sub-saharan african empire

  1. Cradle of Civilization in the Ethiopian highlands

    Could a cradle of civilization emerge in the highlands of ethiopia? Are the native crops, geography and climate suitable enough?
  2. AHC: A Sub-Saharan African empire with territory in Europe

    Your challenge is to have there be an empire based in Sub-Saharan Africa and ruled by sub-Saharan Africans with at least some territory in Europe.
  3. AHC: Large-scale empire in sub-Saharan Africa

    Sub-Saharan Africa had some pretty significant and sizeable empires, but nothing on the level of Persia, Rome, China, the Arabs or the Incas. Your challenge is to have sub-Saharan Africa produce an empire on a truly grand scale.
  4. AHC: Sub-Saharan African Empire gains European territory

    Your challenge is to have a sub-Saharan African empire expand into Europe and hold some European territory. It doesn't have to be for very long, it just has to happen.