A William and Mary Timeline: For Want Of An Heir

Poor Maria Beatrice, still her death made everything easier and while nobody had planned for Louisa, better her than her mother and in the end William and Mary will be glad to have another person to put in the succession between little James and the uncertainty…


Poor Maria Beatrice, still her death made everything easier and while nobody had planned for Louisa, better her than her mother and in the end William and Mary will be glad to have another person to put in the succession between little James and the uncertainty…
Mmmm, keeping the household means the boy will be raised as he is been raisng; That might or might not cause problems in the future.
Chapter 11: Suspicion



Chapter 11: Suspicion

July, 1692
William kept his expression carefully neutral, something he had perfected over the course of his life, as he examined the man before him.

William Herbert, Earl of Powis and the representative from the Court of Saint Germain, had been sent to William’s camp to inform him of a change in circumstance at Saint Germain. A change that William had learned about mere moments before Powis had arrived.

“You are certain that this news is true?” He asked. Powis seemed trustworthy, but the man that he was with, King Louis, was not.

“Yes, Sir, I received the letter myself.” Powis replied.

“Do you have the letter with you?” William asked, fully expecting Powis to reply that he did not, and being pleasantly surprised when he replied.

“I do, Sir.” The man then reached down into a bag and pulled out a neatly folded letter. Powis handed the letter over to Portland who then handed it to William.

William opened it and read through it.


It is as we feared.

Her Majesty the Queen has died in childbirth.

Please be advised that the situation is moving.


“I believe you will recognise the handwriting, Sir.” Powis said.

William did not look up from the letter, he would not reward Powis with a look. He did recognise the handwriting; the letter had come from the spy he had placed in Saint Germain three years ago.

So, it seemed the man was double-dealing, as was the course for many.

He handed the letter to Portland and then looked up at Powis.

“What does this change?”

He did not think it would or could significantly change much, but knowing Louis of France, it was possible.

“Only the clause regarding the Queen coming to visit her son has been removed.” Powis said.

“And this child that my mother in law bore, what happened to it?” William asked. The letter had made no mention of the child, nor had the correspondence that he had received. He found himself hoping that the child was not a boy.

“A healthy girl, Sir. Named Louisa.” Powis said.

William nodded, though internally he breathed a sigh of relief. A girl would not complicate things.

“And what will become of this girl?” William asked. He did not want to leave the child in the hands of Louis. Knowing the man as he did, should something happen to the boy, the girl would be used to cause all kinds of chaos. Although the girl came behind William’s own wife in the succession, their own ascension to the throne had thrown that whole thing into chaos.

“His Most Christian Majesty King Louis wishes for the Princess to travel with her brother to England.” Powis said.

William said nothing to that, but the mention of what King Louis wanted did prompt William to bring up something else that William had heard after receiving the news of his mother in law’s death.

“Does King Louis have the authority to negotiate that?” When his mother in law had been alive, William had been content to allow Louis the mirage of authority over two members of the Royal House of England. But now that she was dead, he was not sure how comfortable he was with that.

“He does, Sir.” Powis said. The man extended a hand and one of the servants that had accompanied him put another piece of paper into it.

Powis then handed the letter over to Portland who gave it to William. William opened it and read through it.

“As you will see, Sir, the signatures and seals are those of King James and King Louis, confirming that should something happen to Their Majesties, King Louis was to assume guardianship of their children.” Powis said.

A part of William wanted to say that this was a forgery, that Louis was trying to force his hand on something. The question was what would the man try and force his hand on. He had all but admitted during their talks that William was doing him a favour.

“I see.” William replied. “And nothing else has changed in the offer?”

If Powis was exasperated by the question, he did not show it. Instead he simply said. “That is right, Sir. King Louis sees no need to change anything in regards to what was offered.”

William considered this, it was not in his nature to rush into things. Especially when they concerned something as important as the succession to the throne, or indeed, anything that meant dealing with Louis of France. The man was like a viper, always waiting to strike.

