A Difference Of Fate: A Late Roman Timeline

Chapter 29: Aftermath 472AD-475AD
Chapter 29

On June 3rd Carthage would fall. The sack of the city lasted a day, after which Majorian set about with the administration of his new province. Anthemius would stay two weeks before leaving back to Constantinople with his Eastern soldiers slowly being shipped back to their assigned regions, something that would take the better part of the summer. The Western Augustus army at this point stood at 25,000 men, half of what had remained of the entire army. Within weeks Tax assessors, and all the other needed men required for government began arriving in the province, along with the man who would become its Praetorian Prefect, a man named Lucius Livius Severus (our Libius Severus). To Majorian Severus was a nobody, he had no military service and had only done administrative work, while he seemed like an ambitious man he had never worked to hard to achieve that ambition. However he was diligent, appeared to have a reputation as an honest man, and was good with numbers, he would hopefully prove a fine prefect.

After Severus was the matter of choosing which commander would becomes the Comes Africa, and for that fact, Magister Militum. Ever since the death of Marcellinus there had been no Magister Militum of the Empire neither had Italy had any major commanders or armies on it only a token force in the north as a garrison. As he managed the redistribution of his army he sent 7500 men to Dalmatia under the overall command of Lucius Anicius Paulinus to Dalmatia to reinforce Silvanus. Leaving him with Syragius and Macrianus as his senior commanders in africa. After much consideration he named Macrianus his Magister Militum of the west, while that put Syragius up for the position in Africa Majorian trusted Syragius more than anyone else with his own family and would have it no other way. Instead a Dux by the name of Marcus Valerius Septimius Bassus was named Comes Africa, the man had proven loyal over the past few years and had become somewhat of a close freind to the emperor. After the summer of administrative organization in the new province and putting down some small scales uprisings Majorian left to Italy with Macrianus and 7500 men, Leaving 10000 men in Africa.

As for the ongoing Ostrogothic War, once again Petrus and Silvanus would go on the attack. Petrus would achieve quick results razing some Gepid settlements early in the spring and defeating a small force of Gepids and Ostrogoths, while Silvanus was stuck chasing the Prince Theodoric around the Danube. However as news of Majorians Victory spread, and the noose of Petrus and Silvanus closed on the Ostrogoths, negotiations began. Instead of a decisive battle being fought in late July a peace treaty was made and signed. The Ostrogoths would become Fedoratii of the empire once again, and pay Tribute to both Empires, their Confederation of tribes would be broken down, and Ostrogoths would no longer rule from Pannonia to the Euxinus Sea. There where some minor territorial changes however the last few years had exhausted the Roman empires, and a quick peace was welcomed.

472 would end with the Triumph of Majorian through Rome, it was widely celebrated across both empires as the treasures of Carthage were paraded through the city of Rome and Constantinople, the great event ended with the death of Genseric as he was beheaded at the end of the ceremonies.

As 473 came in Majorian recalled his son Theodosius from Gaul, prefering to personally tutor his sons as they came of age and now that peace was widespread across the empire. Majorian made some minor reforms and entered in some minor laws however even with the vast Vandal treasury added to his treasury in Rome, after it had been split with Anthemius and the soldiers as well the treasury was not as full as the emperor liked. His reforms and laws mostly regarded refining the tax system and the economy as a whole, with the goal of filling the treasury. Even in this time the building and repair projects across Rome and the empire were slow to start and finish as the emperor and his magistrates chose only the best projects to go forward. As 473 came to a close however two things happened, Majorian named Theodosius his Caesar and hier apparent which was unsurprising, however a shuffel would happen as the 54 year old Magister Militum Flavius Macrianus would die of a heart attack in the middle of a parade drill with his troops outside the city. Macrianus would be given a state funeral with his two sons, Flavius Macrianus Minor and Flavius Germanus both present and both in the army, Macrianus Minor was in the Emperors guard as a Tribunus with much promise in his career and Germanus a Dux in the Italian Comitatenses. With the death of his Magister Militum Majorian named Nepos his Magister Militum recalling him to Rome, Silvanus was named Magister Militum per Gallias, while the Dalmatian Comes went to Lucius Anicius Paulinus, which Majorian felt safe to do once Marcus Anicius Faustus was recalled back to rome being replaced with another senator by the name of Flavius Norbanus. However with these minor changes passed 473.


474 Entered with the marriage of Theodosius and Alypia, both 17 years old, the event would take place in Constantinople to which Theodosius had traveled with just his mother. Celebrating festivities were celebrated for a week after. Once in Rome another smaller but similar ceremony would take place where Majorian could see the marriage himself. However he would not live to see his first grandson be born 2 years later.

It was also during this year that Licinia Eudoxia would meet her fate. For nearly two years she had wandered the halls of the imperial palace being a grandmother and mother, she watched her daughter in envy being married to the great energetic emperor. She had once fancied the man when he was first coming to power, and now he had deposed her husband given her daughter sons and a daughter and was the great leader her husband could never have been. However even though she was enjoying her life in the imperial palace finally free no one expected her to fall down a flight of stairs after a late night of drinking. The once empress fell in front of her daughter Eudocia who watched as her mothers skull bounced of the stone stairs. As she weeped at her mothers death she was comforted by Julius Nepos, within the year they would be married with the emperors blessing, they would take in young Galla Valentinia as their own daughter, however they would have a son and daughter of their own in the following years.


