A Map Thread

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OMG... What happened here??? :eek::D


Dark Blue: European Dominion/Colony
Light Blue: Capitalist
Red: Communist
Grey: Non Aligned (though Capitalist economy)
Technically most of them can't even be spelled (trying to be as realistic as possible)

These are just translations as clost as possible. A certain few can't even be heard by humans
I have nothing really to say on this map, but it gives me ideas for a interesting description of this world I may present sometime.


WORLD, 1942. The height of the Great French War (WWII).

The United French Dominium is at the height of its power. Dominator Philippe Petain and his Nationalist Party completely dominate the country, and his sattelite states extend French power across europe and into Asia. The surprisingly quick defeat of Germany and Austria against a massive force of french armored divisions and bomber aircraft led to the dissolution of the German Empire, and formation of the germanic sattelite states: Bavaria, Saxony, the Republic of Northern Germany, and the Rhine Federacy. Austria was forced to cede much of its slavonic lands to France. The French created the Social Republic of Croatia and the Domain of Italy. The French takeover of Spain and Morocco was swift, but a fierce guerilla war began between Spanish citizens and the French occupiers. In 1941, the French began their push into Russia, hoping to annex what Napoleon refused to try to take. The French Eastland, a puppet government of the conquered eastern territory was formed. French troops occupied Finland, St.Petersburg, and Ukraine by the end of the year, and the situation in europe began to look grim.
In early in early 1942, French troops in indochina began an attack on the Empire of Asia, by provoking Nationalist revolts in southern China. The French also conquered Burma and Thailand, forming the Despotate of Southern Asia, a puppet state which they used to launch raids on British india. Then, they made the great mistake. They invaded the Phillippines, provoking the Empire of the United States of America to declare war against France. The industrial might of Britain, Russia, Vellicia, and America are gathering for a major offensive into French territory, while Asia struggles to put up a decent defensive front, even with inferior technology.
Meanwhile, in Europe, Dominator Petain sets in motion his assault on the slavs. He orders special forces to round up Serbs and Bosnians, and to execute as many as they could. The French ally, Turkey, begins a similar campaign against the slavs and the Greeks. The Balkan Genocide, an event that will forever scar France and Turkey, begins...
Relatively minor one...in this TL, a more conventional miltary Junta came to power in Germany, WWII did not break out, and nobody invested much in atomic research...save for Mussolini, looking for new routes for national glory when his efforts to break up Yugoslavia did not yield much.

The world's first atomic bomb went off in the Libyan desert in 1953, and Musso quickly moved to take advantage of his brief nuclear monopoly by beating up on the Greeks, the Serbs, and the French. (The last nearly undid him - the French were impolite enough to keep shooting down his limited supply of nuclear bombers, and rather nearly suceeded in invading Italy in spite of the strategic use of atomic bombs in the mountainous NW. Italy won, but it was a near thing).

Some 15 years later, Mussolini lies dying, and the future looks iffy. Italy won enough prestige to build an alliance of fascistic and right-wing regimes, but it is probably weaker than any of the other three major powers - the Soviets, the US, and the anti-Italian European Defense pact and their British allies. Italy's most powerful ally, the Empire of Japan, has been forced to withdraw from most of China by a Communist insurrection backed by Moscow, although reports of the brutality of the revolutionary government have temporarily stregnthened the position of it's colaborators in Manchuria.




A Fascist Europe post war which ended with the UK being forced out of the war after what the Nazi's nuked Sommerset....

Brown is Germany, Orange is special goverment districts, blue are german allies, light yellow is Italy, whilst yellow and brown are Itallian satillities. Montegro is in personal union with Italy, and the Soviet Union is being made into something else...

Do you have a blank version of that map?


Say Diamond, awhile ago you posted a map for someone which showed boundaries for Flanders, Champaign and Ghent (I believe).

Still got it?


Say Diamond, awhile ago you posted a map for someone which showed boundaries for Flanders, Champaign and Ghent (I believe).

Still got it?
I erased it from my comp, but I'm sure it lurks in the depths of this thread somewhere... Or you can ask Oth. I made it for him, and he may still have it.
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