A New Beginning - Our 1992 Russian Federation

Perhaps we could try to have North Korea give up its nuclear program by bringing them under the Union State nuclear umbrella? Deploy weapons there in the same manner that the US does to Turkey and other allies? Then we bring in China to help us confirm the the program has been shut down, and remains shut down.

This has a very high chance of increasing tensions on the peninsula however, so if anyone has a better idea I am willing to listen.

Problem here is that we may step into China's backyard as they might see it as a diplomatic overreach and will take it as a sign to freely penetrate Central Asia to weakn unity of CSTO just in case we ever trum hostile. China is friendly and is willing to respect our boundaries within a reason, but it's unlikely to give up on influence in N.Korea and allow it to fall under Russian security umbrella, not to mention this might spark tensions with S. Korea which has potential to be important economic partner.

2. Please devise a Russian strategy for North Korea.

Our strategy should be prudent and traditional. We shall offer substantional economic and energy benefits to N.Korea and pledge to mediate between them and USA if they agree to give up their Nuclear arsenal. Our goal shall be no less than complete drop of sanctions, but even without USA cooperation we can guarantee economic help in form of loans, energy and investments. As well as modernization effort (in cooperation with China).

Regionally we shall engage with S.Korea and Japan to get them to normalize their relations with N.Korea as much as possible in exchange for N.Korea giving up its Nuclear weapons program.

From the region itself we shall put emphasis on close cooperation with China and will try to draw them in as a third party to any treaty with N.Korea.

We should also seek to make an exception of N.Korea and get the Chinese to promise security guarantees together with us. Less aggressive N.Korea and more peaceful region are in China's interest and any security guarantees will be given together with Union State preventing any image of Chinese/Russian aggression, if anything our goal is present this as a cause of stopping nuclear proliferation to the USA, the West and to International community.

Basically goal is to work closely with China to get N.Korea to give up its nuclear program and give up the bombs. By doing this we can prevent N.Korea to play China and us against each other's, we are respecting Chinese interest in the region and are presenting this as a multilateral effort led by Union State and China. Security guarantees would alleviate concerns in N. Korea regarding their safety and given that it's coming primary from Union State and China it will be more believable and sustainable as these are the state's with wested interest in survival of N.Korea.

Other part of this goal, if China accept is to engage the region itself and mobilize it in support of this goal. If S.Korea and Japan can see the merit of this goal (and not having nukes directed at your cities is a merit), then we have better chance at convincing international community of our goal.

Third goal is to jointly pressure USA to sign five plus one deal and to agree to lift the sanctions (we don't really need security guarantees from them).

We should engage UN along the way.

Merit of this proposal is that it preserves status quo , Russia is returned to the scene as a player in East Asia, but it isn't at the expense of any power as we are approaching this multilateraly taking everyone's interests in account. China isn't endangered,or diminished , S.Korea and Japan are still safe and USA can still play a policeman in the region, just this time around without direct threat to its security.

If N.Korea, or China refuses, then we should simply mantain as normal relations as possible with N.Korea diplomatically and generally avoid passing USA sanctions in UN, or adopt them. We should do business as usual where possible.

I support @Empress_Boogalaboo on abortion issues.
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3. Please choose a legality of abortion in Russia.
E) Legally restricted to cases of: Risk to woman's life, to her health*, rape, or fetal impairment;
This is the sweet spot for fostering economic growth without creating more serious unnecessary controversy.
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Harvesting Prosperity: Russia's Agrarian Renaissance and Rural Resurgence
Harvesting Prosperity: Russia's Agrarian Renaissance and Rural Resurgence

In the vast expanse of Russia, a silent transformation is unfolding, rejuvenating the heartland and sowing the seeds of a new era. "Harvesting Prosperity" explores the intricate tapestry of Russia's agricultural renaissance and the concurrent revival of its rural regions. This comprehensive analysis delves into the interconnected dynamics of economic diversification, technological innovation, cultural enrichment, and sustainable development. As the nation embraces modernization, the fields of opportunity extend far beyond the furrows, shaping a resilient and vibrant future for both the countryside and the entire nation.

Economic Diversification and Regional Growth:
The modernization of agriculture contributes to economic diversification by fostering the growth of related industries. Agri-processing, food technology, and value-added agricultural products create new economic opportunities in rural regions. This diversification helps in reducing dependency on a single economic sector and promotes a more balanced regional growth across the country.