3 years after the fall of Carthage was all it took for the great emperor to become bored. While he was a good administrator and great emperor all around Majorian was a general first and foremost. And he was still fairly young, or so he thought. It was with this in mind the emperor began thinking of possible military campaigns. There was of course the Ostrogoths, there was the Alemanni. But for the emperor the franks were the first and foremost most important threat to deal with. With this in mind the emperor would spend most of the year traveling the empire judging what its condition was and if it what troops could be pulled from what provinces to stage for his new campaign. First he traveled to Gaul. Where he inspected Silvanus's 23000 men. The to Hispania where he heavily inspected the job that Tyranus was doing, though pleased with the outcome he was ready to retire the man something that would eat away at the Emperor for the rest of his trip, as he was joined by a certain Claudius Clementius who joined him to take his spot in the senate at rome. Then was Africa where Bassus was doing a decent job and the province was once again prosperous. Then the imperial tour visisted Dalmatia and Noricum before arriving back at rome where on October 13th 2 weeks after arriving back at the city Majorian would hold supper with many of his senatorial supporters and his family and freinds.
Chapter 30: 475 Death of an Emperor
Chapter 30

October 13th, Rome Italia

Claudius Clementius left the meal satisfied with himself. All had been going well and he had managed to integrate himself enough with the emperor to have been invited to his banquet, of which dozens of Majorians supporters and friends were invited. Men such as Nepos, Syragius, the Marcianii Brothers, and other important officials showed up as well, above the list of already invited members. The huge assembly of people was kicked off with a speech by the Emperor who normally known to be a mostly sober man, was already swaying a little bit from the alcohol. Throughout the night the Emperor would wander amongst his guest his guards able to keep track of him by the contagious laughter the man seemed to have following him. However Clementius watched one thing and that was the platter of food that continually followed the Emperor.

See Majorian had survived a few assasination attempts throughout the years in many ways, his loyal bodyguard, his own strenght determination and skills with a sword, and through his taste testers who several of which had died throughout the years. However Clementius had a trick, one that would get his poison past the testers. The food the emperor was being given was laced with small amounts of poison, enough that after a nights meal would be fatal, but that one bite wouldnt kill. As he stayed close to the emperor he could see the man was starting to feel some effects of the poison, and earlier than most would have thought the Emperor and his wife retired to their bed chambers, the emperor complaining that he was sick.

Clementius waited until this moment to leave the party, his task done. However he didnt leave the Emperors palace yet, he first had to tie up loose ends, which would be discovered hours after when Clementius left in the morning, as a dead slave who was strangled. A pouch with trace amounts of the poison still in his hand.

Clementius hardly slept that night, before in the morning leaving towards Ostia, and paying passage to Hispania. Word reached him minutes before the boat left dock that Majorian I the Great had died of a sudden illness, later determined as Poison

A few hours before

Theodosius, his Brothers Constantinus and Gallus were ushered into their fathers chambers by their mother Placidia who was barely holding it together as tears welled in her eyes. Their father who had been so lively the day before was grey faced his skin like wax his 54 Years which had never shown in his face or body suddenly appeared making him look older than he was overnight.

"Wife have the officials ready my will, it will not be long now. I grow colder by the minute, and make sure Nepos and Syragius are close by." Placidia nodded a tear finally leaving her eye to roll down her cheek, hesitating only a minute to leave the room before issuing the orders to the guards outside the room before entering again while her husband spoke to their sons.

"Boys things are about to change for you, and I hope i have prepared you enough. Theodosius in my will you are named Augustus of Rome, you are to be Emperor at 18 years of age. Nepos will guide you well, and Syragius will protect you from any physical damage that would ever assail you." The emperor began a raking cough that seemed to nearly take all his breath away before continuing. "I was a general more than an Emperor but I have tried my best, and you must continue my work to make the Roman people proud once again, continue my policies and you will be rewarded with a strong empire, and above all else trust your brothers." Theodosius nodded as his father looked to Constantinus, a volley of tears letting loose before being wiped away.

"Constantinus I see myself in you, you will be a great general, you are not meant to be emperor, be your brothers Stilicho, your brothers Aetius or Nepos. Keep him and the empire safe." The 16 year old Constantinus nodded a grim smile at his father, his face Stoically holding firm.

Then Majorian turned to his last son, Gallus who was 14 years of age. "Young Gallus, my boy, you are strong and intelligent when your brothers fail, be there to hold them firm, be there for the empire when it is needed, for it will need you, even if it doesnt seek like it. You are young, and will have idle years ahead of you, learn from both your brothers." What he didnt say was that Gallus was the one he seen the most promise in, that with this last advice he could see him surpassing both of his brothers, for while Constantinus was Agressive and Theodosius was tempered and intelligent, Gallus had both traits in an larger amount than his brothers. He looked at his sons, and another coughing fit forced the Emperor to breath hard for his next breaths, a small amount of blood trickling from his mouth.

He hugged his sons and his wife before his sons exited and Nepos and Syragius joined Augusta and Augustus. He could see Syragius downtrodden face, the face of a man who believed he had failed. "Syragius, do not look like that. You have not failed me, in fact you have only ever succeeded for me, my death is not your fault not a blemish on your name, this is something not even you could have stopped." The young general looked to speak but the emperor stopped him. "I only want one promise from you Syragius. Keep my family safe. Make sure my sons and their sons rule this empire, for i fear that if my line dies so will the empire. If you keep my sons alive to rule, then consider whatever debt you believe is in your head paid." Syragius could only nod at his freind and emperor, a man who was like a father to him. However his face did fill with purpose.