“We shall need some time to discuss this with our advisors.” William said. “You are free to stay within the confines of the camp if you wish.” He had had a tent allocated for Powis, one that would not allow him to spy.

“Thank you, that would be much appreciated, Sir.” Powis said.

William nodded. “Lord Manchester will show you to the tent.” Powis nodded, he rose, then surprisingly bowed once before following Manchester out of the tent.

When William was sure that the man was gone, he rolled his shoulders and cleared his throat. The weather truly was doing something to him here.

“Well?” He asked, sounding more irritated than he actually was.

The first person to speak was Portland. “I think that this offer is the only sensible thing that King Louis has ever done, Sire. It will resolve an issue that has been plaguing the Kingdom since the death of Princess Anne, and it gives you two people to use for diplomacy in the future.”

“Portland is right, Sire.” Devonshire said. “This is the most sensible way to resolve any lingering tension and it will ensure the Kingdom can finally come together. Furthermore, the children are exactly that. They won’t remember their own parents in time, which is exactly what is needed.”

William thought what Devonshire had said was cold, but there was a logic to it. Especially as the boy was only four, and his mind was malleable.

“What of you Sydney?” William asked.

Henry Sydney, one of William’s main advisors had been against the plan of adoption from the beginning and his silence now suggested that perhaps his mind had not changed.

“I… I believe that if this is the course Your Majesty wishes to take, then Your Majesty must take it.” Sydney answered.

“But you harbour reservations?” William asked.

“I do, Sire. Not about the children, they are children. But the courtiers who may return with them. They are those who left for a deliberate reason and that reason may cause far more toxicity than if they stayed behind.” Sydney said. “Especially if the boy’s household includes men like the Earl of Melfort.”

William bit back a sigh. That was a valid point, Melfort was someone William had never trusted. And the declaration he had written for William’s father in law a few years ago had been filled with the sort of thing that would cause any sane man to worry.

“We can always make it so that Melfort never feels comfortable to return.” William said, how they could do that he did not know, but they could find something.

“And the others?” Sydney asked. “Powis may be amenable, but there are others who won’t be. Will we be forced to welcome them?”

“If they decide to return, then yes, and they will need to accept us.” William said firmly.

Sydney bowed his head in acceptance.

When nobody else said anything, William spoke. “Send for Powis. It is time we ended this.”
Chapter 12: Erroll



Chapter 12: Erroll

July, 1692

Life took some decidedly odd turns, Anne Hay, Countess of Errol thought to herself as she watched her charges running about the Great Room of Saint Germain. A few years ago, she and her husband had sat at the right hand of her brothers, the Earls of Perth and Melfort, as they carried out the King’s will in Scotland.

Then the Revolution had happened and they had had to flee. Her husband had eventually gone back, and had been ignored by the new monarchs-the usurpers-whilst Anne had remained. Originally, another Countess of Erroll, Catherine, had been named governess for the Prince, but when she had died, Anne had been chosen instead. It was a duty she took seriously.

The Prince-now King-was a sweet child, a boy who listened attentively whenever spoken to, someone who did what he was asked and never carried out any trouble. These were good qualities in a young boy, but now without his father or mother around, he was the King and the head of the Royal House.

He would need to grow into that role, and Anne needed to figure out a way to make sure that that happened. How, was something she was still trying to work out. It would come to her eventually though.

“Lady Anne, Lady Anne!” The King calling to her made Anne blink.

“Yes?” Anne replied, looking to where the King was standing.

“I managed to catch Walnut, Lady Anne!” The King beamed.

Walnut, otherwise known as James Waldegrave, Lord Waldegrave was the King’s nephew, and was a tall young boy, with long brownish hair and a charming smile.

“Well done!” Anne replied smiling. She knew how often the King had tried to catch his older nephew and the thrill he would feel having done so now.

