united kingdom

  1. Calcaterra

    Union-Entente Alliance in a CSA Victory Scenario?

    The usual assumption made in a CSA victory scenario is that the Confederates win due to European (i.e. British/French) interference in the Civil War, followed by an Entente-Confederate alliance, parallel to one between the Union and the German Empire. I suppose my question is, then, in two...
  2. WI: George III accepts Catholic emancipation?

    George III's greatest ally and longest-serving PM, Pitt the Younger, was deeply devoted the United Kingdom project and pushed hard for concessions to be made to Catholics, understanding that a Protestant minority could not rule a Catholic majority in Ireland forever and that Catholic...
  3. CrashBandicam

    AHC: Earlier Channel 4

    Simply put, have the British TV network Channel 4 first come onto the air at a plausible date earlier than 1982. Ideally, after the launch of ITV in 1955.
  4. Duke Andrew of Dank

    AHC: Larger Railfan Cultures outside of Japan.

    For perspective, here are different names for subgroups in the Japanese railfan culture: https://soranews24.com/2014/04/21/better-know-a-train-nerd-36-different-classifications-for-japans-densha-otaku/ Your challenge is to have the railfan cultures of other countries develop to similar levels...
  5. Scramble for africa sparks WW1

    What if some issue in Scramble for africa sparked WW1? What were the alliances then ? Was Germany industrialized enough to fight the war ?
  6. D day US UK nukes vs Nazis after successful Barbarossa

    can US UK Nazis after successful Barbarossa : conquest upto AA line bombing all Soviet industry can a later D day still succeed with nukes after a Nazi freed up eastern front ? can Nazis develop Nukes with resources of eastern europe and freed up eastern front but an unwilling heisenberg...
  7. Calcaterra

    WI: Airey Neave Isn't Assassinated

    What if the INLA car bomb that killed Airey Neave either malfunctioned or was intercepted by Westminster security? Neave was a staunch ally of Margaret Thatcher, and he would've taken over the brief of Secretary of State for Northern Ireland had he lived to see the Tories' 1979 General Election...
  8. British founding member of EU?

    One of the reason EU was founded was so the nation's can help eachother out in relief and rebuild. In OTL United Kingdom is in a bit of a serious financial crisis after the WW2, with many cities in ruins, and industry in a mess due to bombing. Assuming French president Charles De Gaulle didn't...
  9. Friedrich der Große

    Luxembourg Alternate History

    What if the United Kingdom of the Netherlands stays united in 1830. As a result, Luxembourg isn’t split and stays united too, under the Dutch king who is Grand Duke of Luxembourg. What would have been the future of Luxembourg? How would the integration of it into The Netherlands go, or would...
  10. What if Japan had been split into two countries after WWII?

    This is a collaboration with Ameck16: After Japan surrendered after World War II, the country was placed under Allied occupation. The country was divided into four zones, looking very similar as to how Germany was divided in the aftermath of the war. One section of Japan was under United...
  11. WI: PM Atlee during Sudetenland Crisis

    Say that the Great depression hits the UK worse than otl allowing the labour party to win the majority in 1935, how would Clement Attlee respond to the early expansion of Nazi Germany? Would he have been willing to fight to defend Czechoslovakia's sovereignty and could he convince Daladier to...
  12. Sarthak

    Heligoland returned to British rule at Versailles

    IOTL there was a small movement within cabinet to try and regain Heligoland but after Lloyd-George became hesitant of the idea he dropped it in his final demands in Versailles. But what if he didn't and Heligoland was annexed by the UK after ww1? What would be the board consequences of this...
  13. Friedrich der Große

    Belgium attacks The Netherlands

    The Belgian crown prince Leopold, who later became king Leopold II, had serious plans to invade The Netherlands in the 1850s and 1860s. In OTL, they were never realized. But what if in an alternate timeline, Belgium really attacked The Netherlands in let we say….. 1855?
  14. Original Entente Plans for Middle East

    From what I've read, the Sykes-Picot agreement really wasn't at all like the ultimate outcome in the Middle East post-WWI. The basic spheres of influence largely aligned (with some exceptions, ie. France getting Mosul) but at this point there were no plans regarding mandates and establishing...
  15. Friedrich der Große

    Boers loving the Netherlands

    During the 18th century, Gustaaf Willem van Imhoff, the Dutch governor of the Cape Colony, made plans to let come more pastors to the Colony, to secure a good and better bond with The Netherlands. But these plans were never executed. What if in an alternate timeline these plans were executed...
  16. Sarthak

    New Zealand asks for Integration instead of Dominionship in 1907?

    While it is today much overlooked, according to the British Colonization of New Zealand and Colonization and Development of New Zealand, there was a semi-strong anti-dominion sentiment in New Zealand which was then used by ardent imperialists in the opposition to try and gain concessions from...
  17. Friedrich der Große

    Dutch Ceylon

    In OTL, during the Napoleonic Wars, the Netherlands lost Ceylon to the British Empire. The British then defeated the Kingdom of Kandy, which was a kingdom in Ceylon (The Dutch only owned the coastal areas of Ceylon). But what if in an alternate timeline, the Netherlands defeated the Kingdom of...
  18. Friedrich der Große

    Batavian Cape Colony

    What if in an alternate timeline, the Netherlands, or more specific the Batavian Republic, won the Battle of Blaauwberg in 1806? Would the result be that the Cape Colony remains Dutch? Or would the British have set up a new expedition in the Cape Colony? And what would have happened more?
  19. Waltzing Valentine - Australian Valentine Tanks in the South West Pacific

    I have been watching a couple of very good you tube video lectures by hypohystericalhistory Specifically his videos on the Milne bay, Kokoda Track and Buna / Gona battles are very well made and I recommend them. Anyway the Buna / Gona battles were quite horrific (by the already horrific WW2...
  20. Sarthak

    Providence and the United Kingdom: A British TL
    Threadmarks: OP

    What is this? Oh you know.......another Timeline? Don't you have like 2 ongoing timelines and multiple others? ......yes? *Sigh* what is it about? Basically a different history of Britain after the Crimean War to make a 'better' Britain. Better does not mean bigger though. The only land Britain...