"Nepos. You are maybe one of my most loyal and trusted friends. You are married to my sister in law and the daughter of the previous emperor. You have a family together. Most men in your place would consider themselves rightful emperor, or at least that their claim stronger than my sons. I want you to denounce that claim, it will ease any fears that you have intentions for the throne. Then I want you to continue your path that I have you on. Help Theodosius lead the empire forward. Be there for the empire and my family, and freind I will see you in Heaven." Nepos could only nod a sad smile at the emperor. "I want you Nepos to read my will to the Senate and the people, proclaim my son Emperor, immediately....." with that the emperors strength failed him, and his closed his eyes taking a deep breath. Placidia spoke up as she then hurried to her husbands side. "Leave us give me my final moments with my love."

The generals left the Placidia and Majorian as the two spoke soft quite words to eachother. They waited outside the door for a minute both taking a breath to prepare for the coming day of change, together they then stepped away from the door, to do their Emperors final command. Before the had made it 50 paces a loud wail reached their ears.

On October 13th in noon sun Theodosius III was named Emperor to the acclaim of the Senate, the people, and the army at Rome. Word traveled quickly, but not as quickly as Clementius. Clementius arrived at Tarraco on October 25th, having made fast time across the sea. There he met Tullius Tyranus, who smiled at the news his lieutenant gave him. Only days later Praetorian Prefect Flavius Norbanus was found dead, and Tyranus at an assembly of his Army named himself Tullius Tyranus, Emperor of Hispania, he sent word to his Suevi allies and the Baugudae, a call of arms that would raise a massive host capable of facing any that the Welps in Rome could bring against him.

With the Death of Majorian who was known as Majorian Magnus or Majorian the Great, Civil war was upon the Empire.


Hope this chapter brings everyone excitement, and joy, it is the end of an Era for the timeline with what could be considered a premature death of the Great Majorian, who in every way but his death i would like to consider Luckier than Augustus and Better than Trajan, we now are into the era of his Hiers, and with that i want to say Merry Christmas hope you all have a good Holiday!
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Majorian ruled long enough to be the second Aurelian, which paid huge dividends.

Will his successors reclaim Britannia? Rome has the strength to do so again
Majorians reign definitely paid huge dividends for the empire and breathed huge life into it for sure.

As for Britannia it will definitely become part of the story in the future, it will Majorians Grandson, who will make himself widely famous for his campaigns, and for some of his actions in Britannia, however it will not be reclaimed by Rome.
Majorians reign definitely paid huge dividends for the empire and breathed huge life into it for sure.

As for Britannia it will definitely become part of the story in the future, it will Majorians Grandson, who will make himself widely famous for his campaigns, and for some of his actions in Britannia, however it will not be reclaimed by Rome.

Alfred the Great being a Roman ally would be awesome in and of itself
Chapter 31: 475-476 A sons Tactical Genius
Chapter 31

The news of Tullius Tyranus's Rise as Emperor in Hispania truly happened at a great moment for the man. While he did assemble much of his army including Baugudae and Suevi, those forces still trickling east as November started, it happened at a time that most of the passes through the Pyrenees were so heavy with snow that crossing them would be dangerous, however not impossible.

Silvanus, Magister Per Equitum Gallias tried to prove this as he quickly gathered a force of 10,000 men south of Toulouse, with more to follow in his forces wake, and marched them into the Tourmalet pass which news had was still passable. However travelers did not worry to much about military movement in the mountains it seemed. As the lightning quick march would grind to a halt in the mountains. As they marched into the valley the pass was in, the quickly discovered that Tyranus had blocked the passes with a mass of fortifications. Several wooden and rock walls crossed the valley and where the valley was to wide for a quick wall to be built a fort took up its center, to hold these fortifications was several thousand men, not as numerous as Silvanus's, but enough that once into the Hispanian side his force would be depleted. However with his reinforcements only days away, and his men angery that roman soldiers would once again dare name a man emperor he continued. The 2 weeks that followed into the end of November were a disaster. With skirmishers pelting his forces flanks and his camp constantly in danger, Silvanus made it halfway up the valley, having taken several enemy walls and forts, however, his army had lost a 10th of its men and another 1/5th were injured, and still arrows pelted his men their owners always able to scurry away on the valley edges before his men could take them. With the losses rising, and morale dragging, Silvanus ordered that the army was to retreat back into Gaul. His reinforcements another 5000 men met him at the Valley entrance.

At the valley entrance is where Silvanus unknowingly would be the catalyst for the future. He left 5,000 men a mixture of the wounded, new men and men he had taken with him, to make camp and fortify the valleys entrance. He then had two options, go west or east. Silvanus decided east was the best move and marched to the coast nearly deciding to use the Le Perche Pass, before moving to Narbo where he intended to cross into Hispania via fleet, however imperial orders would not give him that option. Orders arrived near the middle of December that he was to suspend operations and wait for further reinforcements.

February 15th

The camp near Narbo had grown exponentially since Silvanus had initially moved to the area. Newly arrived was the Italian Comitatenses, roughly 15,000 men joined his 9000, and word was that troops from Dalmatia would be arriving within a few weeks. Word also arrived that men from Africa would also arrive within a week, in total their force was expected to grow to roughly 30,000 men, not including the 5000 men at the Tourmalet pass.