“It’s your turn!” The King said to Walnut. The boy nodded and turned around to start counting.

The King and his cousin, James Radclyffe-son of Lord Radclyffe-ran off to the corner of the room and started to hide behind one or two of the chairs.

Anne smiled, it was good to see the King enjoying himself. The King was a good boy, but he was a serious child, and sometimes the activities that most boys his age were engaged in were denied to him.

She did find herself wondering whether such things would be allowed again with all the changes that were occurring. She did not know everything, but she did know that the Earl of Powis was meeting with William of Orange about something.

Whether it was to do with the payment of the former Queen’s jointure or something else she did not know. But she did have a feeling that whatever the results of that meeting, things were going to change.

Anne had spoken with her brother James, Earl of Perth, about this, but all he had said to her was that things were moving. In what direction and for whom, he would not say. She had not bothered asking their brother John. He never told her anything after all.

“Found you!” Came a cry, Anne blinked and saw that Walnut had found the King and Radclyffe.

The King huffed. Anne smiled, the King never liked being caught, which was understandable. She had never liked being caught either when she was his age.

She expected another game to begin, but instead, the King walked over to her and asked. “When can I see Mama?”

The King spoke his English with a slight accent, no doubt the result of being raised in Saint Germain, and the question, well the question was quite pertinent. She had explained to the King that his mother had passed on, that she had gone for a great sleep with his father, and the King had accepted that.

But, as with all small children, he still asked on occasion to see her, and it was Anne’s duty to gently tell him that he couldn’t not until the funeral.

“Soon, dear, soon.” She said.

“But when?” The King persisted. “I want to see my mama!”

Anne took a breath. “You will be able to see her very soon, dear, I promise.” As soon as the funeral occurred, which would be any day now. Her brother, John, was the one organising that and as with everything else he did, it was happening, slowly.

The King looked at her as if trying to find some way to say she was lying, he blinked once then asked. “When can I see my seester?”

Anne took a deep breath. As a way of explaining what had happened to his mother, the Queen, Anne had explained that the birth of the King’s sister had tired out the Queen and that was why she had gone for the long sleep. Since then the King had demanded almost regularly to see his sister.

For the past few weeks, Anne had had to say that that could not happen. Largely because the girl was too small to be of any interest or for it to be safe. But now, well, perhaps it wouldn’t hurt?

“We can go and see her today, if you would like?” She offered.

The King immediately smiled, a smile that made Anne’s heart melt to see it.

“I…I would wike that.” The King said smiling. He surprised her then by hugging her.

Anne instinctively wrapped her arms around the King and hugged him back and as she did so, she found herself thinking of her own children back in Scotland. She missed them terribly. She hoped they were being looked after and that she would be able to see them soon.
Last edited:
Chapter 13: A Letter



Chapter 13: A Letter

July, 1692
My dearest Mary,

I write to you from Namur. It is cold, dark and grey here, despite the summer month. The army so far has maintained its good health and good standing, which is encouraging given that the French are not too far away.

As I wrote in my last letter, I have met with King Louis of France to discuss a mutually beneficial solution to the matter of our succession.

Whilst he played difficult at first, he eventually came round and the terms that he has offered are reasonable.

They are as follows:

  • James Francis Edward will be recognised as our heir, declared Prince of Wales and Duke of Cornwall and Rothesay. With full rights to income and estate of the Duchy.
  • The household of James Francis shall accompany him back to London, those of his household who took up arms against us are to be pardoned.
  • Any member of the Court of Saint Germain who wishes to return to England, Scotland and Ireland with James Francis is to be allowed to do so, they will be allowed to return to their estates and incomes.
Those were reasonable terms, and would hopefully heal the rift that divided the Kingdoms since they had ascended the throne.

There was one other thing that her husband had written that took her by surprise.

The Dowager Queen gave birth to a daughter before departing this mortal world. The girl is named Louisa and shall be travelling with her nurses and her brother.

