A chicken starts WW3?


During the fifties, the British miltary, in their wisdom saw fit to order nuclear land mines, yes you heard me right, ten-kiloton nuclear mines that had an eight second fuse if tampered with. Now these mines were to have live chickens in the casing to keep the bombs warm enough during the winter.

The order was later cancelled by the Army, probably due to it being clinically insane. Now what if the order was not cancelled, and ten of these bombs were planted throughout north Germany. Furthermore, suppose one of the casings was slightly faulty and the chicken managed to set it off?

Does this lead to an almost non-asb way of having a chicken starting a nuclear holocaust? What are the implications if war is somehow averted?
Well, taking this seriously...

Since nuclear weapons have survived airplane crashes, partial detonations etc, I don't really think a chicken nibbling at the wiring is going to do it.

Oh, btw, minor nitpick: "The mines would have been detonated by wire or an eight-day timer. If they were disturbed they were set to explode within ten seconds."

I dunno though... it's ambiguous what would have counted as "tampering".
A chicken could easily peck at some of the wires inside the bomb, possibly detonating it. I assume that if they were dumb enough to come up with nuclear chicken land mines, they were too dumb to think about that possibility.



Yeh, because the weapons designers at Aldermaston would not think of putting the chicken in a separate section. Moreover pecking at wires is unlikely to set off a bomb.

It sounds outlandish, but it does have some logic to it. Other proposals involved insulating blankets, but those are not remembered because we can't make fowl puns about them.
Well, taking this seriously...

Since nuclear weapons have survived airplane crashes, partial detonations etc, I don't really think a chicken nibbling at the wiring is going to do it.

Oh, btw, minor nitpick: "The mines would have been detonated by wire or an eight-day timer. If they were disturbed they were set to explode within ten seconds."

I dunno though... it's ambiguous what would have counted as "tampering".
Hopefully, a badger going after the chicken in the buried mine would not be tampering.
Chickens are not exactly the best heat source but I see no problem with the idea itself. And if its the mid fifites it wouldnt really be that bad if WW 3 started for western europe. The russians were rather weak when it came to nukes and delivery methods so at most a few cities would have been hit in europe while the warsaw bloc would have been wiped from the map entirely.
I am of the opinion that it is always bad when a nuclear starts. Call me a wussie, but nuclear just seems to be bad all the time.
Same here.

Also, I doubt that a) the chicken and the bomb are kept in the same area and b) the bomb has wires laying around that a chicken could peck at could possible set off a nuclear bomb. You have to give them some credit for not being completely stupid.
Wouldn't the chickens starve after a few days, and no air.

According to the article linked in the OP, the bomb was designed to give the chickens enough air, food, and water to last until the timer set the thing off, had it come to actually using the things, so the bomb wouldn't chicken out due because it got too cold, or anything like that.

However, putting all puns aside, I'd say that this is something that can definitely be filed in the category of OTL events/possibilities that belong in ASB.
I could not stop laughing when reading all the replies to this. You couldn't get something that funny on a comedy show.

BTW. I agree. The Human Race is a Sit-Com for ET.

Nice, all these puns. I like a good yolk *boom tish*

<gets coat>

Shouldn't that read Gets yolk?
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