Education and Skill Development:
The modernization drive necessitates a skilled workforce adept in contemporary agricultural practices. Investments in education and skill development programs ensure that the rural populace is equipped to harness the benefits of modernized agriculture. This, in turn, addresses issues of unemployment and empowers individuals to actively contribute to the economic growth of their communities.

Environmental Conservation and Biodiversity Preservation:
Sustainable agricultural practices embedded in the modernization efforts prioritize environmental conservation. The promotion of organic farming, agroforestry, and eco-friendly initiatives safeguards biodiversity. By aligning agricultural practices with ecological health, Russia not only ensures long-term food security but also positions itself as a steward of the environment on the global stage.

Cultural Exchange and Rural Tourism:
The development of rural areas becomes a platform for cultural exchange and tourism. By showcasing the unique cultural heritage of different regions, Russia attracts both domestic and international tourists. This not only generates economic revenue but also fosters cross-cultural understanding, strengthening social ties and promoting a positive global image.

Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) Driving Growth:
The modernization agenda is further propelled by strategic collaborations between the government and private enterprises. Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) play a pivotal role in financing and implementing large-scale projects. This collaborative approach ensures efficient resource utilization, accelerates development timelines, and brings together diverse expertise for comprehensive and sustainable outcomes.

Global Competitiveness in Agricultural Exports:
The modernized agricultural sector positioned Russia as a formidable player in global markets. Through a commitment to high-quality products, adherence to international standards, and competitive pricing, Russian agricultural exports gained prominence on the world stage. This not only strengthened the national economy by fostering a thriving export market but also established Russia as a reliable and influential contributor to global food security. The ability to meet stringent international quality benchmarks solidified Russia's standing as a trusted supplier, opening doors to new markets and forging strong diplomatic and economic ties with nations worldwide. The success in global agricultural competitiveness showcased Russia's capacity not just for self-sufficiency but also as a pivotal participant in sustaining the world's food supply.

Inclusive Growth and Social Equity:
Rural development and agricultural modernization are guided by principles of inclusive growth. Initiatives focus on ensuring that the benefits are distributed equitably, uplifting marginalized communities, and narrowing socio-economic disparities. This commitment to social equity contributes to a more harmonious and stable society.

Climate-Smart Agriculture as a Model:
The incorporation of climate-smart agricultural practices serves as a model for sustainable development. Russia's commitment to reducing carbon emissions, enhancing resource efficiency, and mitigating climate risks through agricultural innovation sets a precedent for responsible and forward-thinking governance.

Building Resilience in a Volatile Global Landscape:
Against the backdrop of global uncertainties, the interconnected strategy of modernizing agriculture and rural development enhances Russia's resilience. The ability to adapt to changing circumstances, coupled with diversified economic activities, positions the nation to navigate challenges with agility and fortitude.

In sum, the holistic approach to modernizing agriculture and developing rural areas in resurgent Russia weaves together economic prosperity, technological advancement, environmental stewardship, cultural preservation, and social equity. This multifaceted strategy not only ensures the nation's present well-being but lays a robust foundation for a sustainable and dynamic future.
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1) say of the riots, "we condemn the murders and the riots, and we are taking measures to ensure such a tragedy will not take place again by dealing with the causes of tension" (the causes of tension being immigration). Those measures being that any foreigner who commits any crime on Russian soil is to be immediately deported to their native country (except those whose crimes are death penalty offenses, they will be executed). Reports of crime by foreigners must be seriously pursued by Russian police, and actually punished. No "hate speech" legislation punishing the Russian people for speaking up about the consequences of mass immigration. Our immigration policy should deliberately avoid replacing the Russian population with foreigners like Western governments are doing. I forget right now whether we implemented the 50k a year max qquota distributed by national origin as I recommended, but if not this would be an opportune moment to do so.
2) Empress Boogalaboo plan
3) E
1. Please write down, how should the Russian government deal with the Moscow riots and the anti-immigration Red-Brown alliance?
We should offer protection and make clear that the government will guarantee the rights of every Muslim currently living inside the Union State, at the same time as we tune down on the immigration coming from said areas. Reduce the quotas, increase border security and maybe even increase incentives for immigrants coming from Ukraine and the Balkans as a substitute.