However to Silvanus suprise it was just Nepos who joined him in Narbo, but also the young Constantinus, who had convinced his brother to let him join Nepos as a staff officer. After discussing strategy for the coming campaign Nepos and Constantinus would go to the Tourmalet pass, where the inspected the troops at the camp there, bringing with them roughly 6,000 men. During the few days they were at the camp, Constantinus took a great interest in the men and the valley they blocked, Nepos also wanted to scout the passes to the west to make sure they were clear of the enemy. Constantinus convinced Nepos that he should go with a small bodyguard of 500 men, while he would stay at the camp, as he was feeling ill. This would turn out to be a feigned illness as it was only a day later Constantinus had convinced the men to join him on his own personal epic, something that could rival hannibal, and that would get them revenge for their previous defeat

It was February 27th that this march began, with Constantinus agressive nature and leadership belying his age of 17, they had broken through the fortifications that stood in there way. By the 5th of march when Nepos had returned to the camp at the beginning of the valley to find it empty, Constantinus had already lead his men past the fortifications that Silvanus had turned back at, and was at the peak of the valley. Nepos knowing that he would be to far behind the young man decided to try and send a few scouts after him but turned east, knowing the young man was essentially on his own. In days Constantinus hadmanaged to do what a senior officer was unable to do, some claimed that due to it being late winter it was unexpected for the attack to happen especially with the heavy snow slowing down the advance. However the number of men defending the pass was estimated to be the same as before. By March 10th Constantinus had descended the Hispanian side of the pass destroying any outposts in his path, leaving only a 10th of his 10,000 men cremated in the mountain passes due to losses from the enemy and only another hundred to the elements.

Morale was high at this point for Constantinus men, they had done the impossible and regaines their honour, however the reality of the situation also sunk it at this time, as they were within days of running out of food, and it was winter. Constantinus also forbid any looting off of roman citizens as they would be relying on people in the area. The largest and closest settlement was the small city of Jaca, an obscure city thats origins went back all the way to Sertorius. Its low walls were only lightly defended by Baugudae warriors and a small compliment of Hispanian legionaries. It was taken quietly in the night its garrison killed to the man, but its people otherwise unmolested as per Constantinus orders. Constantinus gave a rousing speech, before sending a group of 10 men on horses taken from the garrison to take a message north over the pass that Jaca guarded. And days later Nepos men reached him in turn.

March 20th

Theodosius paced the floor of his throne room in the imperial palace. His brother, along with Syragius and a small guard were also with him. They had just read the report from Nepos and of Constantinus's daring march. The emperor was very obviously angry at his brother, as noted by Gallus, who however was smiling. The youngest son of Majorian finally smiled, "suprising that Constantinus managed this feat so well, and has kept his men in good condition, tactically its genius, we all know he would be a good strong soldier, but genius, that suprises me, i expected a straight forward and agressive approach not this."

Theodosius looked at his brother, the simmering anger, abated at his brothers quip, replaced quickly by him carefully thinking about what Constantinus could have been aiming at. "What do you mean brother, all he has accomplished is to split our army and put him trapped behind enemy lines. For all we know he could be dead by now."

Gallus smiled, "if he keeps this genius act up he will still be well alive." He approached his brother and walked over to a map of hispania that sat on a table at the edge of the room. "By moving to Jaca he has given himself an escape route if Tyranus responds quickly and in an overwhelming manner which he wont. I half expect him to move northwest, he could ravage the coast of the Baugudae rebels, and do well there, come back in the spring hit Tyranus in the flank. But theres more to this. By putting 10,000 men in the northwest end of the Ebro valley, he has made sure that Tyranus cant bring his full might against Nepos, Tyranus better pull out all the stops, otherwise our brother just forced him into the grave this spring."

As per Gallus's speculation Tyranus would pull out the stops, and before spring arrived news also arrived that Euric was igniting a rebellion in Aquitaine the region of the Visigoths.
At this point the Suebi should be given the same treatment the Visigoths got - complete subjugation. With the Franks, you could get massive help from the Romano-Britons to overcome them, then make a treaty that they'll have Roman support to subjugate all of trans-Rhine Germania. Dealing with one Germanic kingdom would be easier than with several.

Would Theodosius be called Emperor Theodosius III?
At this point the Suebi should be given the same treatment the Visigoths got - complete subjugation. With the Franks, you could get massive help from the Romano-Britons to overcome them, then make a treaty that they'll have Roman support to subjugate all of trans-Rhine Germania. Dealing with one Germanic kingdom would be easier than with several.

Would Theodosius be called Emperor Theodosius III?

Yep he is Theodosius III, at this point the emperors of each empire will be put chronological together as well, so if theres say a Theodosius and a Theodosius ruling at the same time they will be recorded as Theodosius I and Theodosius II, though i dont plan at the moment of there being to many similar names.

On the Seuvi side of things you may be disappointed in the immediate future on that happening. On the Romano-British side, they unfortunately wont be able to help the romans as they are dealing with the Saxons Angles and Jutes at the moment. As for wars against the Germans you may be suprised at the roles the Franks have in it all. As well as the effect Constantinus will have in the world.
Chapter 32: 476 Battle of Pamplona
Chapter 32

March 11th
The young Gallus's assessment of his brothers situation was accurate, as was suprisingly his speculationon his brothers next move. While he sent scouts south and east, looking for what would be the first counter offensive against his winter march, his eyes fell west to Pamplona. See south of Jaca was CeasarAugusta, which Constantinus expected correctly, his scouts to come back from with a list of enemy units garrisoned in the city. East brought him closer to what he expected to be the main battleground of the coming year and more enemy troops, Pamplona however was a city that in recent decades had turned into a backwater, but however would have supplies, better walls and still yet contained a path of escape to Gaul on its northwards side.

