Map Thread VII

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No this is not the Roman Empire you see here, it is the Gothic Empire in 600 AD. After the conquest of the Byzantine Empire and the Franks.


*Imageshack, arguu!!!*
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Is "Gothic" the actual name Gothicorum Imperium, or it's an historian name, like Byzantine Empire?

What ever "Gothic Empire" is in Gothic is what it would be. Sense this is a Visigothic and Ostrogothic hegemony Empire I would think they would choose Gothic even though they probably would steer away from calling it in Latin but Latin is still used a great amount probably.
Even though it would be a insult to Theodoric the Great himself.

Well with there extented empire looking alot like the old Roman Empire, people would see a deja vu and a repeat in history here only it's the Goths that are not Barbarians.
The Gothic Empire in 565 in midst of the conquest of the Frankish Kingdom and the Byzantine Empire.

This map looks interesting and aesthetic. What are the civilizations in North America? Mississippians? Does this TL employ a butterfly net or does preColumbian history diverge before contact with Eurasia?
What ever "Gothic Empire" is in Gothic is what it would be. Sense this is a Visigothic and Ostrogothic hegemony Empire I would think they would choose Gothic even though they probably would steer away from calling it in Latin but Latin is still used a great amount probably.
Even though it would be a insult to Theodoric the Great himself.

Well with there extented empire looking alot like the old Roman Empire, people would see a deja vu and a repeat in history here only it's the Goths that are not Barbarians.

Or maybe they'd call it "Roman Empire" just to give an impression of continuity (but later historian may call it "Gothic Empire" in the manner of the Bizanthines.
This map looks interesting and aesthetic. What are the civilizations in North America? Mississippians? Does this TL employ a butterfly net or does preColumbian history diverge before contact with Eurasia?

I think he used a map from the OTL-maps-Thread and edited only Europe.
But is really looks very aesthetic :)
Here's a map. The POD is that in 1914, the Schlieffen plan is carried out as originally conceived, so the stronger German right flank utterly smashes the BEF, and encircles Paris from behind. Paris falls and the French armies are trapped and destroyed in Alsace-Lorraine, leading to the capitulation of the French government one month after the declaration of war. The low countries are annexed into Germany, along with the rest of Lorraine.

Germany quickly transfers her forces east to face Russia. Several swift invasions secure key regions, including the Polish salient, the Baltic region, and Moscow itself before the Russian army can be fully mobilised. The Czar sues for peace, and his humiliating defeat leads to Germany's annexation of Poland and the Baltics.

Meanwhile, Austria-Hungary has broken through the Serbian lines with heavy casualties, and with German help, now encircles their forces and destroys them in detail.

Britain fights on alone, winning several victories in the various colonial fronts, but is finally forced to a compromise with the German Empire. In the treaty of Antwerp, both countries retain the territories they hold at the end of the war, resulting in Germany losing some territory in Africa, and Britain recognising Germany's hegemony over Northern Europe.

The Belgian government fled to Congo, where it rules with an iron fist.

In the postwar world, Germany has become a major industrial power, rivalling Britain and the USA.

Austria-Hungary has enacted a series of reforms, reducing the power of the reigning monarch slightly, and becoming a federation of four distinct states; Austria itself, Hungary (including modern Croatia and Transylvania), Bohemia-Galicia, and Bosnia-Serbia. This has stabilised the Empire, though Bosnia-Serbia is an unstable region, and Imperial troops are only just keeping order.

In the aftermath of their humiliating defeat, the Russian people have turned against their leaders in a bloody uprising, though no sooner had they forced the royal family to flee, than they began squabbling amongst themselves, moderate socialists and capitalist and nationalist republicans setting themselves against the more hard-line socialists, communists, and syndicalists. Their fragmentation lead to their weakness, as the Finns broke away, establishing the Republic of Finland in the Grand Duchy of Finland and Karelia, Central Asia becoming a loose federation slightly friendly to the British, the Ukrainian People's Republic and the Federal Republic of the Ukraine fighting for dominance, and Germany sponsoring the return of the Royal Family to set up the puppet Czardom of Russia around Moscow, and Siberia setting up the Republic of Siberia and doing completely their own thing.