If we don't do that, then these concerns are going to be exploited by our enemies in the same vein as similar concerns are exploited inside OTL USA to create division. If this is the type of reality we are going to face, then I agree with your guys on the Kazakhstan annexation.
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Russia's Agricultural Renaissance and the Commodities Boom: A Global Geopolitical Lever
In the wake of its agricultural renaissance and the resounding success of the 2000s commodities boom, Russia not only experienced unprecedented economic growth but also strategically wielded its newfound prosperity as a geopolitical tool on the global stage. This transformative era marked a pivotal shift in Russia's role, transcending traditional economic realms and positioning the nation as a key player in shaping geopolitical dynamics. The confluence of a booming agricultural sector, driven by modernization efforts, and the surge in demand for commodities from emerging markets, notably the BRICS countries with China at the forefront, afforded Russia a unique position of influence. Against this backdrop, the nation navigated the intricate landscape of economic diplomacy, energy dominance, collaborative ventures, infrastructure development, regional influence, soft power strategies, and the fortification of security measures. This multifaceted and strategic approach not only propelled Russia's economic prowess but also reshaped its geopolitical footprint, cementing its significance in the evolving global order.

Economic Diplomacy: A Strategic Tailoring of Exports
Russia's economic diplomacy during this transformative period transcended mere trade transactions, evolving into a sophisticated strategy of tailoring exports to meet the specific demands of emerging markets. Beyond conventional notions of economic engagement, Russia strategically identified and aligned its offerings with the unique needs and preferences of its trade partners, particularly the burgeoning economies within the BRICS alliance. This nuanced and targeted approach not only fostered increased trade volumes but also solidified enduring partnerships based on mutual economic interests. The result was a paradigm shift where economic exchanges became a cornerstone for diplomatic relationships, positioning Russia as a reliable and adaptive economic collaborator on the international stage. This approach not only bolstered economic ties but also laid the foundation for broader geopolitical influence and strategic collaboration.

Energy Dominance: A Strategic Geopolitical Lever
Elevated to the status of a major exporter of oil and gas, Russia astutely harnessed the roaring currents of the commodities boom to consolidate its dominance in the global energy landscape. The economic windfall derived from the surge in commodity prices not only propelled Russia's prosperity but also bestowed upon it a commanding position of influence over nations heavily dependent on its abundant energy resources. Energy dominance, during this pivotal period, emerged as a cornerstone of Russia's geopolitical maneuvering. Leveraging its formidable energy assets, Russia deftly navigated the intricate web of international relations, employing its energy reserves as a powerful diplomatic lever. The strategic distribution of these resources allowed Russia to not only sustain its economic ascent but also wield considerable sway over the policies and decisions of nations tethered to its energy supplies. As a key player in the global energy arena, Russia capitalized on the vulnerabilities of energy-dependent nations, forging strategic partnerships and alliances that extended beyond mere economic transactions. The diplomatic weight carried by its energy dominance afforded Russia a nuanced and influential role in shaping geopolitical dynamics. This period stands as a testament to Russia's adept utilization of its energy resources not just for economic gains but as a potent instrument of geopolitical strategy, solidifying its position as a central player in the world's energy chessboard.

BRICS Collaboration: Shaping a Multipolar World Order
The commodities boom served as a catalyzing force that harmoniously converged with the ascendance of the BRICS alliance. Russia, recognizing the strategic significance of this economic coalition, deftly leveraged its agricultural and commodities prowess to forge robust ties within this influential bloc. This collaboration extended beyond mere economic transactions, evolving into a dynamic force that played a pivotal role in shaping global economic policies and challenging traditional power structures. As a linchpin within BRICS, Russia assumed a central role in steering the collective efforts of the alliance towards a shared vision of a multipolar world order. The economic prosperity generated by the commodities boom provided Russia with the resources and influence needed to contribute significantly to the unity of BRICS. Through diplomatic finesse and strategic alignment of interests, Russia helped foster a formidable coalition that stood as a counterbalance to established centers of power. Collaboration within BRICS not only solidified Russia's economic standing but also amplified its voice on the global stage. The alliance became a platform for concerted action, allowing member nations to collectively address global challenges and assert their influence in international forums. Russia's active participation in this collaborative venture further bolstered its geopolitical position, marking a transformative period in the evolution of global power dynamics. In essence, the BRICS collaboration, fueled by the tailwinds of the commodities boom, became a cornerstone of Russia's geopolitical strategy. It not only enhanced the nation's economic clout but also contributed significantly to the emergence of a multipolar world order, where diverse voices and perspectives gained prominence in shaping the course of global affairs.

