2010 US Presidential Election

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nbs.com, Wednesday February 13th

Cambridge Struggles With SOTU Response

Former Virginia Senator Brian Cambridge, a leading contender for the Democratic Presidential nomination struggled to articulate this opposition to President Walken this afternoon as he responded to last night’s State of the Union address.

Cambridge was a guest on The Political Animal and told host Howard Van Gelt that “The President has laid out a path that will continue to hurt the most vulnerable in our society. We must find a way to come together in Congress and our nation to fix the problems we face.”

The former Senator found himself on tougher ground when questioned by former Republican Congressman James Eaton who questioned his line of attack “Senator, I’m struggling to see you point – the President has gone out of his way to work across the aisle on the budget, on tax reform – what is it you are suggesting you’d do that he isn’t?”

Senator Cambridge attempted to turn the conversation back to his specific critique of the economy recovering slower than it should but Eaton wouldn’t let it go “I’m sorry sir, but I’m still not clear – you say you are the man who can reach across the aisle, who can be a unifier but the President has a record of doing exactly that. I’d like you to tell us why you’d be better at it?”

At that point Van Gelt got involved and the debate moved onto to a discussion between the former Congressmen but the interview is unlikely to do Cambridge much good.

Wednesday February 13th 2013

Crossley is the clear front-runner for the 2014 Democratic nomination

Everyone thought even after just over two months into the race for the 2014 Democratic nomination for President that former New Jersey Governor Kate Crossley would have made a major gaffe or fallen in the polls, but she has not put a foot wrong and now must be considered the clear front runner for the Democratic nomination for President in 2014.

Her "Smoke & Mirrors" speech late last night in reply to President Walken's State of the Union address has dominated the days new cycle as much as the President's speech itself. It was belived to have been a last minute decision made by Crossley herself after watching the address on TV from her home in New Jersey.

She has been helped by the likes of Brian Cambridge, Stephen Wilson and "Keifer-Gate" but in TV interviews and on the campaign trail she has been focused and has a clear message. She has already built up a formidable on the ground organsation in Iowa and New Hampshire. She leads by a large margin in all nationwide polls as well.

The tests of the first debates still await, which are likely to be held in April, she could of course still blow up, but at the current time, she is the clear front-runner.
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Friday Febuary 15th 2013

Breaking News Breaking News Breaking News

Alan Fisk declares Presidential bid "I am in to win" as he blasts fellow Democrats and President Walken

Former United States Attonery General Alan Fisk has this morning formally announced that he will seek the Democratic nomination for President.

In what was a well planned announcement at a Community Centre in Jackson, Mississippi, Fisk was introduced by former Arkansas Governor Bobby Rimmer who called him "a giant in the Democratic party, a man that can lead and a man that can win the Presidency". Rimmer himself had been belived to be looking at running himself, but in the past few weeks he admitted "both of us couldn't run, I belived that Alan stands the far better chance of winning not only the nomination but also the Presidency". He will be the Chairman of the campaign with Doug Heglund, who helped run President Bartlet's 2002 re-election campaign as Campaign Manager. Also alongside him and declaring their support were Arizona Governor Mike Lawson, Kentucky Governor Chris Mannix and Nevada Governor Randy Broughton. Also present were New Mexico Senator Andy Ritter, North Carolina Senator's Eric Bennett and Brett Logan. A couple of suprises were North Dakota Senator Harry Conroy and Hawaii Governor Joanne White.

Fisk gave a impassioned lively speech " I am in to win" he said before declaring "We must stop looking backward.” “We must stop insulting the intelligence of voters" he said "far two many voters think all we belive in as Democrats is greater Government spending, abortion for all, and green issues, at the expense of everything else that has to end". "I have the experience as a Congressman and Attonery General to be President, but to achieve this, this party, our party must move with the times and look forward, we cannot re-fight previous elections, as many other candidates seem to want to do" which was a clear attack at Maine Senator Stephen Wilson.

He blasted the Walken Administration as well "our citizens are putting in the hours, with many people working two or three part time jobs as never before. But something has changed under this administration,there's less chance of promotion, less chance of a pay rise, and at the same time, prices just go up and up and up.The middle class is being squeezed by President Walken to help the top one percent in our nation and that must stop".