Only a 3 days later when his scouts from the west returned Constantinus rallied his men and marched West, leaving a rearguard of 200 men, all mounted in Jaca to hold the city and wait for the rest of the scouts and for the enemy to begin arriving. Pamplona was still however gaurded by roughly 2000 Hispanian Legionaries and a contigent of Baugudae warriors, a small task for Constantinus and his determined men. Constantinus had his men split up and into smaller columns in an attempt to keep any dust down, and halted several miles away from the City waiting until dark. The cities garrison and residents were then awoken gruffly to 9000 Legionaries assailing their walls, a young General being one of the first to stand on the walls rallying his men onwards.

In the aftermath of the attack Constantinus was lenient with the city and even its garrison accepting the men that surrendered into his ranks, raising his ranks back up to about 11,000 men. However it is here that Constantinus prepared for his stand, his masterpiece of a victory.

It was March 25th when the army of Tyranus showed its face. Of course this wasnt the full army of the Hispanian Tyrant. The force consisted of 3,000 Hispanian legionaries, who lead the way forward for 12,000 Seuvi Warriors, and 4,000 Baugudae warriors men who were likely from the region they were about to fight for, this force was then lead by certain Flavius Claudius Clementius. When his rearguard that had been in Jaca appeared nearly running their horses dead everyone knew it was nearly time.

Before the army of Clementius arrived Constantinus gathered a force of 800 men, a man for every horse he could gather, and had them begin a journey that would take them on a wide circle of the battlefield and back to Jaca, their goal was to gather a militia that had been gathering there ever since they had first arrived at the city. These men were armed as skirmishers, roughly 1500 men, armed with slings bows and javelins, they would then take them to block the route the enemy had just taken to arrive at Pamplona.

This was just one element of a 2 step strategy Constantinus had made for this battle. As well Constantinus had almost half the remaining men, about 3000 men, march west with the cavalry, though they were to then march south and then halt, about 6 miles from the city there they would wait for a messenger, or until it looked like the siege was about to break, before blocking the southern exit of the valley they city was in. By doing this the plan was for the enemy to be forced back down the route they had taken before, and into its trap.

Upon arrival the army of Clementius spread out across the valley, descending upon the city. What followed was a hard fought siege, Constantinus had 7,000 to defend a city against 19,000 men. The assualts made on the walls by Clementius's men were brutally repelled, costing the Rebel army thousands of casualties in a matter of days. They couldn't starve the city out either as unknowingly, but due to the men at Jaca and the men south, no supplies were entering the valley, and any detachments of men that left also disappeared, Clementius's men were therefore ready to starve before the city would. On the 15th day of the siege, supplies running low and his mens morale dipping as the walls still held firm with 5000 defenders to 14,000 attackers Clementius made a last ditch attack putting his armies full weight against the walls.

Seeing this the commander of the 3,000 men Constantinus had sent south a man named Flavius Agrippa marched his men into the valley entrance where they were quickly spotted, Agrippa seems to have hoped to break the siege as the battle seemed like it would lost before long. He did achieve his hopes and Clementius seemed to have panicked with another large enemy force appearing on his flank. Not wanting to be pinned in place he ordered a retreat. After gathering his force Clementius retreated back to the eastern entrance to the valley Constantinus army in close pursuit, where the final stage of Constantinus plan fell into place.

The 800 mounted men of Constantinus unmounted and as the enemy approached ran to their position blocking the narrow pass between the two steep ridges, upon which 1500 militia sat in cover waiting to rain volleys of projectiles onto the enemy. Clementius who happened to be at the front of his army, immediately ordered that his leading men, a cohort of Legionaries attack, these were to be followed by the next contigent of men in the column, Seuvi warriors. However the men of Constantinus held strong raining their Plumbata darts onto the approaching enemy before their lines met. As the enemy massed together tightly upon the thin line of Legionaries the militia began their work, men dieing by the second as the weapons suprised the whole army. However the men in the rear were now pushing forward in panick as the rest of the army of Constantinus caught up to them. The last units of Clementius army were Hispanian Legionaries and Baugudae warriors. They were a mix matched front, and as Constantinus men formed a front that enclosed off all escape panick began to set in. Moments later Constantinus men charged and Plumbata darts fell in waves upon the packed rear of Clementius army, before the ranks of Constantinus men reached them were a slaughter ensued.

It is said at this point in the battle that Constantinus knew the man leading the enemy was the man directly responsible for his fathers death, and it was said that several men had to hold the Caesar down so that he would not lead the attack. The slaughter went on for a long time, Constantinus's mens swords were said to have been so dull from the enemies bodies and armor that many grabbed the enemies swords to finish the job. In the end the Battle of Pamplona would see Constantinus loose 3,000 men, to the Hispanian armies 15,000. Of the remainder, 1,000 were Hispanian legionaries who had been in the center of the retreating column and were quick to surrender and join Constantinus army. The rest either escaped over the steep ridges through the militia, or were captured. It was a crushing and decisive victory for Constantinus, however to Constantinus the victory was marred by one fact, that Clementius had been one of the few who had escaped.
Caught up to the end of this timeline and wanted to say it's really good. Nice to see more Majorian timelines and I hope you keep it up
Caught up to the end of this timeline and wanted to say it's really good. Nice to see more Majorian timelines and I hope you keep it up
Thank you, appreciate the support! I do plan on it, last two weekends unfortunately didnt work out for me posting another chapter of the timeline hopefully i can this weekend!
Chapter 33 Tyrant of Hispania, A generation gone
Chapter 33

Tullius Tyranus could have simply been known as a usurper, a murderer, or a number of other vile things. However he became known as The Tyrant of Hispania, there were several reasons for this. After Ochrestrating the death of one of Romes best better emperors ending a reign that could have continued for another decade, he declared himself Emperor. At first the man who had lead the Hispanian armies for the last half decade seemed like a reasonable man to the people, treating them well, and his army extremely well.

