A little guide for axis Brazil scenarios.

Hello everyone, I gonna write this as a guide for WWII scenarios where the writter wants to have a axis Brazil or a axis inclined Brazil, I think I don't need to say that I am absolutely against the axis, but since there are a lot of scenarios with Brazil drifting towards the bloc, I decided to make this thread. I hope you like it.

I think that in most of the scenarios people tends to have the integralists in power, because they use green uniforms they must be axis sympatizers, don't they?

Well, at the start, not quite, Integralism per se is a european authoritarian ideology of the 1890s, they fit on the reactionary cathegory of "THE FRENCH REVOLUTION RUINED EVERYTHING" kind of people, to the point that they didn't had some appeal at first, then Gustavo Barroso entered on the group, he was a prestigious figure that fits on almost every aspect of fascism, and was since 1923 a member of the "Academia brasileira de letras", and so when he joined he added the uniforms, military formations and other "hot" things he saw in europe, thus leading to the "fascistification" of integralism. However, he was not the leader, Plínio Salgado and most of the integralists where ultraright catholics, and many of them either disliked Mussolini for not giving enought power to the Church, or wanted to break up italy into pre unification states and restore the vatican to it's original size. In 1944 with the allied liberation of Rome Salgado wrote a article commemorating it, while he was exiled on Spain. So if you want to have a axis brazil with the integralists, you need to have Barroso, and it needs to be done before Vargas makes his dictatorship and also consider that Brazil is NOT joining the european bloc, just will be friendly to them.

Now move to the New State dictatorship

The New State worked with factions influencing Vargas opinion on some matters (this could be a mechanic for a HoI IV mod that you spend political power to change his policy or something... just ideas). On the field of diplomacy the two factions were the Germanophila (pro Germany) and the americanista (pro USA). We will go to the Germanophiles.

The Germanophiles were basically a group of army officers with some pro Germany intelectuals and local governors who wanted closer ties to Germany, the leader of the faction was Francisco "Chico" Campos, this guy below, minister of Justice:

(I don't think I need to say where he copied his hair from)

Another proeminent member was the leader of the pro axis clique officers, Marshall Dutra

The first point is that Vargas himself is a americanophile, so you cannot have him to join the axis. This makes the most plausible way to have a axis Brazil being a coup led by the Germanophiles. For this you need to have a lot of pro axis success in Europe, like usually does on Axis victory scenarios, and at the same time hammer the hability for the USA to invest in Brazil, maybe a worse recession or they simple lose interest on Brazil in some way. A thing to consider is that both factions love Vargas, so there is a oportunity to remove him in 1942, on may 1, shortly before Brazil joined the allies, Vargas was travelling for the Guanabara palace to make his worker's day speech when his car lost control and crashed, breaking his leg and making him unable to rule for about two weeks. At the time there was a conspiracy between some newspapers announcing that he had died on the accident and that Brazil was being ruled by his son in law and governor of Rio de Janeiro, Admiral Amaral Peixoto, and this caused such a confusion that he had to release to the press photos of himself recovering on the hospital to stop these rumours. If you have him to die on this acident and someone of the pro axis faction to take over, you can have a pro axis Brazil. After Brazil joins the allies in august 22 however, it is completely impossible to get them in power, and if you have the axis to win the war, Vargas most likely commit suicide, as they found a letter written by him when he joined the allies claiming that he was extremely distressed with the idea of joining the losing side (remember, it was 1942 and it was not clear that the axis could lose, some people can even say that it was the peak of the axis power).

By going to Campos you can have a government led by civilians with pro axis inclinations, he can create some form of fascist party (all parties were banned by the New State coup, including Vargas party, the Aliança Liberal). If you go for Dutra, you can have a generic axis inclining military dictatorship ♯3. You have to consider that Dutra wasn't a strongman, he was appointed chief of staff since he was a easily manipuled person and some claim that he suffered from dyslexia (I don't have any sources of that, it is just a popular gossip), so he would also be a puppet of other pro axis figures.

And now you got the scenario, some final considerations:

No one wanted Brazil to join the axis in WWII, at the most they wanted neutrality and friend relations. Brazil had a fleet with two superdreadnoughts that couldn't compete with the US navy, and while the brazilian army was large (it hit a million man in 1943), it lacked the same level of equipment as the USA, most of the soldiers didn't possessed a secundary weapon and the brazilian air force couldn't protect the whole army. Their plan was to keep Brazil neutral until Brazil was strong enought to align with the axis somewhere in the 1960s-1970s (Brazil was the 12 economy in the world in 1964 and hit the eight position in the 1970s, before crashing with the gas crisis in the mid 80s). That means that even if Brazil do get a pro german dictator, you can not have german troops marching here until way after the end of the war.

Any comment? Critic? Suggestion? I got anything wrong to be fixed?
The first point is that Vargas himself is a americanophile, so you cannot have him to join the axis.

I don't think he was anything-phile except for himself-phile. He was, however, very much aware of the fact that the US could, if it chose to, wipe out the Brazilian military and occupy Rio de Janeiro rather easily.
I don't think he was anything-phile except for himself-phile. He was, however, very much aware of the fact that the US could, if it chose to, wipe out the Brazilian military and occupy Rio de Janeiro rather easily.

That is a very biased view of him. Vargas main focus was not his person but Brazil itself, he choose to die because of this.
What would Brazil gain from joining the axis? I'm pretty sure Brazil had some territorial gains and border disputes in the Amazon with Brazil and Venezuela, but that was pretty much settled by the 1920s.

Also, where does Vargas fit on an ideological scale? He seems kind of like Franklin Roosevelt in the US, his policies changed a lot during his time as power while he played a balancing act between various constituencies and ideological groups.
What would Brazil gain from joining the axis? I'm pretty sure Brazil had some territorial gains and border disputes in the Amazon with Brazil and Venezuela, but that was pretty much settled by the 1920s.

Also, where does Vargas fit on an ideological scale? He seems kind of like Franklin Roosevelt in the US, his policies changed a lot during his time as power while he played a balancing act between various constituencies and ideological groups.

French Guyana, and at the most a crazy government that goes full fascist could want Uruguay too. A lot of axis military training and economical help would come too.

Vargas Ideologically... well:

He was EVERYTHING apart from a free market right wing liberal. The best description for that is what his main historian Lira Neto said: "He was someone who didn't had ideological roots, so he could properly act in most of the situations". After he was elected in 1951 however, he governed as a social democrat with economical developmentalism.
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