It was a well attended and well presented announcement, on par with that of current front-runner Kate Crossley when she announced back on December 4th last year. This nomination battle is now well and truly alive.
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washingtonpost.com, Wednesday February 20th

The Mix with Dave Dernazza

Gubernatorial Races To Watch

To the line:

10. New Jersey (R) Former Secretary of Defense Mike Franco hasn’t exactly set the the campaign trail on fire since his sputtering launch. Most polls have him trailing Congresswoman Annie Long by double figures. Long also polls better against popular Governor Dan Pritchard who is still favourite to win a second term.

9. Montana (D) – Jack Marney, the former Lt. Governor has confirmed that he intends to challenge Governor Kurt Carner, but the race falls down the list for two reasons. Carner has maintained and impressively high approval rating – increasing it last month with a public spat with fellow Democrat Ben Newell over gun control. That coupled with the fact the Congressman Scott Lynch who lost to Carner in 2010 has refused to step aside for Marney, meaning a potential prolonged primary battle mean that Carner looks heavy favourite.

8. Massachusetts (D) A competitive race in the Bay State? Certainly looks that way. Casey Ruiz, the former Deputy Commissioner of Major League Soccer has confirmed that he’ll run all but clearing the Republican Primary. The Democrats have a surprisingly weak field, mainly the result of former Boston Mayor Jimmy Fitzsimmons positioning himself to run and then opportunistically running for the Senate after Jack Enlow resigned. For now they are caught between a rock and a hard place between unpopular, and frankly dull, Lt Governor Sarah Fearfield and well funded but controversial State Senator Ray Leighton (not Roy as we called him last month…)

7. Ohio (R) The Democratic field is becoming more crowded by the day. Cincinnati Mayor Charlie Tate is the latest to declare his candidacy, joining 2010 retread Jim Marino, 2006 retread Bob Fishman and State Senator Parker Peters. On top of that local philanthropist Chuck Cooper has said that he’s probably going to enter the fray. It looks to be smoother sailing on the GOP side with Congressman Alan Tomlinson the only declared candidate and no other top tier Republican showing interest after Lt. Governor Bill Lattimore passed.

6. New Hampshire (D) – The announcement by former first lady Ellie Wilkins that she is going to run for Governor puts a potential blockbuster battle with the eldest daughter of former President (and New Hampshire Governor!) Bartet, Elizabeth. Many have pointed out already that both face what could be problematic primaries. Lt. Governor Lily Horner has refused to get out of Bartlet’s way meaning the Democrats could face a rancorous debate. Wilkins should be able to beat out former Congressman Roy Leach, but he is not known for his shrinking personality. Assuming Wilkins and Bartlet come through this race is a toss-up.

5. Virginia (R) Democrats are understandably ecstatic that popular Congresswoman Alison Baynes has decided to run. It moves this years race up the list as Baynes is a very strong candidate. Her likely opponent – Trade and Commerce Secretary Joel McKissock looked too strong for any of the other Democratic contenders but will face a toss-up with Baynes.

4. Michigan (D) – Governor Paula Sancho can catch a break. Her deal with the unions has back fired spectacularly as the net result appears to be a huge loss for tax payers and a road map to a bankrupt state. Attorney General Ben Laurion looks an outstanding candidate and is already comparing his military service and record as AG with Sancho’s failings. This looks like a top tier race for 2014.

3. New York (D) Recent missteps by Governor Matthew Lewis are making him look more and more vulnerable in a race that should be a safe Democratic one. Lewis’ latest problems over the firing of an intern who claimed that she was let go because she said she voted for President Walken shouldn’t have been a big deal, but Lewis telling a reporter that he thought she was “a bit of a tramp” made the story front page news. State Senator Rob Cole continues to make all the right moves and having picked up the high profile backing of former New York City Mayor Blake Marshall he looks to have a clear field ahead.

2. Connecticut (R) – 61 year old Cal Beaushaw is keen for a final hurrah and knocking off highly unpopular Governor Louise Northman-Page appears to be where he is focusing his attention. His staff are openly courting the State’s Senators Chris Casey and Michelle Van Dorn in an attempt to ensure a coronation but so far neither is biting. Some Republicans are hoping to convince Neil Fitzgerald who narrowly lost last year’s Gubernatorial race to jump in but most think that’s unlikely unless Northman-Page stands aside.

