white victory

  1. A White victory - a better Russia(and world)?

    Let's say that the Bolsheviks collapse in 1918/1919(Fanny Kaplan assassinated Lenin and Trotsky is captured by the Finnish Whites in January 1919, or alternatively, all of them are killed during the July Days) and after crushing the SRs/Komuch, the White generals fail to agree on who will lead...
  2. Germany wins World War I, and the Whites win the Russian Civil War?

    What if Germany won World War I in 1917-1918 and the White Army subsequently won the Russian Civil War against the Bolsheviks? Of course the Whites would have been extremely unhappy at the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, but having just come out of a devastating Civil War to defeat the Bolsheviks, I...
  3. Communism and Fascism in a White victory TL?

    What would the fate of communism and fascism as ideologies be in a timeline where the Whites were victorious in the Russian Civil War? Presumably communism would survive as an ideology but could it take power in any nations without being crushed by outside forces? Russia was far stronger and...
  4. Linbot

    Denikin vs. Poland: Who wins?

    In 1920, the Polish-Soviet War broke out between the newly-independent nation of Poland and the Bolsheviks. It began with a Polish offensive in the Ukraine, supported by the deposed Ukrainian nationalist government, then a Soviet offensive which almost brought about the destruction of Poland...
  5. Whiteshore

    Enforcement of Versailles in a White Victory scenario

    In a scenario where the Whites win the Russian Civil War (let's leave what post-White Victory Russia is like vague but assume they are a shaky democracy with more or less the 1922 borders of the USSR), what would enforcement of the Treaty of Versailles look like? Do we see stricter enforcement...
  6. Whiteshore

    DBWI: No Fascist Russia

    As we all know, Russia became a Fascist dictatorship in 1934 after the weak Russian Republic which developed after the White Russians won the civil war was taken over by the Russian National Front, which took advantage of the Great Depression's economic impact to seize power via political...