However it soon became apparent to the people that they where nothing but tools for the wayward general, and if they wouldnt be tools for his grander plans then they would not be apart of his Empire. This became apparent in January when Tullius Tyranus announced that he was conscripting 10,000 men to bulk up his army, and as this concription was nearly completed, he announced another similar conscription. Of course the people began to bulk at the fact that 20,000 of their husbands and sons were being forced into service. Cases of men cutting of their thumbs began, or of conscription officers being beaten up or killed, an uprising began in the Dianium on the eastern coast, when they forced the Officers out of the city, and demanded that Tyranus meet their cities council on the matter.

The poor city of Dianium got its wish when Tyranus approached the city with roughly 18,000 men, and without even meeting the cities council let his men loose on the city. The savage massacre of Dianium continued for a full day, the people tried to escape but Tullius had sent his cavalry to cover all the cities exits. All the men of the city were killed, surrender was useless as Tyranus used the city as a point for the rest of Hispania, to resist was to bring death upon your city. The women of the city however suffered a far worse fate. The men of Tyranus would rape the women, the city was a scene of rape, before the women were corralled out of the city, and not to the slavers, but back north to Tarraco they were taken from the burning wrecks of their homes to the rest of Tyranus's army, where they were used to satisfy the needs of the rest of the army.

After this the conscription of of Hispanias men continued with far fewer instances of rejection. However the massacre of Dianium seems to have changed something in Tyranus. The man who had known for his martial prowess and eagerness in his men, became something far more animalistic. Calls for more conscripts were announced meanwhile it is said that every prostitute in the city of Tarraco, and of the area around would be seen entering the chambers of the Hispanian Emperor, he was hardely seen without wine and a woman at his side. It was said he even held a war council and then met with his administrators all while several prostitutes satisfied him, and he drank unabated, his generals seemed to be losing confidence in their choice of emperor. However when word that a small rural uprising had begun south of Tarraco the man seemed to shed all of this to be the martial man he was and burned the country side for miles. As it was, he seemed better at killing his own people then the enemy.

Then news arrived in the form of 2,000 men and their leader Claudius Clementius of the disaster at Pamplona. Soon after news that Constantinus had moved to CeasarAugusta with 10,000 men arrived and Tullius Tyranus was ready. It was said on his final day in Tarraco, he gave a speech to his men, all the while one of the most beautiful woman the men had ever seen, was forced to satisfy their emperor in front of them as he spoke. This odd sight baffled the men, the entire winter their emperor had spent his days and nights living a life that would make Caligula cringe, and then he did this. However they cheered their emperor who had given them all the excess they could have wished for, even those poor conscripts, who would soon find out their fate was not as glorius as they were told. That day April 29th, 55,000 men would march northwest, none of them would pass through Tarraco again.

However upon reaching CeasarAugusta, Constantinus was nowhere in sight, as it turns out Constantinus had upon hearing word of the approaching force, had marched North, and was making way to Illerda. Tyranus is said to have ordered the sack of CeasarAugusta upon hearing this, before as his men approached the city he called a halt. The city terrified at the prospect of being destroyed in the way Dianium had been were able to finally able to breathe a sigh of relief when the army disappeared two days later, along with the cities grain stores, and a good portion of its treasury.

Constantinus would wait until the Hispanian Usurper was only days away from Illerda before moving again, this time however he moved north east, to Vicis Ausonae, which itself lay in a long valley surrounded by mountains, the perfect place for a battle as Constantinus joined Silvanus who had 20,000 legionaries.

What would come next would become the known as the battle of Ausonae, known in Hispania for the slaughter of an entire generation of men. On May 23rd the army of Tyranus entered the valley, and the following day, Tyranus arrayed his army to the south of the city, as did Silvanus and Constantinus against him, both forces anchoring both flanks on the small rivers on either side of the valley.

While Silvanus arrayed their forces in a line, with 3 contigents in reserve one on the left commanded by Constantinus, the one on the right by Silvanus, and the center by Flavius Agrippa. Both Silvanus and Constantinus had 3,000 Infantry and 1000 Cavalry, while Agrippa had 4,000 Infantry. There were also several smaller elements of Skirmishers armed with bows behind the line to keep constant missile attacks on the enemy along with Scorpions and Ballistae to support as well. Tyranus however arrayed his forces into 4 lines. The last was his entire cavalry force some 3000 men. The second and third was the entirety of his main army, some 27,000 Infantry, the front line was the entire of his Conscripted soldiers, 25,000 men.

Tyranus ordered his first line forward, and to give the Conscripted men of Hispania credit they did keep their ranks advancing in a ordered fashion, looking every element of the soldiers they hoped to portray. Then the missiles from Scorpions and ballistae began to land amongst them, dozens of men dieing every minute. While the missiles only killed several hundred men, they caused more moral damage then anything. The conscripts already shaken before being met with a plumbata volley. When the two lines finally met a slaughtered ensued, and within half an hour the men of Tyranus's army began to be shaken in their morale. Men began to run, only when they met the second line of Tyranus's army to be killed instantly. Before the entire line could route, Tyranus ordered his second line forward, with orders to kill anyone that looked like they were going to run. What followed was the entire slaughter of the concripts of Hispania. When word reached Silvanus and Constantinus of what the first line had contained mostly young inexperienced men they were shocked, but ordered the slaughter to continue, to let any through the formation would be to weaken their formation and cause the failure of their army to hold.

The battle continued as a stalemate for hours with thousands dieing on each side, Agrippa was forced to use almost the entirety of his contigent to shore up the armies lines., meanwhile Tyranus was using his third line to push any perceived weak spots.

