
  1. Are there any good Alternate History Games on Steam?

    Okay, so I have a Steam, and I have a few games on it but I'm looking for something new. One thing I'm kinda interested in finding is a good alternate history game. Here's what I'm generally looking for: I prefer Strategy games and Roleplaying Games, I'm not really all that good at most other...
  2. QTXAdsy

    The Flying Scotsman Worldwide Tour - A Collaborative Supplement to BSiC
    Threadmarks: Chapter 1: Jolly Good Company

    Chapter 1: Jolly Good Company To many walking past him down the streets of London that chilly December evening in 1969 would've thought nothing of a rather nervous looking man in the crowd. The man in question was a gentlemen by the name of Alan Peglar, who in railway terms was famed for being...
  3. Duke Andrew of Dank

    WI: The Steam Shinkhansen was built

    Picture reference: As early as 1940, the Japanese Government Railway (JGR) was planning to lay a 4'8.5" Shinkansen (New Main Line) that would permit high-speed rail service on the Tokaido route (Tokyo-Yokohama-Shizuoka-Nagoya-Kyoto-Osaka). Express passenger trains would...
  4. Duke Andrew of Dank

    Top Locomotives Never Built

    The successor to the "Top Movies/ TV Shows/ Video Games Never Made" series of threads. But this time with a more offbeat premise... Railroad Locomotives. That's right. Locomotives; wether they be steam, diesel, or electric, this is where you can described your dream railroad engine. Feel free...
  5. Duke Andrew of Dank

    All Aboard America: An American Railroad Consolidation Timeline

    Welcome to All Aboard America! This is a timeline created by myself. Though contributions from many other users may be accepted. This is an old version of my initial TL. But I chose to change a bit of the history. So here we go. After World War 1, Congress had returned the railroads back to the...
  6. Duke Andrew of Dank

    All Aboard America: An American Railroad Consolidation Timeline
    Threadmarks: Ripley's Reckoning

    Welcome to All Aboard America! This is a timeline created by myself. Though contributions from many other users may be accepted. - "I honestly never thought it would pass at all. Since the railroads were used to private ownsership, I thought the only thing they would accept would be the idea...
  7. Duke Andrew of Dank

    Your Dream Tourist Railroads

    Many of my own ideas tie in here. Please give any and all ideas you have...
  8. Duke Andrew of Dank

    Steam Never Died: A Timeline of Continued Steam Engine Development

    This is a collaborative TL where you can give any realistic idea for a steam engine. It can be for either real or fictional lines. But remember these criteria. Nothing over the top like a 2-6-6-6-6 or a 4-18-4 Please give some realitic idea of where they would operate. Remember this is part of...
  9. Duke Andrew of Dank

    Railroads of the Boyd-verse

    All of the following railroads are purely fictional. However, they do tie into my revisions to the Esch Cummins Act. So here we go... The Nashville and South Eastern The Nashville and South Eastern was established in January 1868 to construct a railroad line between Nashville, TN and Atlanta...
  10. Duke Andrew of Dank

    Pennsylvania Railroad Alternate Timeline

    The alternate timeline for this branches from OTL at 1929. Where in this timeline, the Esch Cummins Act, now revised as the Dickenson act, was passed by Congress. All fictional steam engine ideas are detailed below. 1927: the PRR hires a Milanese Mechanical Engineer namedas Augusto Lombardi...
  11. Duke Andrew of Dank

    American Coal Enterprises

    NOTE: The Esch Cummin Act, as revised here, takes place long before these events. In the late 1970s and 1980s of the Boyd-verse, steam engines were finally begging to be retired in the world. This was halted in the United States saw gas and petroleum prices skyrocket due to an oil embargo. Ross...
  12. Alcsentre Calanice

    AHC: Earliest Steam Engine

    What is the earliest a practical steam Engine can be built? Practical means that it's not a mere toy, but can be used by public and private organizations as a mean to improve administrative or military efficiency or to produce profit. Hero's aeolipile is a steam engine, but doesn't fulfill the...