weapon design

  1. Undeadmuffin's Armory

    This thread is mostly a repository for all my Alt weapons and vehicles I made and are dispersed on both the Alternate Weapons of War and the Alternate History Combat Aircraft threads, as well as miscellaneous art and ideas that don't really fit current threads. Have fun and enjoy !
  2. Widespread use of HEAT in Interwar Period.

    Exactly as the title says. What effects could we see, if High Explosive Anti Tank munitions see widespread adoption and use in the Interwar period? Now, I am mainly thinking about more "conventional" HEAT weapons, and not having shoulder fired Rocket Launchers and Recoiless Weapons in use by '36...
  3. Browning M1919 GPMG

    After watching the Forgotten Weapons video about the AN/M2 "Stinger" machine gun a few weeks back, I've come to wonder why the US Military didn't try to adapt the M1919 into a GPMG. Army Ordnance clearly had the idea during WWII with the M1919A6, equipping the M1919A4 with a pistol grip and...
  4. GameBawesome

    WI: A Macuahuitl type-weapon in WWI

    WWI, famous for a return of clubs, and blunt melee weapons used in melee conflict in trench raids What if, someone in WWI, designed a weapon, based of the Aztec Macuahuitl, but instead of sharp obsidian blades, it's thin razor blades, imbedded a specialized wooden club, similar to a cricket...
  5. Sazzer

    "Gentlemen, we shall fight this war with the tools we have at hand!"

    In what would be a massive change in the way that the Nazi government runs its war effort, what if at some point let’s say just after the Battle of Britain and just before Operation Barbarossa the realisation sets in that this will not be a quick war, there is a general meeting of the heads of...
  6. Gasmask134

    Impact of Alternate History on Military Equipment?

    So one thing that I see in a lot of AH media is that whenever in a POD for a war or major political change happens weaponry used stays the same as OTL. I'll give a hypothetical example, say the Whites win the Russian Civil War in the early 1920's instead of the Bolsheviks, when you reach 1941...
  7. Brian Ghilliotti

    What if Hitler sped up development and production of the STG-44 assault rife?

    If Hitler sped up the development of the STG 44 assault rifle, so it's final version was introduced to the battlefield earlier than 1944, could it have affected the outcome of the Eastern Front? If so, how? My position is that the Soviets would have quickly developed their own assault rifle...
  8. GauchoBadger

    PC/WI: A More Widespread Gatling Gun, Specifically In Europe

    The gatling gun, invented in 1861 by american Richard Jordan Gatling, is perhaps the most famous of the early machine guns, being depicted/used in various occasions such as in wild west flicks or african and asian colonial ventures. However, most of the gatling gun's use was confined to the...
  9. Petike

    If Native Americans had Bronze Age or Iron Age weaponry, what would it look like ?

    There have been plenty of discussions and even timelines on AH.com (and elsewhere in the online AH community) about Native Americans developing a more active use of bronze metalworking, for tool and weapon use alike. In OTL, only the Incas in South America eventually developed more of a...