A Bosporan Sun: The Rise and Fall of the Bosporan Kingdom

On the windswept Steppes of the Pontic Steppe, a King Surveyed the Carnage he had wrought. Eumelos I, Basileus of the Bosporan Kingdom had taken his armies across the Steppe in a bid to reconquer territories that had broken away during the destructive civil war he and his brothers had engaged in. He had reclaimed Tanais, Theodosia, Chersonesos, Neopolis, and Symbola, all of whom had broken away or supported one of his brothers in the Civil War. He had taken the City of Kerkinitis which had been independent up to that point and pushed on to take Kalos Limin and the Isthmus. He had reinforced the navy and stamped out piracy in the Euxine and generally brought prosperity in the wake of his armies.

Now, on the shores of the Meotis Sea, his veteran armies, swelled with Greeks and fighting in the Manipular Fashion* that had been adopted by his forefathers, stood poised to deliver a crippling blow to the Scythian Tribes that had refused to pay him tribute, and secure the Frontiers of the Kingdom for a Generation. He had picked his site well, and his army was encamped in a fortified position on one of the few hills in the area. The Scythians had charged the camp several times, their mounted archers loosing a volley and retreating and their lancers attempting to contest the fieldworks around the camp. They had been at it for days, but each charge saw more Scythians fall to Arrows, Javelins, or the deadly Iron Bolts of the Skorpios that studded the defenses.

Finally, it seemed the Scythians were poised for a massive coordinated assault. It was make or break for the Legions, for if they were swept away here, the Scythians would surely sweep down into Taurica and ravage the Greek Cities there. Eumelos rallied his troops, spearpoints gleaming in the sunset, armor well cared for and shining bright, ranks of theuros shields locked and ready to receive the charge. Archers behind them tensed as they drew arrows to their bows, skorpio crews waiting for the charge.

Suddenly with a loud cry the Scythians charged, their lancers charging up the hill under cover of arrow fire from the mounted archers. Few Legionaries fell to the Arrows, protected as they were by Chain Armor or Linothorax, with shields and earthworks interposed between them and the shot, but some still did fall. However it paled in comparison to what would happen when the scale armor clad Scythian Lancers crashed into the lines. Many of the Scythians fell to spearpoints, others fell to Skorpio Bolts or well placed arrows, however they were reaping a deadly toll on the Legions of the Bosporan King.

Eumelos himself fought on the front lines, to ensure his troops fought with courage and Discipline, his falcata rising and falling as he hacked and sliced at Scythians. It seemed like hours had passed, but it was perhaps a few score minutes before the charge began to abate, the Scythians retreating back down the hill in disorder. Eumelos was certain that they had more fight left in them, and could not place the reason they had fled, until a messenger arrived that night from the Scythian Camp, bearing offers of truce.

They said they would pay Eumelos Tribute and recognize him as Baselus, like the Scythians further west did, for their king lay dead before the Hill.

Thus with his Kingdom Secure and the fealty of many tribes of Scythians and Cities of Greeks obtained, did Eumelos march home to Panticapeum to make sacrifice to Ares and Athena for granting him victory. Along the way his horse was scared by something moving in the dusk light, but Eumelos was able to reign the beast in and arrived at his capitol in time for the Sacrifice**.

Eumelos I would become known as the Conqueror. It is with his victory over the Scythians that the Golden age of the Bosporan Kingdom Truly Began. . .

*Tacitus notes that the Bosporans Fought in Roman Fashion, which makes them the earliest adopters of Thorakitai and Manipular Formations in the Greek World

**The POD: While Eumelos managed to carve out a "Kingdom the Size of Lysimachus'" who ruled over Thrace, Macedon, Epirus, and Greece, it did not survive him being thrown from his horse on his way to make sacrifice after the campaign and dying, and several of the more recently conquered portions slipped away. Here he manages to reign in his horse and survives to solidify his rule.
Now lets see how they weather the many years to come - hell if they can survive the huns, they may be set for a few more decades.
Eumelos solidifies his rule
Eumelos I needed a project to bring his disparate territories closer together. It was a visitor from Magna Graecia, Euripides, who suggested roads. The great road building project would link all the cities and the Steppe to the Coast. It would take 5 years with the Legions working on it, but by 299 BC the roads linked the disparate cities and tribes of the Kingdom together. They allowed for a greater influx of trade to hit the Kingdom, which satisfied many local elited, and also allowed easier movement of troops.

During this time, Eumelos also reformed the army, loosening restrictions on who could join the army and reforming the Formations based on cohorts rather than maniples. This reorganization allowed for better command and coordination within the Legions, Increased the size of the Legions, and gave the Legions a strong cavalry arm via allowing loyal Scythians into the ranks. This had the effect of hellenizing many of the Scythians who had pledged fealty.

Finally, Eumelos opened the treasury for public works. Cities across the Kingdom presented plans for expanded docks, or mines, or watermills, etc and Eumelos would grant subsidies from the treasury if he found a plan sound. These improvements were carried out in various places and brought in even more revenue to the Kingdom. By 296 BC the Bosporan Kingdom could rival Lysimachus in Strength and wealth. What Eumelos did with this is send an expedition to the Roxolani lands to the east in an attempt to make them submit to Bosporan Rule. With the Legions he sent his Son Spartikos. This expedition would impress upon the crown prince the allure of conquest.
Will they be crushed and absorbed into Rome, or will they look further North and East to escape the encroaching behemoth.

Looking forward to it!
Will they be crushed and absorbed into Rome, or will they look further North and East to escape the encroaching behemoth.

Looking forward to it!

It's 296 BC, Rome is a city state battling a bunch of other city-states in Central Italy right now. . .They're a non-factor for the moment
IMO, i see a problem with the bosporans adopting cohorts right now, as the cohort system was invented by the romans at about 100 BCE.

It doesn't take much to adopt cohorts when you already have maniples. The main thing stopping it in Rome was opposition from the Patrician Class to allowing enough people in the army to make it worthwhile.

Here there's no functional opposition.
True, but i don't see any way for the Roman expansion to be averted.

There were numerous ways. Rome got extremely lucky at several points early on. One of which is coming up in 279 BC. The sack of Rome by Brennus the Gaul. IOTL he moved on after sacking the city, allowing Rome to be rebuilt. Maybe he doesn't move on this time. That's all it would take.

Even against Carthage Rome could have easily lost.

I think you're too wedded to IOTL
There were numerous ways. Rome got extremely lucky at several points early on. One of which is coming up in 279 BC. The sack of Rome by Brennus the Gaul. IOTL he moved on after sacking the city, allowing Rome to be rebuilt. Maybe he doesn't move on this time. That's all it would take.

Even against Carthage Rome could have easily lost.

I think you're too wedded to IOTL
I mean with this POD.
But okay.
The POD TTL would have probably seemed like an omen by Eumelos. Strange things in the dark scaring his horse? The gods must be whispering something. :eek:

Great start, in any case!
Interesting... Will ever would adopt them an mounted archery in their army or perhaps will integrate Scythian cavalry that must fight with them by for were made vassals / tributaries of the Kingdom?