
  1. Whiteshore

    Dark Horse Successors to Lenin

    Historically, the aftermath of the death of Vladimir Lenin saw Joseph Stalin turn the position of General Secretary, using his control over the party bureaucracy that it gave, into the highest position of the land de facto, outmaneuvering (and later purging) the other top leaders of the VKP (b)...
  2. WHAT IF : US-USSR Joint Invasion of the Empire of Japan Between 1941-1944 ? (Maybe with the help of KMT in China?)

    What if the United States and the Soviet Union agreed and managed to invade Japan between 1941-1944 ?
  3. No Nazism and no WWII in Europe - What does the Pacific War looks like?

    Like how I already detailed in this thread, I am brainstorming a TL where Hitler ne ver joins politics, an alt-Beer Hall Putsch results in the early Nazis being destroyed as a party early on in the 1920s, and Germany either becomes a non-Nazi right-wing military dictatorship, or the Weimar...
  4. TheDoofusUser

    Side Effects of a Longer Lived Stalin with this scenario in mind

    So I'm planning to write a TL where the PoD is simply FDR picks Richard Russell Jr. over Truman, Wallace, and Byrnes as his VP in 1944 due to all the early benefits of Russell being on the ticket (Deep Southerner (from Georgia), well connected, relatively pro-Labor, pro-New Deal, Conservative...
  5. What would a successful Russian Republic look like?

    I know this kind of question has probably been done to death, but its something that I've been thinking about for a bit. The idea of a truly democratic Russia and its impact on the world fascinates me and while there are a number of ways this could be achieved, a surviving Russian Republic is...
  6. EasternRomanEmpire

    Khrushchev's reforms succeed

    Remaking this post IOTL Khrushchev was reform-minded and he genuinely wanted to make the Soviet people's life better. His time in office, known as the Khrushchev Thaw, was a period of relative relaxation of government censorship and repression with some economic reforms. However in the end his...
  7. panpiotr

    Red Alert - Our 1953 USSR
    Threadmarks: Chapter Zero: Historical Background (1917 - 5 March 1953)

    Modern revolutionary activity in the Russian Empire began with the 1825 Decembrist revolt. Although serfdom was abolished in 1861, it was done on terms unfavourable to the peasants and served to encourage revolutionaries. A parliament—the State Duma—was established in 1906 after the Russian...
  8. EasternRomanEmpire

    How could've Trotsky took power?

    After the October Revolution and during the Russian Civil War, Trotsky was de facto Lenin's second-in-command. At multiple times Lenin offered Trotsky high positions which could've given him the power inside the party to outmanoeuvre Stalin (first deputy of Sovnarkom, Vice-Chairman of the Soviet...
  9. Kurd Gossemer

    USSR Doesn't Drop Deep Battle.

    The idea here is quite simple: whether through being better politically connected or being protected by someone else or even just luck, Mikhail Tukhachevskiy and Vladimir Triandafillov managed to survive the purges and more importantly, their Deep Battle Doctrine becomes adopted and the standard...
  10. The persecution of Christians in the USSR and the others communist regimes was recognized as Genocide

    According to historians, the persecution of Christianity in the Soviet Union and by the Communists as a whole was the bloodiest in human history - in fact, according to some historians, more people died for the Christian faith in the 20th century than at any time before since the emergence of...
  11. Basedwanger

    AHC: Perfect Stalin?

    A small challenge for y’all but also a definitely-not-big question for a commie like me, what if Stalin was an extremely wholesome sane man? Heck, forget it, what if Stalin not only lived over 100 years, but also guide the USSR to become a literal beast of a nation? One example of this came from...
  12. WI: Kazakhstan never left the Soviet Union

    IOTL Kazakhstan was the last Soviet Republic to declare independence from the USSR. So what would happen if they simply decide to continue the legacy of the Soviet Union, but in Kazakhstan ? And maybe integrate Kyrgyzstan back as an autonomous province. How will this change Central Asia and the...
  13. Asian Theater of a Cold War Hot Scenario

    I’m not decided on a particular TL but the something in the 60s could be interesting. My best guess would be fighting would would be funneled into Korea due to it “sore thumb” like nature for both sides. Beyond that IDK. Let me know if this has been discussed before. Also please let me know if...
  14. The Century of the Common Men - A Henry Wallace and USSR wank poll TL
    Threadmarks: Convention time, 1

    Convention time, 1944 Despite the DNC's best efforts and slander, FDR insisted. Wallace was not only a trusted politician, but a personal friend of Roosevelt and his family, and he would not fire a friend of his from the ticket. As FDR's health waned Wallace would stay by his side. The...
  15. Crisis in the Kremlin - Our 1988 USSR
    Threadmarks: Chapter Twenty Two: The Moscow Summit and Andreeva's debut (January 1988 - August 1988)

    Chapter Twenty Two: The Moscow Summit and Andreeva's debut (January 1988 - August 1988) In May 1988 a major change occurred at the one of the highest levels of Soviet politics, although with little real effect. Second General Secretary Dinmukhamed Kunaev finally left his post, following on from...
  16. Photos of Red Alert: A C&C Media Thread

    A Soviet soldier watching forced laborers near Athens clearing debris. Local communist officials helped run the Greek capital for the Soviets before the liberation of Greece. Many Athenian writers, singers, professors, and others in similar professions were purged by the NKVD and dumped into...
  17. PC/WI: 1996 Russian Mars Landing

    I'm not an expert on the Soviet space program so I'll keep it short and simple. Let's say that the Soviets invest more into the space program and their Mars missions, and in 1984 General Secretary Chernenko declares that in the next decade the USSR would put a man on Mars. If we assume that...
  18. WI Cold War between capitalist Russia AND capitalist USA

    the European map is the same as normal iron curtain times. Also yes china goes capitalist because neither the USA nor Russia would allow it to be communist (nor a bunch of other powers) make your own ideas for if it’s democratic Russia/china or dictatorship. The countrys hate each other because...
  19. BigBoy88

    -Project National Glory- Taiwan's reinvasion of the mainland and constructing a feasable timeline

    Hello everyone, I'm new to posting here. And I've been developing a timeline that involves a major event, a North-South China divide/continuation of the Chinese Civil war. From what I've got the TL has some significant key-events changed a few years before in the 40s and 50s, that lead to a...
  20. Development of Neoliberalism with a surviving USSR?

    (If this is in the wrong thread, I apologize, the butterflies that I'm asking about here might be less than 20 years ago, till at least the GFC, so if this more suited for Political Chat or something, is it okay if the mods can move it please? Thanks. Sorry.) If you just want to get to my...