I know that things are difficult at the moment what with Shrewsbury and Halifax perhaps wanting to settle the succession via an Act of Parliament. Hold them off, speak with Carmarthen and if necessary Sunderland.



The news about the birth of a girl to her step-mother was not surprising, Mary had been informed of that. What was surprising was that her husband had decided to allow the girl to travel back to London with her brother.

She had thought that William would leave the girl behind. But she supposed it would be better to have her here, so that she could be used for a marriage alliance that would benefit England, rather than left for France.

She was about to start writing a response, when one of her grooms of the chamber appeared.

“Lord Carmarthen is here to see you, Your Majesty.”

Mary nodded, she had asked to see the man after all. “Show him in.” She commanded.

The groom bowed, left then reappeared a few moments later with Carmarthen.

“Your Majesty.” The man said, bowing low.

“Be seated.” Mary commanded. Carmarthen took the seat offered him and sat.

Carmarthen’s age was beginning to show. His face was white as a sheet, his hair looked as though it might be falling out-and that was with a wig on-and his eyes, his eyes bore the mark of a man who had spent far too long staring at papers in dim light.

“We have summoned you here today to discuss a few matters. Firstly, the issue of Parliament. We understand that a new Bill is to be introduced in the session after summer?” Mary asked.

“Yes, Your Majesty.” Carmarthen replied. “A group of members in the Commons have decided to introduce a bill that would ensure elections are held for a new Parliament every three years.”

“Similar to the Triennial Bill passed during the reigns of my uncle and grandfather?” Mary asked. During her own studies, she had found the latter bill to be quite onerous, whilst the former bill was surprisingly fair.

“More toward the end of what was passed during the reign of King Charles I, Your Majesty. They wish for this bill to enforce the Parliament’s power over the Crown.” Carmarthen said, barely able to hide his disgust.

“Is this due to the Place Bill being defeated?” Mary asked.

She had not had to use coercion, the moment the member of the Commons who had introduced the Place Bill had recanted, the Bill had been thrown out. Disgruntled Whigs were said to be meeting in taverns across London, trying to find a new way to curb Royal Influence. What they didn’t know was that they were being watched.

“Yes, Your Majesty. Those who wish to see it pass are the same who voiced their support for the Place Bill.” Carmarthen replied.

“What would you advise?” Mary asked.

Carmarthen took a deep breath and winced as he did so.

“I would advise that the succession be cleared, Your Majesty. Those introducing these bills are doing so because they are trying to find a way to control the situation. It is imperative therefore, that Your Majesties control the situation. Clear up the issue of the succession and all other concerns shall be forgotten.”

And replaced with a whole new host of issues. Mary thought wryly, she was not naïve. She knew exactly how Parliament worked. But, perhaps she could show Carmarthen the letter that William had sent her? He had after all advised her to seek the man’s advice.

“Perhaps then, we could get your view on this matter.” She picked up William’s letter and handed it to Carmarthen.

Carmarthen read through it and when he was finished he said.

“I see that Your Majesties have been very busy.”

The comment was said with some humour, but also perhaps a touch of reproach. He was meant to be their chief minister after all.

Mary said nothing, she had learned with time that the best way to know a person’s true thoughts was to see what they said to break the silence.

Carmarthen did eventually break the silence. His tone steady. “I believe that these terms are reasonable Your Majesty. Naming James Francis Edward as Your Majesties heir will help reconcile the differing factions both within and without the Kingdoms, both politically and within the Church. The return of members of the Court of Saint Germain will be difficult to manage but given their differing desires and measures, I believe that it can be done.”

“Furthermore, in the long term, this is the perfect opportunity.” Carmarthen finished.

“Opportunity.” Mary said softly. What was it with men and constantly wanting to find opportunity in every little thing?

“He would be a child, Your Majesty. A child with no memory of his father or in time his mother. Your Majesties would be the closest thing to parents that he knows. Your Majesties can shape him to be the ideal Protestant Prince, such that Parliament would never dare raise a hackle against him.” Carmarthen answered, something like fervour entering his voice.

