AH Challenge: Western Communism

As the title only vaguely explains, your challenge is to have Marx's prediction of Communism arising in the West prove correct. The Industrial workers of the western nations decide to remove the shackles of the ruling class.

So that means Britain, France, Germany and the US falling under the red banner, whilst Russia and China don't.
No Russian revolution or any other violent take overs should do it. Britain, the US and co. would be free to progress naturally without backwards forces fueling public paranoia to stop this.

It wouldn't be communism though, just socialism, likely still with lots of capitalist elements left in even now. Its ASB to have communism with a post-Marx tl. You need to go far earlier and have us far more advanced, far earlier.
For that to happen, Marx would have to be right. And if he where right, it would happen so it looks like circular reasoning.
The only way I can see this happening in the US is if TR and Taft don't bust some trusts. Unfortunetly thats all I can think of at thuis moment.
A german communist uprising post WWI or a very successful Paris Commune are the classic ones. There was a very large socialist party in the US for little while, perhaps if Theodore Rosevelt or the like was never around to reform industry. There might be such a burden on the working class that the bomb throwers who attempted to take out Rockefellar would be more successful, or maybe even get a president or two.

I don't see how the UK would have a revolution at all.