Constantinus would however see a weakspot on the left flank and convinced Silvanus to join him, though Constantinus would end up getting credit for the maneuver. The two men would lead their combined 8,000 men in a flanking maneuver through the Riu Gurri river attacking the reserves of Tyranus's army. The fierce counterattack swept through the flank, Constantinus would personally meet Tyranus's cavalry with the combined weight of his and Silvanus's cavalry. With their signature Alani Lancers striking deep into the enemy formation the shock of their attack would be decisive in their victory. The route of Tyranus's army would only add to the slaughter.

The battle ended with Silvanus and Constantinus losing 10,000 of their 25,000 men. While Tyranus would lose nearly 40,000 of his men retreating back to Illerda and then with only 15,000 men. However this still left the two sides equal in number. Tyranus would retreat back to CeasarAugusta where he began to plot his renewed attack, only to be killed by Claudius Clementius in a coup, so ended the Tyrant of Hispania.

However with the death of Tyranus so was the death of his coalition with the Seuvi and Baugudae both of who had experienced extreme losses, left with only half of his forces, the fractures only continued, as men began to desert, finding their way to the banners of Silvanus and Constantinus. Clementius however would escape CeasarAugusta with 2,000 men as the rest began to fight themselves allied to their direct commanders.

Clementius however would only make it to Corduba before Constantinus with his cavalry caught up to him. Clementius was rejected from entering the city, as Constantinus closed in. Clementius then used half of his men to try and stall the Valiant Caesar, only to be caught days later. Constantinus would have his revenge, torturing the man who murdered his father for days, keeping him just above death, until finally he beheaded him.

Over the following weeks Constantinus and Silvanus reconfirmed the loyalties of all the hispanian cities, when the news of Dianium and the sight of the thousands of poor women at Tarraco spread the entire empire was aghast. So much so that Theodosius announced he would travel to Hispania at the end of the summer. In the meantime, Constantinus would in the meantime attack those who had supported the rebellion. Taking 8,000 men he invaded Suevi territory ravaging towns and the countryside, he engaged the seuvi in a minor battle killing several thousand of them including their king Rechicus. Spending the summer in Seuvi territory did much to add to the reputation of Constantinus, who was becoming a hero back in Rome. So much so that Theodosius sent orders that his brother was to stop his attacks and help Silvanus consolidate Hispania. Which Constantinus quickly rejected, when Theodosius reached Hispania, he was angered to learn his brother was now attacking the Baugudae, demanding that his brother join him at CeasarAugusta so that he could join him and Silvanus in some ceremonies and to help the people of Hispania. Having no way to reject his brother this time, Constantinus marched his men to CeasarAugusta, though he continued planning further campaigns in northern hispania, only for his brother to announce he would be traveling back to Rome with him.


With that the war in Hispania is over there is still the Visigothic rebellion to cover, however that will be part of the next chapter, sorry for taking a month away from the timeline! Hope everyone enjoys the chapter!
Chapter 34 Eurics Rebellion 476
Chapter 34


With Eurics sudden reappearance threatening the armies rear, and Gaul, Nepos took the responsibility of sorting out the Son of Theodoric himself, something that the young emperor under his charge would berate him for, as Nepos was supposed to lead the more critical operations in Hispania. He had 5,000 men, 4,000 Comitatenses Legionnaires from Italia, along with 1,000 Cavalry. Nepos strategy come spring was to march northwest towards Toulouse, which is where news of Eurics appearance had surfaced. Initial reports and everyones thoughts where that support for Euric would be minimal. That would prove there undoing.

Dux Lucius Aelius Barbatus had not been happy when he had been assigned to join the Magister Militum with his 2,000 men to march around Aquitaine fighting a ghost enemy. The damned son of the last Magister Militum Macrianus had instead got to go along fighting the Usurper in Hispania. However that anger had tempered as he realized that for the next few months he would be under the direct attention of the man who could be said truly ruled the empire at the moment. If he proved efficient and competent this could lead to a promotion to a higher office, perhaps he could make it to Comes. To his suprise Nepos had seemed to rely on him more than expected almost treating him like a second in command, though what were his options, the other Dux the uninspiring Flavius Aefius was competent in following orders but not thinking of his own, and the cavalry commander Dux Marcus Villius Praetextatus was an appointed commander, a senators son, whose own high ego alienated himself from all of the men in the army including his own.

Aelius sighed, looked around at the forest they marched through, wishing for a moment in the dull rain that he was back in Milan with his son Lucius Aelius Priscus, unfortunately that wish was ended only moments later when a javelin swept him off his horse, pinning his lifeless body to the ground. The army of Nepos came under a storm of javelins. Men died in their scores, fortunately roman discipline took over and the men formed a testudo however that testudo however was quickly hit from either side by frantic warriors of the Visigoths. The roman cavalry was split between 3 positions at the front rear and middle of the army, their commander Villius was at the center of the army, and to the suprise of his men and everyother man he attempted to lead his men to a heroic victory ordering a charge into the oncoming goths even as his men and horses died being far more uncovered than the average legionaries. Because of this his orders were relayed haphazardly his trumpeter dead, and only 100 troopers followed him in a unorganized charge, these men would fight only for several minutes before being pushed back, seperated from his men, Villius was brought down from his horse and moments later the head of the Dux was paraded around on a spear in attempt to weaken the romans morale, however some men even blatantly cheered at the death of the commander.

