Chief lifted his staff and declared that this was good.The cockpit was roomy, and thus, even the paunchiest pilots, loins girded, befit the beast. And they named the beast NAA Ford Mustang.
Great stuff guys.
Something different. Confederate States Army Air Force, Arkansas Air Guard GC-12 attacking a damaged Martin B-13 (license-built CANT 2001) heavy bomber en route to attack the Osage oilfields. The Confederate fighter has been hit in the oil cooler and shortly after this photograph was taken, it was engulfed in flames and crashed, killing its pilot Captain Curt LeMay.

SB2M light bomber supplied by the Soviet Union to the newly established PLAAF in 1934 for use in crushing the Nationalist rebels during the legendary Long Trek that saw the White Sun Army retreat to the mountainous stronghold of Yunnan Province where the Nationalists could rebuild their fighting strength beyond the reach of General Mao's Soviet-equipped and German-trained Army of the Revolution. Tactical bombing was still in its infancy, and Communist bombers were unsuccessful in attacking fortified Nationalist strongpoints, though they proved effective terror weapons against the vulnerable civilian refugee columns that followed the White Sun Army into the mountains.


(excerpt from a pre-raid briefing, USAAF 32nd Bomb Group, Hershey Pennsylvania) Prewar reconnaissance photo of the Tyson's Corner battletractor factory in northern Virginia, CSA, taken at almost 3000 meter altitude. Although of poor quality due to haze and inclement weather most of the key elements of this state-owned slave factory can be made out. The principal battletractor assembly floor is located in the long structure at the upper right of the complex. The numerous small rectangular buildings in the center of the complex are the laborers' quarters. Adult workers are segregated by sex; reportedly males in the structure complex to the upper right, females in the group below. Although the high altitude of this photograph makes these buildings appear small, the are actually quite large, housing as many as 250 laborers each in three storeys. The administrative center, consisting of a breeder/infirmary/nursery, administrative offices, and receiving center is located at the upper left of the complex. The entire complex is bounded by massive buildings, which house factory supervisory staff, guards, , warehouses, and detailed sub-assembly shops. The buildings also serve as a wall to keep laborers from escaping.

Aircrews must ensure that only the administrative complex and factory floor is hit, this is why we are staging a low altitude strike using Shrikes instead of the usual heavy stuff. IT is also why you will be attacking just before dawn, when intel says most of the laborers will not be on the assembly floors. Also, it goes without saying that your planes will be loaded only with Mk. 40 heavy explosives gas or incendiaries. Our goal, people, is to show Johnny Confed that hiding his war industries behind thousands of innocent slaves wont stop us from taking them out. If this mission is successful and collateral causalities are kept to a minimum, say 10-15 % of the laborer force tops, we'll start hitting the really big targets in Birmingham next.
