AHC/WI: George Hees, Prime Minister of Canada?

George Harris Hees was one of Diefenbaker's ministers in the late '50s and early '60s and attempted to get himself elected to the PC leadership in 1967 (he placed fourth on the first ballot and dropped out after two further ballots).

A handsome and athletic playboy, Hees wasn't your typical politician in the 1960s. But, he did have an intellect that he put to good use in his roles as Minister of Transport and Minister of Trade and Commerce. His obituary offers even more insight into the man and there are other sources about as well.

My questions are how would one get George Hees to become Prime Minister of Canada in the first place and then how would his premiership have looked for Canada (both domestically and internationally)?

I was trying to remember everything I know about George Hees. All I remember was what he looked like, Harold MacMillan, but smiling. Ergo: he could have been a PM if he cut out the smile.

Jeez, Louise. Vote for Hees, youz. Hoooorah.