Mary considered that. She remembered the stories she had been told as a little girl about Prince Henry Frederick, her grandfather’s older brother, who had been raised as the ideal Protestant heir, only to die so young. Perhaps this was a way to fulfil his unfulfilled potential.

“We would need to ensure that he has the right tutors and influences.” Mary said. No Papists could be allowed anywhere near him.

“Of course, Your Majesty. Bishop Compton would be an admirable tutor.” Carmarthen said.

Mary agreed, he had tutored her and Anne when they had been girls. “The Countess of Errol is currently his governess; she should be kept in place.” Mary did not want to completely harm her brother’s development after all.

“Quite so, Your Majesty. Her husband, the Earl has remained quiet on his vast estates. It would be a reasonable reward.” Carmarthen agreed.

“What of Parliament? Now that you know of what is happening, would you advise bringing them into the circle as well?” Mary asked. She could just imagine the chaos that could emerge if they were not.

She was surprised therefore when Carmarthen said. “I believe that Parliament should not be told until the Prince and Princess are in England, Your Majesty.”
Mary raised an eyebrow and Carmarthen explained.

“If they learn beforehand, they may well try and rush something through. I know that contradicts what I said before, but Parliament is not entirely rational. Therefore, we must ensure that they are caught unawares and must adapt.”

“And how do you propose we keep them from suspecting?” Mary asked.

“Depending on how long it takes for His Majesty to return with the Prince and Princess, we could simply allow Parliament to go into its summer recess and not do anything. Or if it is still an issue when Parliament returns, we can delay legislation through various means.” Carmarthen answered.

Mary took that information in, she did not think that William would be away for too long, but one could never be too careful. “Please ensure both scenarios are planned for.”

“Of course, Your Majesty.” Carmarthen replied bowing low, as Mary dismissed him.
Chapter 14: Melfort's Quandary



Chapter 14: Melfort’s Quandary

July, 1692
“This agreement has gone through?” John asked, barely able to believe what he had just read.

“It has.” William Herbert, Earl of Powis replied. “The agreement was signed two weeks ago between King Louis and King William.”

“King William?!” John exclaimed, was Powis serious about this? Truly?!

“King William.” Powis agreed.

“You have betrayed every oath you swore to King James!” John snarled.

Powis seemed unperturbed by what John had just said. Instead, he very calmly replied. “On the contrary, I have succeeded in achieving what His Majesty asked of me.”

“How?!” John demanded.

“I have ensured that his son will in time ascend the throne. It may be behind King William and Queen Mary, but it will happen. Furthermore, His Majesty’s daughter shall be raised a Princess. They will be secure and cared for. Which is exactly what His Majesty wanted.” Powis said.

John wanted to snarl that that was not the case, that Powis had betrayed everything, but before he could, his brother, the Earl of Perth spoke.

“Lord Powis is not wrong, John. We all swore we would do what we could to protect and secure the King’s children and to ensure that they could have what is rightfully theirs. Lord Powis has done that.”

“At the cost of recognising the legitimacy of William and Mary’s usurpation!” John snarled.

“In exchange for ensuring that the rightful line is restored. Not at once, but gradually. We could not afford to wait for fifteen years for the Prince to become a grown man to lead the restoration.” Powis snapped, his patience clearly beginning to thin.

“We could have done something?!” John snapped. “We could have stirred things in England and Scotland. Ireland is still there for us. We could have done something!”

“You are a fool!” Powis said, his voice taking on a chiding tone. “The opportunity arose and we took it. That King Louis saw it as an opportunity and decided to take it, should tell you everything.”

John wanted to snap that King Louis was not the smartest man, that his toothache-despite his attempts to cover that up, word had reached Saint Germain-had left him a shadow of what he once was. But instead, all he asked was.