1. Arizona (D) – Governor Mike Lawson’s approval rating hit 17% last week, by far the lowest of any Governor in the country. He appears to have burned every remaining bridge to a recovery and the announcement by State’s Attorney Scott Phillips means he’ll have a well funded and popular opponent.
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theeye.com, Thursday February 21st

Immigration Bill Starts to Grow as Aubry hands reigns to Hunter

The President’s desire for immigration reform, stated in last week’s State of the Union address last week took a step forward last night as prominent Republican Senator Jack Hunter agreed to co-sponsor the initial bill with Democrat Sam Seaborn. Hunter will take over drafting the bill from Democrat Camille Aubry, who together with Seaborn managed to push a bill through the Senate in October 2011.

Hunter agreeing to come on board marks a major step forward for the bill. The Seaborn-Aubry bill was defeated in the House due to the insistence on a border security as a prerequisite to a partial amnesty for existing illegal immigrants. The feeling amongst Republicans is that further cross party support will be needed to find an agreement. Two of the most prominent Republican supporters of the bill, Mark Ramsey of Minnesota and Sean Quartermain of Wisconsin are no longer in the Senate and have both been replaced by more conservative Republicans (although John Roscoe is something of a wildcard on the issue).

With a lower Republican majority support from the seven remaining Republicans as well as New Mexico’s Michael Rojas who has said he is keen to find a workable deal could allow the bill to pass the Senate – though Oklahoma’s Alan Duke is likely to again work to ensure a filibuster to the bill. The question will be on whether Speaker Carol Gelsey can hold her caucus in a way she wasn’t able to in 2011 and whether Minority Leader Mitchell Harris is prepared to offer less resistance than Jim Arkin did previously.

The debate offers risk and opportunity on both sides so Seaborn and Hunter, who are both carving out strong reputations as practical deal makers in the Senate can create a plan that keeps enough people happy remains to be seen.
The Conservative Government in the UK will have been in office two years in April, here is a look back at the first two years.


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Friday February 22nd 2013

Government Departments confusion over Broadcasting Bill

The Government is in confusion tonight over the Broadcasting Bill which is due to go before the House of Commons next week.

The Bill which would end the TV License Fee from April 1st 2015 and would force the BBC to become a TV Platform supplier such as SKY & Virgin Media has proved popular with many, but now in-lighting has broken out between the Department of Media, Culture & Sport which is responsible for the BBC and the Treasury. Its belived from a leaked e-mail from Nicholas Duncan, that the Department of Media had promised the BBC that it would allow for ITV to also become a platform supplier and that ITV be broken up back into regions as it was pre-2003. The Tresury today said that the "bill will go through as planned, ITV will not be affected by this bill" but within minutes a spokesman for the Department of Media said "The ITV part of the bill will be in the paper".
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Believe it or not, the hands were the toughest part of this image.

The New York Times, Saturday, February 23rd, 2013
The President Abroad
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The President meeting with Pope Victor in the Vatican

The President, in a bid to promote his new goal toward comprehensive immigration policy, has begun a worldwide tour, starting with a state visit to Italy and the Vatican City, where he met with Pope Victor IV.

The President previously met the Pope in 2011 at Gaza, but the Pope's ill health since then has prevented any papal journeys outside the Vatican. The Pope last visited the United States in 2010, when he met with then-President Santos.

President Walken is accompanied by his new Secretary of State Tom Case, in his first official international visit at State.

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Wednesday February 27th 2013

Seven by-elections to be held on EU rederedum day, May 2nd

The Leader of the House of Commons, Ed Barker has announced this morning that seven by-elections will be held on Thursday May 2nd.

These elections are taking place due to five of the sitting MP's resigning their seats to run in the County Governor Elections which are being held on the same day. The only two MP's that are not going because of the Governor elections are South Norfolk MP Julian Sadler who is resigning due to bowl cancer and Streatham Labour MP Ken Steele who is resigning to look after his sick wife.

The seven by-elections are:
  • Cannock Chase Labour Majority of 599
  • Derby South Conservative Majority of 996
  • Hexham Labour Majority of 10
  • Plymouth Devonport Conservative Majority of 3,103
  • Portsmouth South Conservative Majority of 5,561
  • South Norfolk Conservative Majority of 23,915
  • Streatham Labour Majority of 7,200
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Wednesday February 27th 2013

Carter and Miller in bitter clash at PMQ'S over the BBC & ITV, then Government withdraws bill vote

Prime-Minister Andrew Carter and Labour Leader Ed Miller had there most bitter clash at Prime-Minister questions since Mr Miller became Labour leader 13 months ago as they clashed over the Broadcasting Bill and the future of the BBC and ITV.