Infrastructure Investment: Forging Global Connectivity
Amidst the winds of economic success, Russia embarked on a visionary journey of infrastructure investment that rippled across the global landscape. Buoyed by the prosperity of the commodities boom, the nation strategically directed substantial funds towards pivotal infrastructure projects, leaving an indelible mark on the interconnectedness of the world. This concerted effort went beyond mere economic pragmatism. Russia's strategic funding of ports, railways, and logistical networks served as a catalyst for the seamless flow of its exports, ensuring that its agricultural and commodities products reached markets with unparalleled efficiency. Simultaneously, this commitment to global infrastructure development positioned Russia as a key contributor to the progress of partner nations, creating dependencies and fostering strategic ties that extended far beyond economic realms. The dual role that Russia assumed in this infrastructure renaissance bolstered its geopolitical influence on multiple fronts. As a provider of vital connectivity, Russia became an indispensable partner in the development and modernization of transportation and trade routes. This symbiotic relationship not only facilitated the smooth movement of goods but also strengthened diplomatic ties, as partner nations recognized the strategic importance of Russian investments in their economic progress. In essence, Russia's foray into infrastructure investment transcended economic considerations, transforming into a powerful tool for forging global connectivity. The nation's ability to shape the physical arteries of global trade not only secured its position as a major player in the commodities market but also solidified its status as a key architect of the interconnected world of the 21st century.

Regional Hegemony: A Strategic Tapestry
The ascendancy of Russia's agricultural and commodities prowess unfurled a strategic tapestry of regional hegemony, where the nation's influence stretched beyond its borders, weaving interconnected relationships with neighboring countries. This regional dominion, meticulously crafted through the supply of essential resources, became a cornerstone of Russia's geopolitical playbook. In the realm of commodities, Russia's ability to provide vital resources positioned it as a reliable partner for neighboring nations. By fostering preferential relationships built on shared economic interests, Russia solidified its role as a regional powerhouse. The gravitational pull of its agricultural and commodities dominance allowed Russia to navigate the intricate web of political dynamics among neighboring countries, subtly influencing decisions and policies in its favor. This regional hegemony was not merely confined to economic realms but extended its reach into the political arena. As neighboring countries became increasingly dependent on Russia for crucial resources, the nation found itself in a position of leverage, steering the course of political developments in the surrounding regions. This influence served as a springboard for Russia to project its geopolitical ambitions further afield, shaping the political landscape on its borders with a deft hand. In essence, the regional hegemony crafted by Russia's agricultural and commodities dominance created a strategic nexus where economic interests intertwined with political influence. This intricate dance of power not only secured Russia's standing in its immediate vicinity but also set the stage for a broader geopolitical narrative where regional strength translated into global significance.

Soft Power and Cultural Influence: A Global Culinary Tapestry
Amidst the flourishing trade of agricultural and cultural products, Russia deftly wielded soft power as a global force, extending far beyond the realms of conventional diplomacy. The agricultural renaissance became a key protagonist in Russia's narrative, not merely as an economic engine but as a cultural emissary, weaving a vibrant tapestry of influence on the world stage. At the heart of this soft power strategy was the export of not only food products but the rich cultural heritage embedded in each harvest. Russia, with its diverse culinary traditions, showcased a gastronomic symphony that resonated across borders. The export of food became a culinary diplomacy, inviting the world to savor the intricate flavors of Russian cuisine and fostering cultural exchanges that transcended geopolitical boundaries. This cultural diplomacy, facilitated by the agricultural resurgence, went beyond the utilitarian aspects of economic transactions. It became a nuanced form of engagement where the essence of Russia's traditions and culinary diversity resonated globally. Through the sharing of food and cultural products, Russia created avenues for dialogue, understanding, and appreciation, contributing to positive global perceptions. In this global culinary tapestry, the soft power emanating from Russia's agricultural and cultural exports played a pivotal role in shaping international opinions. The diverse array of flavors and traditions became ambassadors, building bridges between nations and fostering a sense of shared humanity. Thus, the agricultural renaissance not only nourished bodies but also served as a cultural feast that enriched the global discourse and enhanced Russia's influence in the realm of soft power.