“What happens now?”

Powis seemed as if he was waiting for John to raise more complaints, but John had nothing more to complain about. He had lost, he could see that now.

“Now, the Prince and Princess and their household will depart for Le Havre. Those of the Court who wish to return home are invited to join them.” Powis said.

“Where will the ships go from Le Havre?” John asked.

“To Dover, where they will then meet with King William and venture to London.” Powis said.

“The man is going to meet the Prince?” John asked, a sense of fear creeping into him then. He remembered the stories he had heard about William of Orange, and about everything else. That if anything confirmed that he needed to be there. He would not allow his King’s son to meet William of Orange without him there.

“Yes, he intends to enter London with his heir.” Powis said.

“I will venture to London with the…the Prince.” John said. He would bring his family with him.

“I will also.” His brother the Earl of Perth said.

Powis nodded and made a note. “Very well, I shall make sure to inform the ships captains.”

“Who else is going?” John asked.

“The Countess of Erroll, of course, Lord Waldegrave and his mother, the Earl of Derwentwater and his family, The Duke of Albemarle, the Earl and Countess of Almond and countless others.” Powis said.

“What of the Duke of Berwick?” John asked, if the King’s greatest commander and son departed for London then perhaps everything would be as it should be.

Powis did not immediately answer, instead, he looked down at his notes, when he did reply his voice was soft. “Berwick is remaining in France for a time. Until things are completely settled.”

John nodded, that did not completely change his view, he had said he would go, and go he would.

“Now, is there anything else either of you require from me? If not, I must go.” Powis said.

“No, nothing more.” John replied.

“No, nothing.” Perth answered.

Powis nodded. “Very well, then I shall see you all in a few days’ time for when we depart for Le Havre.” With that Powis took his leave.

When he was gone, John looked at his brother, Perth and said. “We must ensure we gain influence in Scotland.” That was important, they could not allow the Presbyterians to take anything from the Crown.

“We will need to become Protestant again if we want that.” Perth said.

John nodded, he had converted to Catholicism once for power, if converting back to Protestantism was needed to gain power once more, then he would do so. “Then we had best get started.” He replied, smiling.
Chapter 15: Louis



Chapter 15: Louis

August, 1692

Mons, the citadel that had lingered within his dreams for many years before it had eventually fallen, was quiet. The hour was early yet, and Louis knew he had to work quickly before that changed. There was much that needed to be discussed. Much that needed to be directed.

The key issues would be addressed now. Pomponne, Luxembourg and Vauban were all present in the great chamber of the citadel with him. Boufflers, he’d assigned with keeping an eye on the enemy. He ignored the ache in his teeth as he spoke.

“Our agreement with King William,” how he loathed calling that usurper King, but the agreement had stipulated it. “will last until the end of the campaign season this year. Therefore, we must plan accordingly.”

Whilst he had initially been reluctant to allow the chance to take Namur to go, he had found another benefit.

“The men are prepared and ready for any course of action, Sire.” Luxembourg said. “All Your Most Christian Majesty need do is instruct and we will follow.”

Louis glanced at Vauban and from the man’s nod, was told that the same was true of his troops. Satisfied, Louis said. “We have two choices. Either we go for Namur when the season starts once more, or we venture elsewhere.” Namur would be the expected course, and he was getting tired of that.

“If I may, Your Most Christian Majesty?” Vauban asked.

Louis gestured for the man to go ahead, and so he did.

“Namur would be difficult to take at the best of times, but now with the enemy expecting us to march on it, it will be even more trying. I would recommend we go for another more reasonable target.”

“And where would that be?” Louis asked.

“Soignies.” Vauban said.

Louis raised an eyebrow, he had not expected that place to be mentioned by Vauban. “Soignies.” He repeated.

“Yes, Sire, I feel that the town is an easier venture than Namur for the time being. It will not be expected, especially if a small force is sent to Namur as a diversion. Once Soignies is taken, we can then plan for the next attack.” Vauban said.