Nepos was aware of the situation he was in, not as bad Varus, at Teutoburg however very similar. And unbeknownst to him two of his commanders especially his most able one were dead, leaving him with the uninspiring man that was Flavius Aefius. Nepos was at the front of the column when the ambush began, instead of bogging down and becoming trapped he ordered the 500 Cavalry with him to charge forwared away from the ambush. A column of gothic warriors marched from the forest to form a shield wall in front of him, as goths closed in on each side. Ordering the men to form a wedge they hit the Shield wall at full speed, smashing straight through it, many goths being trampled or gored as the cavalry passed through their formation. Having in this way escaped the immediate danger that the rest of the army was in Nepos had his men halt and then reform facing back towards the battle. A small wall of goths in his mens way. "Men this moment is yours we ride to save our brothers, when we smash through those cowering goths in front of us, we will split onto either side of the army and fight our way to the other end of the army!" His men roared their assent knowing that for around 500 men to do this task would be a massive feat. However moments later they charged forward.

Narbo 476, May 15th

Nepos sighed as the doctor peeled off the bandages on his body, he had been wounded several times and a few of the wounds had become infected fortunately they had quickly turned back healthy and he was relieved to see that some were even close to becoming fully healed. That day in Aquitaine had been a close thing. Of his 5000 men only 2300 escaped. In the end the uninspiring Flavius Aefius had kept the army together while their general had lead the efforts to save them rallying the infantry as his infantry cleared their area of the enemy. It was only due to his cavalry escaping the initial ambush that they had survived, Euric had brought well over 5000 men against him that day, and Nepos wouldnt make the mistake of taking to few men again.

He called in the banners of the Burgundians and Alani, as well as asking for a further 1000 Gallic Comitatenses to join him at Narbo. As Euric gathered strength in his former kingdom Nepos gathered an army 15,000 strong in Narbo. 3500 Romans, 3500 Alani Cavalry armed with their famous Lances, and then 8000 Burgundian warriors. An army of Fedoratii to restore roman order.

This army marched into Aquitaine on May 29th. Many had wondered why Euric had not taken the initiative to attack Nepos at Narbo. As after the ambush it was assumed he still had more men then Nepos's measly 3500 men. However true that might have been Euric made the decision to instead use his perceived victory to recruit more of his people into rising up. This did work and a large amount of warriors flocked to his banner, roughly 16,000 men. Euric however was not able to hold Toulouse, which is thought to have hurt his reputation and the amount of men that joined him as the city rejected him at its gates.

The two armies then danced around Aquitaine over the following month neither accepting battle in any areas that were perceived as not perfect for battle. That was until the two armies finally collided along the gargonnes river. With the river anchoring their flanks Euric used a ridgeline to anchor his other flank against the danger that was the Alani cavary. In this fashion he was also forcing the romans to come to him, which suprisingly they obliged. Nepos didnt trust his ragtag force of Fedorati to hold very long at least the Burgundians the Alani had proven themselves many times under their prince. For that reason Nepos gave them the prestigious position at the center front of his army formed into a wedge in front of the his legionaries with his Burgundians formed up on either side. The charge proved to be devastating and effective. The Alani prince at the very apex of the wedge was first to burst through the gothic formation his men on his horses heels. After breaking the center of the gothic formation the alani swept out to either side, periodically dipping into the gothic rear. Behind them the Legionaries exploited the gaping hole in the gothic army forcing their way into it and holding the position breaking the enemy into two different forces. The Burgundians did do their part in the battle assaulting the gothic fronts on either side valiantly. The battle was truly lost for the Goths when The Alani Prince Goar personally killed Euric in a savagely fought 1 on 1 sword fight. After the death of their King the goths routed the Alani and Romans slaughtering any they reached the Burgundians however are said to have simply held their ground stopping the goths from passing through.

The rest of the summer was spent making sure the rebellion was stomped out, which allowed for the Emperor to pass through on his way back from Hispania. After berating Nepos Theodosius is said to have then commended him on his leadership valour and a job well done. Then turning to the now famous Alani prince Goar, he is said to have offered the prince many things, wealth honours a spot in rome, however the noble and great prince is said to have responded with Being the Prince of my people is enough. After touring Gaul Theodosius returned to Rome for the birth of his first of many imperial hiers.... Gaius Julius Valerius Majorianus.
Perhaps now the Western Empire can enjoy some peace.

Next would be ensuring a longer-lasting stability on the Eastern border - perhaps persuading Khosrow I to go after India rather than Rome
Perhaps now the Western Empire can enjoy some peace.

Next would be ensuring a longer-lasting stability on the Eastern border - perhaps persuading Khosrow I to go after India rather than Rome

The next chapter is going to revolve around Theodosius's first few years as Emperor and the reforms he makes, the West will enjoy some stability and peace with some minor wars at least for a few years.

As for the east the chapter after will regard the Sassanid Empire in the aftermath of the imperial year of succession all the way to the current time, we still may get a Khosrow like figure, he would only be born in the coming up years i believe, but we wont get Khosrow as the Sassanian empire will have a rough time since we last seen it.
The next chapter is going to revolve around Theodosius's first few years as Emperor and the reforms he makes, the West will enjoy some stability and peace with some minor wars at least for a few years.

As for the east the chapter after will regard the Sassanid Empire in the aftermath of the imperial year of succession all the way to the current time, we still may get a Khosrow like figure, he would only be born in the coming up years i believe, but we wont get Khosrow as the Sassanian empire will have a rough time since we last seen it.
I don't doubt he'll take a while to come (till the next century), because the realm needs to be stabilized, but given the grief the empire went through they should turn away from Rome, confirm the post-Julian borders, and expand elsewhere.