Security and Stability: Pillars of Geopolitical Assurance
The resounding echoes of the commodities boom reverberated not only in economic realms but also in the foundational pillars of Russia's security and stability. This period of economic prosperity became the cornerstone upon which Russia built a fortress of internal cohesion, projecting an image of unwavering strength and dependability on the global geopolitical stage. The economic stability derived from the commodities boom was not merely a financial boon; it transformed into a robust foundation for national security. A prosperous economy contributed to social cohesion, instilling a sense of confidence and unity among the populace. This social stability, in turn, translated into governmental resilience, positioning Russia as a beacon of reliability in the tumultuous waters of international relations. The internal stability fueled by economic success was not a passive attribute but an active assurance of security. Russia, basking in the glow of economic prosperity, showcased to the world a nation capable of weathering storms and navigating global uncertainties with poise. This portrayal of internal strength became a powerful tool in geopolitical negotiations, projecting an image of confidence and dependability. In the realm of security and stability, the commodities boom emerged as a shield, guarding Russia against external pressures and internal disruptions. It bolstered the nation's capacity to navigate complex geopolitical landscapes, reinforcing its standing as a steadfast and stable international partner. The internal strength drawn from economic prosperity became a key element in Russia's toolkit for shaping global perceptions and securing its geopolitical interests.

In conclusion, Russia's strategic prowess unfolded as a masterful orchestration during its agricultural renaissance and the resounding commodities boom. This period stood not merely as an economic surge but as a testament to Russia's adept navigation through the intricate web of global politics. The nation, like a seasoned conductor, wielded its influence to reshape the international order, emerging as a pivotal player in the ever-evolving geopolitical landscape. The agricultural renaissance, intertwined with the commodities boom, became the symphony through which Russia harmonized its multifaceted geopolitical strategy. From economic diplomacy to regional hegemony, each note played contributed to a grand composition that resonated across continents. Russia's deft navigation through global complexities showcased a nation not only capable of adapting to change but also of actively shaping the course of international affairs. As a key player, Russia asserted its influence not only through economic might but also through the strategic deployment of soft power, regional dominance, and collaborative ventures within influential blocs like BRICS. The commodities boom served as the crescendo, amplifying Russia's presence on the global stage and echoing its significance in the redefinition of geopolitical norms. This era of strategic mastery was not merely a chapter in Russia's history; it was a defining moment that reverberated in diplomatic corridors and boardrooms alike. The nation's ability to synthesize economic prosperity with geopolitical acumen solidified its standing as a formidable force, capable of steering the course of global events. In the grand tapestry of international relations, Russia's strategic mastery during this transformative period left an indelible mark, shaping the contours of the ever-evolving geopolitical landscape.
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Please write down, how should the Russian government deal with the Moscow riots and the anti-immigration Red-Brown alliance?
Arrest those who committed actual crimes but avoid going to hard to give them more support and make us seem as tyrants.

As a whole thought we should try and support Central Asia and the Caucuses since the main reason anyone moves to Russia is due to the economic opportunity and better life when compared to those places. Making life better in the countries migrants come from will reduce the number of migrants in the long run as less will be willing to move to Russia.

I do feel that adding a mention of how the whole quota over how many non-Russian people live out there is controversial and is not fully possible since due to East Asian immigration some areas will simply have less Russians in them and forcing people to move is going to cause a major political concern over the rights of people and weather such a thing is even legal. Its one thing to say only Russians can live in one area its another when no Russian wants to live there or the migrants already make a majority and moving them might cause major economic damage as well.

I guess we can make an exception and then make it an issue where migrants who came during the 90s/early 00s are exempt from that rule while those coming in right now will have to follow the law which causes major disputes over the rationality of it.

Really I do find enforcing the whole quota over the amount of people living in an area hard to implement and enforce and might be considered a human rights violation by our own population and migrants.
Please devise a Russian strategy for North Korea.
Support them economically and try to further our economic situation with and try to get them to stop their nuclear production. However I honestly do not see North Korea ever stopping their attempts to gain nuclear weapons so simply opening them up economically to Russian, Chinese and South Korean economic investment should be enough. Also invest into North Korean resource extraction and other avenues of economic investment. Might try and write a bit on this if possible.
Pretty much a mix of the plans.
Honestly, if Kim Jong-il won't listen then we should make secret deals with China to replace him and his entire family.
Honestly, if Kim Jong-il won't listen then we should make secret deals with China to replace him and his entire family.
If we can really achieve this by means of cooperating with the Chinese, than it could work. A more constructive governed North Korea could contribute much more to the Axis of Resistance. The North Korean situation and it's literally 1984 status quo is basically free propaganda for the American Empire.

But at the same time, even considering the North Koreans still don't have nukes and that we would only be acting together with Beijing, we have to ask ourself the ultimate question: how much influence can we really expect to exert there?