Louis mused on this, Soignies was not too far from Brussels, and if they took Brussels, then this war was as good as over. His dream would be realised. It sounded like a very, very good plan, but there was something lurking in the back of his mind about it.

“They may come to expect it.” He fully expected William of Orange to suspect that this was the plan when he realised that the full army was not at Namur.

“It is possible, but if we move with enough heft, we can ensure that they do not know until it is too late.” Vauban said.

Louis considered what the man said, he supposed Vauban was not wrong. There were options that they could pursue that would help ensure that their true mission was not found out until much later.

He bit back a wince as his tooth ache worsened.

“We would require you to venture to Namur then.” He said eventually, thankful that his teeth had not gotten worse.

Vauban bowed his head in acknowledgement. “Of course, Sire.”

Louis then turned to Luxembourg. “You and Boufflers shall command our army on the attack on Soignies.” Knowing them the town would fall relatively quickly.

“Yes, Sire.” Luxembourg said.

“Your two forces shall depart here at the start of the campaign season. We shall stagger your departures though to confuse the enemy.” Louis said. Let them think that something was going on, but let it not be clear what exactly was going on.

“Yes, Sire.” Both men replied.

Satisfied, Louis dismissed them. Once it was just he and Pomponne alone, he said. “You have selected who the spies within the Prince’s household shall be.” He knew that it was expected that he would have spies within the boy’s household, he’d chosen two people who would be obvious as a little surprise, and then asked Pomponne to choose those who would serve as the actual spies.

“I have, Sire.” Pomponne replied. “Members of the Prince’s domestic household, servants who would never be looked at twice.”

“Good.” He wanted to ask whether the man was sure that these servants would hold firm, but he would not insult Pomponne’s intelligence by asking that.

“If I may ask, Sire.” Pomponne said hesitantly.

“Speak.” Louis commanded.

“Is it wise to have so many fingers open within the pie, given the agreement that has been negotiated?” Pomponne asked.

Louis grimaced, his teeth had decided to take that moment to flare with pain. He pushed the pain down and answered.

“Perhaps there are other alternatives, but it is essential that we know exactly what is happening and when it is happening as regards the Prince.” Louis answered.

That was the key thing, especially with the complications that the 1688 revolution had sparked in England.

He expected Pomponne to dig a little more, but the man merely nodded, accepting his answer.

Louis took a deep breath and said. “Unless there is anything else, you may go.”

Pomponne rose, bowed and then departed. When he was gone, Louis summoned the doctor, who came and examined his teeth, when the man was done, the man’s answer to Louis’ question was not good.

“Your Most Christian Majesty will need treatment as soon as possible.” The Doctor said.

“What will happen if it is delayed?” Louis asked.

“Nothing good will come from it, Sire.” The man answered.

Louis exhaled. “Then when I return, we shall have that procedure.” Perhaps that would stop his pain. He hoped it would at least.
Chapter 16: Churchill



Chapter 16: Churchill

August, 1692

Sarah watched as the Queen and the Countess of Derby spoke in hurried tones. The Queen was not a demonstrative woman-she had spent too long in the Netherlands for that-but from the way her tone sounded, Sarah got the impression she was demanding something.

The Countess of Derby being the level-headed woman that she was, was nodding in all the right places, making small comments where it seemed appropriate, and then when the Queen seemed finished, she curtseyed and hurried off to do whatever it was the Queen had tasked her with.

The Queen’s attention then turned to the Countess of Scarborough and they engaged in a conversation. Sarah had to admit that the Queen was completely different to how she had imagined she would be.

Admittedly, her interactions with the Queen before this, had all been when her former mistress, Princess Anne, had been alive, and so had been coloured by Anne’s feelings toward the Queen.

Back then, Sarah had thought the Queen highly strung, and not at all what was needed for England. Now, after nearly two months in the Queen’s service, she had to say, she had gotten it wrong. The Queen was not highly strung.