Miller asked the Prime-Minister who was responsible for the Broadcasting Bill, the Department of Culture, Media, and Sport or the Treasury, to which Mr Carter replied "both of them" which drew howls of laughter from the Labour benches.

"Frankly, Mr Speaker, this bill is a mess, no-one knows what is going on" he then asked "isn't time to admit that this bill is a joke, it needs rethinking" to which Mr Carter replied "no". Mr Miller went onto add "Ok, will ITV be broken up back into Regions, it's a simple question" "no" was the answer, ok then will this be in the bill, and maybe he should tell his Culture Secretary".

Within minutes of the end of Prime-Ministers questions, the Government announced that the vote on the Bill had been withdrawn.
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Thursday February 28th 2013

Former Conservative Leader James Taylor returns to front-line politics as he will run for Berkshire Governor

In a suprise announcement today former Leader of the Conservative Party James Taylor has announced that he will be the Conservative candidate for Governor of Berkshire.

Mr Taylor who led the Conservative party from December 2007 to May 2010 was forced to resign after a vote of no confidence in his leadership. He also resigned as MP for Windsor. He later admitted that he had suffered with depression and had a mental breakdown soon after leaving the Commons.

He has slowly retuned to public life and today at a suprise press conference in Bracknell he suprised many with the words "gentleman I am back" adding "I am ready to serve the people of this County, and ready to work for them". His candidancy had been confirmed by a vote of Party Chairman in the County on Wednesday evening.

He admitted that it had been a diffcult decision to return but he added "It is the right time to return to front-line poltics, the events of 2007 to 2010 are behind me now". He also released a letter from his Doctor announcing his medical fitness which was put on his website and given to the press.

A statement from Number Ten said "we are pleased that James has returned to the party, the Prime-Minister has spoken to him and offered him his full support for the election".

James Taylor today after doing an interview with the BBC following his announcement that he is running for Berkshire Governor
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politico.com, Friday March 1st

Drake To Join Fox News

Former White House Chief of Staff Evan Drake has confirmed that he is joining Fox News as a regular contributor marking a return to public life for the former Governor of Arizona.

The addition of Drake marks an interesting development in the relationship between Drake and the network who were highly critical of him during his time as Chief of Staff, who they credited as the architect behind the much discussed “Walken Coalition” of centrist Republicans and Democrats that were responsible for the success of much if President Walken’s early legislative success.

Drake has since become something of a hate figure on the far right of the Republican Party who also believe he is largely responsible for the design of the current White House position on immigration.
nbs.com, Friday March 1st

Is Richardson Considering White House Bid?

We’ve long insisted on this blog that nothing happens by accident in the early days of a Presidential race and we’re sticking to our position with news this weekend that former House Majority Leader Mark Richardson will follow up last week’s appearances in New Hampshire with a trip to Iowa this coming weekend.

Up until now nobody has suggested Richardson, the first ever African-American majority leader, was considering a run for the White House but speculation over his plans are increasing. He recently reshuffled the management of Our Future, a think tank and political action committee, adding political strategist Michael Blaylock to the board. Blaylock is best known for his work on the presidential campaigns of John Hoynes and Wire Newman.

Some of the moves made by Richardson over the past year have seemed inconsistent as he stepped away from the front line of Congressional leadership whilst increasing his involvement with the African-American caucus and with fundraising efforts for a variety of candidates – including recently Virginia gubernatorial contender Alison Baynes.

Analysts have been questioning for some time the lack of a visible minority candidate in the Democratic field, so Richardson’s path into the race would be fairly clear if he does indeed decide to get in.

One outstanding issue would be around New York Senator Andrew Thorn, who Richardson reportedly talked out of running, there is believed to be some lingering resentment from some groups around Thorn to Richardson’s involvement and could result in a split amongst the New York congressional delegation.

Friday March 1st 2013

Stanley & McGovern to stand in Governor elections in the North-West

Ben Stanley and John McGovern the leader and deputy leader of the Socalist Alliance have declared that both of them will be running for two of the new County Governors.

Stanley, the former Labour Mayor of London between 1998 and 2006 who just failed to take St Helens at a by-election last March will stand for the Governship of Mereyside. In the local elections last year in the Liverpool City Council elections the party won 5 seats on the Council.

McGovern who was the Labour MP in Manchester Gorton for twenty years between 1991 and 2011, before he resigned the Labour whip over "Smeargate", he narrowly failed to win his seat as an "Independent Socalist" at the April 2011 General Election losing by 231 votes. He also lost the Liverpool Riverside by-election running again as an independent in October 2011.