The masses of North Korea have suffered under decades of brainwashing to worship this putrid family regime, if we don't elimine the Kims swiftly in the coup then we risk them retreating towards a stronghold to gather support. Most high-level officials are too scared to act against the family. If we are going to get rid of the Kims, then we should make a coordinate assassination plan against Kim Jong-Il, his sons and all the loyalists to prevent a civil war and guarantee a smooth power transition towards the reformists, otherwise we risk an escalation envolving South Korea and the US.

This seems very risky. Maybe the best moment to act would be when Kim Jong-Il dies and before Kim Jong-Un manages to consolidate his power.
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Honestly, if Kim Jong-il won't listen then we should make secret deals with China to replace him and his entire family.
This seems too risky to me. Removing Kim Jong-il is going to cause major destabilization issues and might lead to a massive wave of North Korean refugees which no one really wants, or even force us to directly invade which again no one wants. Really we should try to invest in North Korea and try to influence them but realize that there is little we can do with North Korea. If nothing else it keeps attention away form us and into them allowing us greater room to maneuver when Washington isn't looking.
If we can really achieve this by means of cooperating with the Chinese, than it could work. A more constructive governed North Korea could contribute much more to the Axis of Resistance. The North Korean situation and it's literally 1984 status quo is basically free propaganda for the American Empire.

But at the same time, even considering the North Koreans still don't have nukes and that we would only be acting together with Beijing, we have to ask ourself the ultimate question: how much influence can we really expect to exert there?

The masses of North Korea have suffered under decades of brainwashing to worship this putrid family regime, if we don't elimine the Kims swiftly in the coup then we risk them retreating towards a stronghold to gather support. Most high-level officials are too scared to act against the family. If we are going to get rid of the Kims, then we should make a coordinate assassination plan against Kim Jong-Il, his sons and all the loyalists to prevent a civil war and guarantee a smooth power transition towards the reformists, otherwise we risk an escalation envolving South Korea and the US.

This seems very risky. Maybe the best moment to act would be when Kim Jong-Il dies and before Kim Jong-Un manages to consolidate his power.
This seems too risky to me. Removing Kim Jong-il is going to cause major destabilization issues and might lead to a massive wave of North Korean refugees which no one really wants, or even force us to directly invade which again no one wants. Really we should try to invest in North Korea and try to influence them but realize that there is little we can do with North Korea. If nothing else it keeps attention away form us and into them allowing us greater room to maneuver when Washington isn't looking.
True but I do like @Matador de Lagartos' idea by doing it when Kim Jong-Il dies...
idea by doing it when Kim Jong-Il dies...
I mean that is just as risky if not more so since by that point China would be a major economic power and will have a say on everything we do, and more importantly North Korea would have developed enough that doing so would be difficult if not impossible to do without massive repercussions. If anything we should be trying to woo the next leaders of North Korea to get a better deal with him.
I mean that is just as risky if not more so since by that point China would be a major economic power and will have a say on everything we do, and more importantly North Korea would have developed enough that doing so would be difficult if not impossible to do without massive repercussions. If anything we should be trying to woo the next leaders of North Korea to get a better deal with him.
We could do that but keeping my suggestion as a backup plan...
We could do that but keeping my suggestion as a backup plan...
I mean I do not really see anything actually happening in the end. The most I see is the US imposing sanctions and moving on since at this point the US would be more interested in the Middle East and in OTL not a lot came out of the confrontation as a whole until much later when North Korea got nukes.
I mean I do not really see anything actually happening in the end. The most I see is the US imposing sanctions and moving on since at this point the US would be more interested in the Middle East and in OTL not a lot came out of the confrontation as a whole until much later when North Korea got nukes.
True might as well wait until Kim Jong-Il dies.
1. Please write down, how should the Russian government deal with the Moscow riots and the anti-immigration Red-Brown alliance?

2. Please devise a Russian strategy for North Korea.
3. Please choose a legality of abortion in Russia.

A) Legal on request: No gestational limit;
B) Legal on request: Gestational limit after the first 17 weeks;
C) Legal on request: Gestational limit in the first 17 weeks;

D) Legally restricted to cases of: Risk to woman's life, to her health*, rape*, fetal impairment*, or socioeconomic factors;
E) Legally restricted to cases of: Risk to woman's life, to her health*, rape, or fetal impairment;
F) Legally restricted to cases of: Risk to woman's life, to her health*, or fetal impairment;
G) Legally restricted to cases of: Risk to woman's life*, to her health*, or rape;
H) Legally restricted to cases of: Risk to woman's life or to her health;
I) Risk to woman's life;

J) Illegal with no exceptions.
1. I support @Kriss plan
2. I support @Matador de Lagartos plan
3. G.