Indeed, the Queen seemed to be more at ease the longer one got to know her. When she was comfortable, she could be very charming and sweet. And Sarah had seen how she had handled the politicians of her husband, the King’s government. She had played them like a fiddle and none of them seemed to realise it.

“You are staring.” A woman said, making Sarah turn around to see Gertrude Saville, Marchioness of Halifax looking at her, an amused look on her face.

Sarah blushed. “I…”

“She is an interesting woman.” Halifax said.

“Sorry?” Sarah replied cautiously.

“Her Majesty.” Halifax replied. “She is a fascinating woman; I can understand why you would wish to observe her.”

Sarah got the sense that the other woman was trying to get her to open up, something that she had never been very good at. But given what she wanted from the Queen, perhaps it would not hurt to have the woman on side. “You are right, my lady. She is a very interesting woman.”

Sarah paused, as if considering her next words, as she had hoped Halifax was leaning forward intently.

Sarah decided to push through. “I have never met a woman so able to balance the demands of power as well as Her Majesty.” Sarah had never met a Queen before, well, unless you counted the Queen’s departed step-mother.

“Indeed, it is something that does her great credit.” Halifax replied. “Something that is needed when dealing with courtiers.”

There was something in the other woman’s tone that made Sarah curious. Was the woman implying that the fickle nature of King Charles II’s court remained? Surely not?

“What do you mean?” She asked, deciding on the blunt course.

“Well, before Her Majesty’s father died, there were many courtiers who were in communication with Saint-Germain, trying to play both sides. They were no doubt trying to ensure their safety whatever the future held. They would smile and praise Her Majesty one moment, whilst the next, they’d be begging Her Majesty’s father for pardon the next. Such a thing requires skill and patience to handle.”

The woman didn’t say it out loud, but Sarah heard the implication regarding her own husband, and she took a breath to prevent herself from saying something she would regret. John remained in the Tower, and she knew not how to get him out.

“She is a woman who knows how to get people to do what she wants without needing to resort to the sort of threats and intimidation that men and lesser women use.” Halifax continued.

“At the same time, she is someone who knows when to be forgiving and when to allow those who supplicate themselves before her, to get what they want.”

That last was said with a direct look at her. Sarah swallowed, so the woman knew what she wanted did she?

“And how would you advise someone such as that to proceed?” She asked.

“You must show the right amount of contrition and ask how high when she says to jump. You must show that you are willing to put any airs you have behind you.” Halifax said.

Sarah nodded, she could do that. She could do that.

“And you must be willing to do whatever else Her Majesty asks, implied or not. You must be ready to anticipate.” Halifax continued.

Sarah frowned, how was she meant to anticipate what the Queen wanted if the Queen herself did not know? Before she could ask that though, the Queen summoned her.

Sarah got off her chair and walked to the Queen, she curtseyed before her and waited.

“Sarah,” the Queen said, looking right at her. “You are friendly with the Duchess of Somerset are you not?”

“I am, Your Majesty.” Sarah replied, the Duchess of Somerset was one of the few women who had been part of Anne’s household that she could tolerate.

“Then we wish for you to speak with her. Tell her that she is to present herself before us before the gathering in two weeks’ time.” The Queen commanded.

Sarah blinked, the gathering, supposedly it was being held to welcome the King back from the campaign season, but Sarah suspected that there was another reason for it. Especially if the rumours were true. But if the Duchess was being asked to present herself, clearly the Queen wanted all her cards sorted. The Duchess was wealthy and her husband had influence in Parliament.

“I…of course, Your Majesty.” Sarah said.

The Queen smiled. “Thank you, Sarah.” Sarah curtseyed and was about to leave, when the Queen added. “We shall speak with our husband about Lord Marlborough when he returns.”

Sarah’s heart quickened, but she managed to keep her voice even when she replied.

“Thank you, Your Majesty.”