The party also announced that it would be running candidates in 24 of the 44 English Counties and all 8 of the Welsh Counties.
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Here is the first State by State Polling for the Democratic Primary, its interesting reading!


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politico.com, Monday March 4th

Wilson: Early Speculation Not Helpful

Maine Senator Stephen Wilson used an appearance on Taylor Reid Sunday to attempt to reset his Presidential campaign and heaped scorn on observers who claim that his campaign may already be doomed after an inauspicious start.

Wilson told host Joe Scarborough that “Of course I’ve read the comment on the state of the race. To be honest I’m not paying much attention to it. It’s 10 months until anybody actually votes. In 2006, if you believed the polls it was going to be Don Butler vs. Bob Russell – how did that work out? In 2010, Ray Sullivan was a “sure thing” for the Republican nomination. This race has a long way to run, and to pick a rather tired cliché this is a marathon, not a sprint.”

Asked whether he thought Governor Kate Crossley had established an early lead Wilson was equally dismissive “Governor Crossley’s an outstanding candidate – but to think that by announcing early that she’s won the race is a bit silly. We’re working extremely hard and think we’ve got a very strong message, there’s a long road ahead but I think we’re in great shape.”

Wilson took the opportunity to express encouragement at progress made on immigration saying that the bill being developed by California Senator Sam Seaborn and Minnesota’s Jack Hunter was moving towards a “common sense” solution to the issue.
nbs.com, Monday March 4th

Thorn”Would Find It Hard” to Support Richardson

Marco Carvello, the former Chairman of the New York Democratic Party, yesterday said that he thought that Senator Andrew Thorn “would find it hard” to support the candidacy of former House Majority Leader Mark Richardson, should the Congressman declare himself a candidate for President.

Richardson reportedly talked Senator Thorn out of running, with differing reports of how that was achieved. Initially it was reported that Richardson’s motive had been concern that Thorn could damage his potential for a future bid and that the allegations against the Senator’s father could undermine his candidacy.

Carvello, who is also Chief of Staff to appearing on Political Animal told Howard Van Gelt and James Eaton that “I think he (Thorn) thinks that he’s been hoodwinked and that perhaps the motivations of key people weren’t what he had presumed.”

Nobody from Thorn’s camp would address Carvello’s comments directly but Jake Heyward, Thorn’s political director said that “The Senator is happy with the previous statement he made on his aspirations – he has no intention of running for President and reached that decision with the help of his family and advisors.”

Monday March 4th 2013

Crossley "I am taking nothing for granted"

Former New Jersey Governor Kate Crossley, the women now seen by many experts and the polls as the clear front-runner for the Democratic nomiantion next year told reporters whilst campaigning in Concord, Manchester that she was "taking nothing for granted".

Most polls have Crossley with around a 10% national lead, and leads in Iowa, New Hampshire, New York and California. She seemed to hit out at comments made by Maine Senator Stephen Wilson on Sunday that the Crossley campaign was already declaring that she had won the race "thats rubbish, no-one from my campaign has declared victory, I am going to fight from now to the first election in Iowa on January 7th next year for every vote I can". She also laughed that Senator Wilson seemed to be "re-launching his camapign after just a month, that must be a campaign record in US election history".
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Tuesday March 5th 2013

EU "Exit Campaign" Chairman Marshall Weatherley will meet with Ben Stanley & Robert Webster

Conservative MP for Hove, Marshall Weatherley the Chairman for the EU "Exit Campaign" has confirmed that he will meet with both Ben Stanley, the leader of the Socialist Alliance and Robert Webster the leader of The National Peoples Party, MP for Lewisham & Deptford over the EU Referedum.

Both the Socialist Alliance and the National Peoples Party support withdrawl from the European Union, but until now had refused to meet with anyone from the "Exit Campaign" both calling it "part of the Conservative Paty" but it seems the decision of respected former Labour Chancellor and a former Europe Minister in the first Meyer Government Alexander Jameson to support the "Exit Campaign" may have helped espically in the case of Ben Stanley.

William Hale, leader of the National Deomcrats has we understand had private talks with Weatherley a few weeks ago.

Its belived the talks will not include Stanley & Webster at the same time, Stanley has always refused to meet the National Peoples Party leader Webster during his time as Labour Mayor of London, indeed in 2004 he called Webster "a tin pot fascist", but despite that both men have always been strongly against staying in the European Union.
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