France, also humiliated in the war, fell to an extremist socialist uprising in the early '20s, leading to a purge of the Bourgeoisie and middle class intelligentsia, culminating in the People's Democratic Republic of France being set up on the mainland, and the Sixth French Republic being proclaimed in Algeria, Corsica, and France's other colonial possessions, excluding North Africa, which was decolonised by order of the Treaty of Antwerp.

The Ottoman Empire also fell prey to socialist uprisings in the Twenties, with the People's Islamic Republic being formed from Northern Anatolia and Mesopotamia. Britain moved into Palestine, where a military junta had established itself, ad defended it from the Socialists, as well as forming protectorates over Yemen and the Republic of Arabia.

As a result of the political uprisings, along with several other factors, the stock markets collapsed on July 25 1925. As national economies fell and millions began to starve, another wave of unrest his previously stable countries. Britain narrowly escaped a military coup, but Spain was torn asunder by revolutionaries. In Spain, the fighting was confused, and there are reports of neighbours actually turning on one another, but when the situation stabilised somewhat, the revolutionaries held the north and west, and were backed the the French Socialists, while the loyalist forces held the south-east and Spain's overseas possessions. A ceasefire was agreed in May '27, but there have been numerous exchanges of fire along the front since then, and only international pressure has kept Spain from exploding once again.

China also suffered from the economic downturn, as a Marxist leader united the people of several southern provinces behind him and began to take control of the rest of the country. He was stopped only because in his arrogance, he ordered his troops to fire on British troops in Hong Kong. Hong Kong fell, but the might of the British Empire and it's Indian Raj descended upon him. Southern China was flooded with British forces, uniting or destroying the warlords of the region, and confining the Marxist Chinese to his seven original provinces, though there is a continual state of alert along the border, and Britain maintains a strong presence in the region. Japan also got involved in China, setting up a puppet state in Manchuria.

The US, particularly hard his by the crisis, saw a far right wing government take power and attempt to appease the populace with a military adventure in Mexico, where a puppet government was set up and billions of dollars were taken by the US as 'reparations'.

Using the border dispute as a pretence for war, Italy invaded Abyssinia, deposing Selassie, and setting up a protectorate over the nation. Britain turned a blind eye to this, along with Italy's annexation of the ex-French colony of Tunisia in return for a favourable trade agreement with Italy.

The British Empire has come to see the German Empire as a strong and stable ally on the continent, and has, with their co-operation, set up the League of Empires, comprising the British, German, Austrian, Chinese, and Ottoman Empires, along with Italy, the Republic of Ukraine (an Austrian puppet) and the Czardom of Russia.

International Socialism has established the Union of Marx, comprising the People's Republic of Ukraine, the People's Democratic Republic of France, North Spain, Marxist China, the People's Islamic Republic, and Finland, which fell to socialism in 1928.

The USA is a wild card. Heavily militarised, and far right wing, it is currently satiated by it's ventures in Central America, but some hotheads are calling for a war to unite all of North America under their 'democratic' rule.

The map shows the world in 1935.

This map looks interesting and aesthetic. What are the civilizations in North America? Mississippians? Does this TL employ a butterfly net or does preColumbian history diverge before contact with Eurasia?

I think he used a map from the OTL-maps-Thread and edited only Europe.
But is really looks very aesthetic :)

Aye, that he did.

Though, to answer the question, as I know what they are, the states in N. Africa are Garamantes, Nobatia, Makuria, Alodia.
For the current map contest.

It's been a while since the fewments hit the windmill, thanks to some Damn Fool Thing in the Middle East. Things have gone a bit better than expected, due in part to a surprising number of Soviet bombs either not working or hitting somewhere else than targeted: civilization in the northern hemisphere was not entirely wiped out, and indeed has bounced back pretty well in some other places, notably in the Indian subcontinent, south America, and SE Asia. (Australia-NZ did get some bombs, and although working civilization survived, the reaction has not been pretty).

Nowadays an alliance of four major powers headed by India (although the Europeans still have pretentions of being the leading power) works to prevent any further atomic wars and pushes for global nuclear disarmament. The biggest stumbling block is the still nuclear-armed US: the emergency government has been in place for 35 years, and its leaders are not at all pleased by the fact that the US victory (for various values of victory) over the Soviets has not led to US global leadership, or by the present new flowering of democracy which makes them look rather illegitimate. A certain amount of shaving of the truth for public consumption has become necessary.

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